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Jun 4, 2003
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The Leper Pit
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I'm with Calewiel.

NAME: Botch K'ol
RACE: T'lan Imass
AGE: Read the book. (Malazan book of the Fallen)
APPEARANCE: A tall, pale man with ragged and soiled black clothes under a black chainmail shirt,an enormous sword made out of dark stone, and a small collection of assorted knives banded across his chest (like those cool commando thingies!). Black curly hair, around is bound a beaten circlet of silver metal. Eyes the colour of ice.
CLASS: Royal Swordsman
UU=unlimited use (from that penguin dood) all (X) are per day
ABILITIES: Burst of Speed (3), Endurance (2), Cut(UU), Pain(AoE 5), Berserk(1), Pierce(UU), Shift Kick(2), Greater Foo(1), Ohdookey(1), Taint(UU), Regenerate(2)(light wound- instant, moderate wound-5 seconds, heavy wound-4 minutes, fatal wound- a day)<--- tell me if i should get rid of this one
STORY: Once a great king from the continent Genabackis, until a foriegn Ascendant was called from the sky.. the bodyguard of Calewiel.

Ability Explanation:
Burst of Speed- move really fast!
Endurance- Physical stamina and Elemental resistance increase
Cut- It hurts
Pain- small implosion in front of a group or individual, causing mod dmg, deafness, and 2 second stun
Berserk- Increase in Str, Speed and stamina, moderate damage per turn. lasts for 3 turns, at the end of the duration Botch is rendered unconsious.
Peirce- Peirce an Armoured target (breastplates, metal plates)
Shift Kick- Drop down and kick em where it counts.. in the stomach.. knockback (2 metres) and 4 second stun. moderate damage
Greater Foo- Causes a 4 m area to turn to smelly gooey stuff! holds target for 5 turns and has a 20% chance of KOing target for a round
Ohdookey- Fall directly infront of Calewiels feet. take moderate damage and moves at half speed for 5 turns
Taint- Cause an itching rash that spreads and causes severe pain for 8 rounds. Must touch the target and invoke the Telann Warren(takes 4 seconds)

tell me if i should change anything.. this is my first time ever making one of these..
and Cale! you didnt put ME in your char creation thingerydoo?! im so sad :(*Edit yay! yuo changered it!*


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May 17, 2003
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Name: Dark Blade
race: Shadow Human
class: Dragoon
appearance: (picture attached)
Dark Flame Shield (generates a dark fire shield that lasts 45 min.)
Dark Lightning (throws lightning at foe causing paralisis 5 times daily)
Dark Dominion ( envelopes anything in a 50 feet radius in darkness)
Dark Arrow (shoots arrows from sword 30 x per day)
ZD Sword ( sword grows 6 feet in length and tip is light blue 2 x per day)
Summon Dark Dragon (summons the Dark Dragon a dragon not matched among others... can only summon when close to death or in need of extreme emergency)
Dark Healing (can regenerate when drinks blood)

Dark Spiked Armour
five foot long Dark Sword forged from the last Dark Stone
Dark Gloves and Boots
A mysterious Dark jewel embedded on chest that cannot be removed...

Name: Rayan
Race: Human
Class: Swordsman
Appereance: Blue eyes, brown spikey hair, blue head band, white coat
PaSa Sword Ultimate ( Fire shoots out from Rayan's sword and kills the enemy or severely wounds it) 3 x per day
Hasten ( Speed increases two times the normal speed) Unlimited
Ninth Heaven Thunder Technique ( Lightning shoots down from the sky wounding the enemy) 10 x per day
Summon PaSa ( summons the demon PaSa who's bones were used to create the sword ) 1 x per day
Oath Calling ( calls upon the 7 spirits: earth, water, wind, fire, dark, light, life to bring destruction upon the enemy) 1 x per day

Mystical White Coat ( gives the user a boosted defense against light magic)
PaSa Sword ( created from the great demon PaSa, can also be used to summon, and cast spells)
Blue Gloves and Brown Boots
Ultimate Blue Headband (boosts the attack)

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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meh i give a shoot

Name: Naran`or (Then the Dragon shall!)


Race: Human/Demon (1/2)

Class:Formor Dark Worrior


Wepons:Sword of Dark Destrution, Sheild of Darkness, Darkness Armor of Hell. Shard of Darkness (see history)


Dark Destruction- able to destroy a lot of things in 1 sweep of a sword usage-4x a day

Dark Mist-Creates a tempary mist for quick get away or stealt attacks

Hell Barriar- Creats a strong barriar for 1 muinite usage-3x a day

Miasma(mi-as-ma)-creates a poisinouse cloud that can kill any thing that is touch except for the party wich the user is traveling with. usage 1 a day

Change form-change forn in to sombody for 2 hours

Special:4 Dark Abilitys only one of these can be used 1x a day

Dark Ability 1:Terror Destroyer-creates a huge dark energy ball destroys any thing,Stronger if opponent is pure of heart

Dark Ability2:Gate Of Death-Creates a huge worm hole sucking
anything and sends it stright to hell.

Dark Ability3: Soul Manipulate- Ablity to manipulate anybody doing the masters bidding

Dark Ability4: Soul Drain-Drains soul(s)

History:Ledgendary Dark worrior who has many past foes curently a a Merc for a hefty price

Through being killed by Trias the Betrayer, he has recieved the Shard of Darkness: A field of Darkness surrounds the holder (radius 100 ft.), only he and his allies can see through it, powers up evil energies for allies

Abominable Pamma

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May 17, 2003
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Name: Reziarfg
Race: Catacomb Dragon
Class: Death Elemental (Saturn) (Blackish-purple color, black horns)
Uses Claws to fight
Natural Protective Hide

Abilities: All the things dragons do!


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
I'll get into characters that can't fight well now....

Name: Beloved
Race: Unknown
Class: commoner

Abilites: Can manipulate others, emotionally and physically, uses no magic, no weapons, but his one ability cannot be blocked and can be used at will

Equipment: A small folded piece of parchment with a portrait drawn on it.

Appearance: Average human build, face is pitted and scarred, also a bit pale, scars line his body, not making any particular design, they're just there.

History: Has never, and will not ever tell a soul, save one

Name: H.E.R. (you can find out what it means if she ever lets out her history)
Race: some celestial creature
Class: Adept

Abilities: Slight magical abilities, Celestial Beauty: captivates any creature(s) within sight of her, they either idiolize her, run from her, or protect her from harm by any means

Equipment: A lock of dark hair (obviously not H.E.R.'s cause she's blonde...)

Appearance: just your normal everyday Celestial Beauty, but with one hiddeous scar running down her entire right side

History: sealed away, never to be revealed, unless....


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
Alrighty, everybody has to start *somewhere* and I choose to start here in RPR.

Name: Sukimika
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Equipment: Black and easy to wear clothing complete with a black cloak to hide in the shadows with. (Think Natalya style from D2. ;)) Generally uses throwing knives but she also carries a handy dandy kit.
Appearance: Oriental look complete with a long black braid. Those blood red lips makes you think scary thoughts.
1. Very speedy in actions
2. Martial artist with flying kicks
3. Stalks people without being seen
4. Persuader in people skills
5. High stamina
Biography: She has always kept a low profile except for the time when she won the championship for the Inter-clan marathon at the age of 16.

- Amantis

Abominable Pamma

Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Name: Fenix
Race: Phoenix
Class: Large Bird
Additional information: Immune to Fire
Adept at: Causing storms and using elements of Nature.
Fireball- Spits a ball of fire from his mouth. Unlimited
Whirlwind- A swirling Tornado that attacks a single enemy, and severely damages it 1x a day
Lightning Strike- A bolt of Lightning Strikes a single target. Unlimited
Thunderstorm- Several bolts of lightning strike multiple enemies, but cause much less damage than lightning strike. Unlimited
Reincarnate (Ultimate)- Once defeated, Fenix is reborn from his ashes and may resume battling. 1x a day.

A Magical force coveres his wings, and has a metal helmet on.

History: He was born from a Now-dormant Volcano. He is one of the last surviving phoenix's of The Universe.
May 27, 2003
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Name:Lance [UNKNOWN]
Class:palidan of Holy Lodis Empire
can use holy light which kills the creatures who feed on darkness
can use Holy Reveal where brings the light back into the corners of the earth for 1 day
Holds the Sword of Chaos- which can make doubles of the user to confuse the filthy skum who fight this mighty lvl 8 palidan
Apprentice of Kage The former Palidan
Master of Light and Wind
Wind walk
allows lance to walk across the sky (usually used to impress ppl ) ^^
has heavy armor on that is gold so it reflects the light on the dun into the enemies eyes burning a image of his sword as he cuts through their puny body and slaughters them
was abandoned as a child but he can still she is mother and father deserting him as he cried for them to come back....
still is searching for them
was 10 years old when he became a lvl 4 palidan some of the older lvl 3 palidans got mad and attacked him... his only friend Morou the lvl 6 palidan saved Lance but died in the processs


Jun 13, 2003
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by the way dont double post please... use the edit button on the bottom right of the post :)

ok w/e
Name: Raden
Race: Arch-Angel
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior of Heaven
Light of Heaven: Powers his weapon with the light of Heaven (duh)
Hell banish: Turns all opponents from Hell into rays of light that go to Heaven ( makes me weak)
Praise to the light: gives me more energy from praying to God
Heavens help: summons angels too help in the fight
power of the elements: gives his weapon any element he chooses... dark meaning betrayl to the light

ok im not into that level thing.... but ill just say his bground witout levels and stuff

bground: Raised by an evil necromancer who worked for the Devil, he killed his gaurdian and went to work for heaven... only to end up at the gate when te gate angel said he had to become one of them... so an archangel taught him his ways...


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
this is Trias Revised

Name: The Pandemonium Warrior (better known now as Trias or Light Trias)retired reluctantly
Race: Angel
Class: Cleric/Fighter

Weapons: Guardians Knowledge (Holy Blast Rod, 50% chance to bond with the enemy's mind, draining all knowledge, 1% chance to cast Vengeful Gaze of God) when in Swallow form gains the ability to cast Vengeful Gaze of God 25% per hit and Divine Strike (pure energy smites foes) on every hit, no charges needed
Pandemonium Lance
The Bow of Cuthbert

Quiver of endless arrows
Pegasus [named Legnaon] (complete with exotic military saddle, (normal only))
Hellhound [named Nomedon (pronounced Nom-e-don)](can only have a Hellhound, when under the effects of "Descent")
several parts from a slain dragon

Appearance: Large Majestic wings and a beautiful physique, the tips of his wings are burned. He now has small gems lining his wings and all through his hair, they gleam with the slightest light that shines upon them.

Abilities: All Divine Spells
The Light: his wings glow, and send out waves of holy magics, dealing damage to any who wish him harm, while healing his allies
Angelic touch: lots of crap
Descent: His older self takes over (must be forced to slay an ally)
Ascent: His oldest and true self gains complete control, all of his Gaurdian abilities (all divine spells at will, extreme fighting abilities) come back and his speed/strength increases greatly (only when friends are dying and odds look bad)

History: Was one of The Gaurdians, until he killed one of his bretheren, and was cast out of heaven, when he reached hell, he was also cast out, finding no place on earth, he was stuck in Pandemonium for a great deal of time, until he decided to go on a quest to either get into his celestial home, or take over Hell, whichever came first. On his quest, he managed to reach the deapths of hell, but at the throne, one of his companions was attacked, and he blocked, hit with a fatal blow, this act atoned for his many evil deeds, and he was accepted back into heaven. On a quest long afterwards he learned more of himself from his father, his friend of old, and himself, in three different forms. Later his original Swallow was destroyed, but through time and experience, his Shard gained the ability to change into an unbreakable weapon upon command. He is a force to be reckoned with. Upon reaching the gods, after their flight from the earth, he faced the tests with his allies. When the time came he offered himself to the reaper's blade and left his immortal shell behind, the last test pushed his allies to contain his soul. They contained it within a small Gem left behind, the only thing left behind actually.

Name: Devenar
Race: Spithriku
Class: Thurge

Appearance: He's a big ass spider, wolf-like head, two limbs have humanoid hands

Abilities: Can cast any non Bardic spell known to anyone. Fighting abilities leave something to be desired, unless under the effects of a spell...

Magical Tome: This seemingly useless book, which is quite thin, holds every single spell that Devenar can cast, which is basically everything
3/7 of the Rod of Seven Parts: This thing is hella dangerous if completely assembled.
Shards of a shattered Gem (Guardian)

History: Was a friend and ally of Trias the Betrayer, but was slain in combat. Years later when Trias found himself, he traveled to find where all his lost companions had been slain, and ressurected them, and thus Devenar was born again, even though he was a demon, Trias brought him back for the assistance he offer Trias in his troubled times

Name: Kane
Race: DeathClaw
Class: Gate Crasher (multi-planar class)


Abilities: Arcane spells: portal related are much stronger, same fighting abilities as a Ranger

Portal "Keys," lots of 'em, has a key to nearly all portals that can be accessed by anyone
Shards of a shattered Gem (Trust)

History: Was a friend and ally of Trias the Betrayer, but was slain in combat. Years later when Trias found himself, he traveled to find where all his lost companions had been slain, and ressurected them, and thus Kane was born again, even though he had estroyed many useful portal in his travels, his knowledge had greatly aided Trias, and for that he was enternally grateful.


Jun 13, 2003
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i might use this char sometimes... like in gone gods

Name: Raden
Gender: Male
Race: half-elf
Class: Longbowmen
Background: Born in the elvin town of Kjan (pronounced Jan) his Father an lf, his mother a Human...
Weapon: Longbow, Arrows, a pack, a belt full of potions, a dagger
Super range: gives me more range
Inf. Arrow: i have infinite arrows for the day
Karamaja: gives me a small boat for a limited ammount of time
Crandor: gives me a bigger boat for a even less time, but boat goes faster
Element power: gives my arrows elements of what i choose
God bolt: makes a small lightning bolt from heaven.. mostly doesnt work cause never gets past gate.
Inv arrow: shoots an invisible arrow
magic arrow: shoots an arrow that doesnt take up any arrows and makes it a little stronger


Jan 16, 2003
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Howdy D00dy peepz!!! The Tek is heaaaaaaaaaaa!!! lol ok, heres my characters

Name: Tek
Race: Elf
Class: Shinjiku Ninja
Gender: Male
Backround: Not Known......
Weapons: Twin Serpent Fangs (Dual katanas that give him dragon like speed and strenght. If broken, then Tek dies.) Eagle Bow of Evil Slaying (Does extra damage against Pure evil characters.
Skills: Tek Bow Strait Shot~~ Fires 5 arrows in one nock ,giving them a ultra dangerous tip that on critical hit, dismembers opponent.
Light Speed Tek Slash~~ Uses his Dual katanas to enhance his speed momentarrially. he runs across to the opponent and slashes 4 times. Drawback is that he needs to refresh his energy fully, to even move.
Shikyo Ryuujin~~ Calls upon the force of the Lightning Dragon Lord to aid him in battle. holds hands in front of him and fires lightning bolts at opponents dealing critical damage. Only use 1 per week or severe damage occurrs to user.

Name: Xero
Gender: Male
Race: Elf Drow
Alignment: Chaotic good
Class:Ranger (special=Sniper)
Backround: Grew up in the Drow region of Xanth, ran away at a young age to be taken in by a family of Half-Elves, not aware of the drow evil. Was tought the manners and goodness in people.
Weapons: A Long sword of Kobolds (only gives extra speedd to attacking) and Eagle Bow.
Skills: Inhanced Tracking~~ Gives the user inhuman abilities of tracking anything within the past 2 weeks.
Extreme Weapon Specilisation~~ Makes the user extremely skillful with a certain kind of weapon. in Xeros case, a long sword
Drow Marking Fire~~ Summons a ball of fire out of his sword. If it hits a good creature, it turnes evil and gets returned under Xeros control.

Name: Drake
Race:Winged Merelf
Class: Shinjiku Ninja
Backround: After gaining the ability to fly, and walk on land without limits, from finding his natrul born mother, Drake learned the arts of the ninja from a old friend.
Weapons: Dart Sirukens x40. Sicle and Chain, twin Katanas.
Runeblade Ice: Runes appear on the blades of his Katanas and he summons high velocity icicles to fly at the opponnent, impaling them.
Runeblade Lightning: Runes for the element of Lightning appear on his blade as he fires bolts of lightning at his opponnent, stunning them.
Lycanthropy - Wearbear~~ Turns into a Wearbear at the signt of a full moon. Has skill- beserker gains unbeliveable strenght but almost no control.
Ninja Dash Rune Arts~~ A Variable skill. Depends on the time, place, and what Rune art he has equipped.
Lightning Rune: LUnges forward at the opponent and slashes in a X pattern, if hit, the scar then turns into a X of electricity.
Fire Rune: Jumps into the air and slashes a T mark into the enemys head. If hit, then the scar becomes engulfed into flames.
Ice Rune:Uses his super speed to dash around his opponent and slash a Y mark into his back. If successful then the scar makes the opponent freeze for a short period of time.

the only drawback to these skills is that they all use a portion of Drakes magic power, he only has a magic charge of 7 and only 4 potions to heal 3.

(use in Megaman RPG)
Name: Tek
Race: Nano-Enhanced Human
Class: Rank SS Maverick Hunter
Description: Forest green armor, with black sub armor. Visor covering mouth and nose wrapping around head. Long black cape. Black hair, scar over face from the 7th sigma war.
Weapons: 2 Beam katanas. Beam Dagger x10 lined along the arms.
Skills: UNKOWN
Backround: UNKOWN

there you have it, my 4 characters/


Nov 29, 2002
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The original Sin City LAS VEGAS!
Ok, it's about time I add some permanate characters to this thing. So here they are! xD


Name: Malazar
Race: Mystic
Height & Weight: 183 lbs. / 6'3"
Class: Ronin Samurai (or Manslayer)
Eyes: Ice Blue
Hair: Blue

Abilities (written): Malazar is a master killer. He is blindingly fast and amazingly skilled. He is utterly fearless and extremely devious. Only light-weight armor will allow him full range of motion, so unlike or warriors it's all he uses. He is seemingly surrounded by an aura of death and destuction, this is a formidable weapon in itself but also a hinderance. While he can suppress (or increase) the "aura" itself, one look into his eyes will reveal the true nature of a killer. Clearly this makes it hard for Malazar to make friends, but who needs friends right? xD Malazar has a small but varied cache of special attacks that he uses to mix up his physical fighting skills as well, but while they are powerful magic is NOT his fortay. Beyond these magical abilities he also has several class abilities that involve things like concentrating all his power into a single killing-stike, moving faster than the eye can see, changing diretions in mid-air, sky dashing, etc. etc. etc.

Abilities (Stats): Proficient with light armor only. Proficient with all Simple, Martial, Exotic, and Unique weapons. Horror Factor of 25. Can only use each spell-like attack once per day. Legendary Speed and Dex. Weaponmaster Skills.

Appearance: Malazar is a tall, thin, pale man with ice blue eyes and hair and extremely pointy ears. He wears loose black pants and shirts with red edging on the shirts. If he does wear armor it's usually hidden. He wears a black cape with a dark red interior fastened with a black chain. The Eternity is kept in it's sheathe at his waist.

Weapon: The Eternity: A Magical foot-long staff capable of changing into any weapon conceivable. (As well as a few shields) It also changes the design on any armor he is wearing to match that of itself, but does not alter anything else.

Bio: Malazar appeared one day from a past already stained with the blood of men. The Age of Annilation is upon us, and the prize will end all others. He's as cold as ice and completely unafraid.

((This character was inspired by Kenshin Himora (Ruroni Kenshin) and Dias Flac (Star Ocean, The Second Story) He was originally a powerful baddie for a Sailor Moon RP, later was a good guy, and is now a killer that has entered the Age of Annilation Battle Tourney.))

Name: Jans
Race: Angel
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White (Long)
Class: Guardian

Abilities: Guardian abilities (all divine spells, extreme fighting abilities)
-Call Dragon: Sirus of the Radant Soul. (I mean Radant, not Radiant)
-Radant Beam: A massive blast of non-elemental energy from the palm. (2 per day)
-Radant Slash: A massive blast of non-elemental energy from the Wyrmsong.
-Sonic Pulsar: A cylinder of sonic energy from the Guardian’s Pride
-Gate Guardian: A powerful field of force that flows from the Ancient’s Vow.
-Million Strike: A psychic attack that strikes the opponent a million times in the blink of an eye. The MillionEyes Helm will enable this weapon. (This attack can be either lethal or non-lethal)
-Angel’s Vengeance: Jans extends his wings out to their full size. (Huge) He then sweeps them forward, causing a blast of wind and spearing/shocking his enemies with the semi-ethereal wing-tips. This attack is used often as the shocking effect paralyzes his enemies instead of killing them.

Weapons (stolen):

Wyrmsong: A long curving blade made from the tooth of an Ancient dragon. It hums hypnotically as it scythes through foes. The blade is an almost blindingly bright silver color with an ebony handle. The crossguard is an intricately worked maze of crystal and the pommel is single clear diamond.

Guardian’s Pride: A large glowing spear. The Pride seems to be a weapon of pure light yet is still tangible. It is shaped like a giant cross and the blade is large enough to be used as a slashing or piercing weapon.

Ancient’s Vow: A suit of white with gold edging ornate armor. Is stylized with wavy patterns that seem to move on their own accord. Anyone wearing the armor will blend into his or her surrounding and look like a rippling wave of movement.

MillionEyes Helm: A steel colored full helm covered in ridges. The face guard covers everything but the eyes and is on a hinge. There is a large diamond magically bonded to the center of the forehead.

Resonance Effect: When Jans has all four of these artifacts in his possession his full Guardian power is awaken.

Shard of some sort of shattered gem. (Bonds)
A Cross on a chain, made of a strange silver metal.

Appearance: A tall angel with pale skin, shocking white hair, piecing blue eyes, and massive semi-ethereal wings sprouting from his back. The wings are huge and glow surreally, each individual wing-tip floating about by it’s own free will. (Think D2 Angels)

Attitude: He seems really serious until he opens his mouth, cause he’s a real goof at heart. Just don’t piss him off, he takes his job seriously and even without his artifacts he’s a force to be reckoned with.

Bio: Picked at a young age to guard the Gates to heaven. Jans trained all his life in the fighting styles of The Guardians. Jans has known Trias ever since childhood, and they trained to be Guardians together. When The War came to the Gates of Heaven, Jans and Trias were the first ones to start fighting. Jans was also the first to die, slain accidentally by his friend of old, Trias. For centuries Jans lived on inside Trias’s mind, yet neither one knew, until Argus, the father of Trias revealed Trias to himself. That day Jans was reborn by Trias’s hand, released to walk the earth and travel back to his ancient lands.


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 15, 2003
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Kennewick, WA

Name: Mlurk'Tul (Mil-lurk-tull)
Race: Jovocian Demon
Class: Void Mage

Dimension Shift - Turns ethereal, all attacks against him miss, can be used nurmerous times, since it is his speciality.
Lightining Strike - Unleashes a bolt of electricity that blasts through the target, and shocks the target massively. [Limit 4/day 10% miss chance]
Claws of Oblivion - Turns his claws slightly corporeal, making him able to launch attacks with them while ethereal, but not able to be struck.
Evasion/Dodge - Mlurk'Tul's Jovocian heritage trains him in the monk style, allowing him to dodge attacks.

Height - 4'3"
Weight - 100 lbs.
Very Weak
Very Agile
Very Intelligent
Attacks with claws

This character is for the Age of Ahnihalation Battle Tourney


Jun 29, 2003
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Hampton, Georgia
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My Character:

Name:Gonray Abogo
parents:Don Abogo and Anna Abogo
Resistances:Immune to electric
weaknesses:vulnerable to fire and ice


primary: spear
Secondary: club


double speed: his speed is doubled for one battle
thunderbolt: a ball of electricity released quickl from his hands
spark: hundreds of small sparks are released from his fingertips
doomhammer: a hammer that stuns the enemy for five seconds upon contact

armor: a chest plate made from bones of dead animals and a helmet made from animal hides

history: abandoned by his parents at the age of 7, Gonray out on the dirt roads nearby the baker. fortunately the bake help him through his life. soon, he moved out and bought a small home out on the countryside
Jun 18, 2003
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Name: yuiy torent
Race: Elf
Height: 6' 4'
Weight: 187 lb

-Bastard Sword
-Long Bow

Hit Percentage: 80%
Critical Percentage: 13%

Double: Double the attack power of Yuiy's weapons. [Often cause critical damage] [once per battle]
Dark: Cause temporary blindness [once per battle]
Psionic Storm: Create a storm of pure psychic energy. [twice per battle]
Resurrect: Bring a character back to life
Duplicate: Make a double of himself. [once per game]


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Watch this guy get his butt handed to him in Jan's tourney... Still waiting for "approval", however. I doubt he'll be tourned down.

Name: Baltha`zor
Age: 250
Height: 7'2"
Weight: 350
Race: Greater Daemon
Class: Daemon General
Appearance Butt-ugly!! He's not fat; it's muscle that gives him the great weight (and rock-hard hide). He wears no armor (no real need for clothes). He has standard scarred wings, and crooked horns protruding from his skull. He has three fingers and three toes, only adding to his disgusting looks.
Equipment: A giant axe that appears to be as heavy as he, but is actually as light as a feather. It's as deadly as he is, however. The axe is two-handed, and sharp as the sharpest jags of his realm. Other than that, no other equimpent can be seen. He can use about any part of his body for a weapon, however.

Skills You don't want to find out! He is an incredible fighter, but it's unlikely an opponent will see more. But...

Demon Light Darkens the field to give himself an advantage.
Darkness of the Strike Focuses all shadow into the tip of his bladed axe to strike with deadly force.
Flight Uh? Duh! Limited by stamina.
Death This skill has a chance to bring the Grim Reaper directly to the battlefield. Once summoned, the Grim Reaper chooses wether to kill or severly harm the target. If the Grim Reaper isn't summoned, a portal still opens to release a torment of pain and misery.
Darkness Flame Though not able to be completely controlled, this powerful energy surges through the summoner to either enhance his skills or damage, even destroying, the target. It's all up to fate here.
Darkness Axe When the Darkness Flame chooses to enhance Baltha`zor's skills, he can focus it into his weapon, creating a deadly combination.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
and another character joins the massive group!

Name: The Lady
Race: Demi-God
Class: Spell weaver

No one has ever seen her face, or at least seen it and lived to tell the tale.

All arcane spells, which are much more pwerful than you might think.
No melee fighitng abilities, she finds them beneath
Complete control of Doors, more commonly known as Portals.
The Shadow of the Lady: when she is angered anyone who falls beneath her shadow is instantly slain, deep gashes and puncture wounds cover their body.


Dec 29, 2002
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44 Francis St Marrickville Syd
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Name: Gregorian Self
Age: 100000
Race: Golem
Class: Godly Wizard
Appearance: Basically, He's made of pure diamond. He's the most powerful golem living in the Realm.
Equipment: None.


Hurl Boulder: Hurls a boulder.
Eat Rocks: Eat rocks to heal.
Rain of Chaos: Rains diamond boulders around the place, summoning mini Golems in the process.
Inspire Army: Inspires Army in time of need, more than tripling their stats.
Release of the Soul: Shows the enemy his true self....not pleasant.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
This is not a character, but a list of the Shards of Trias's Self, The Shards which a select few characters carry.


Trust(Kane): Allows holder to copy the power of another shard for a short time

Bonds(Jans): The glue that holds the others together, power dependant on number of other shards near it, gives holder a toned down version of the powers of any Shard near it. When all Shards are brought together, this acts as the core of the Gem, any other time it allows one Shard to have an area effect, such as the Guardian combined with the Bonds allows all allies within 20 feet of the Shard of Bonds to have the fighting abilities of a Guardian.

Knowledge(Trias): Aids in Ascent, Guards against Descent, holds knowledge

Faith(Aphra): Increases Clerical Abilities by 100%

Guardian(Devenar): Gives the same fighting abilities as a Guardian

Life(Vesquire): same as Ryu's Aura (no death effect spells), can Truely Ressurect anyone (even self) once per day (aura always activated, even when outside influence of other shards) Any weapon wielded by the bearer of this Shard gains an extreme Holy aura

The Light(Ryu): Gives Trias's Light ability to holder

Darkness(Naran`or): A field of Darkness surrounds the holder, only allies can see through it, powers up evil energies for allies

three or more shards must be brought together for any power to work (there is one exception)

When all Shards are brought together, all the powers are activated. But as a special perk, most of the Shards*** gain an area effect, which affects all allies within one mile. Trias must hold this reassembled Gem in order for it to have any effect. Touching it automatically sends Trias into his Ascent form.

***Guardian and The Light do NOT apply to everyone at this time

upon the destruction of Trias, all the Shards will remain active, but will never be able to be brought together, seeing as the Shard of Knowledge is destroyed.
New Shard:

Gem of the Soul's Endless Love(May Sheckeb): Inside this Gem lies the actual soul of Trias Nusradai, The Betrayer, The Redeemed One, Enlightened Kinslayer, The Guardian. It hold the shape of a redish pink cross hung upon a chain of a stragne metal that ripples and shifts as if someone was talking through it. This Gem not only holds Trias's soul but conveys upon May several abilities and traits of her lover. Her fighting abilities are increased slightly, as are her Clerical abilities and overall resistances (poison, disease, elemental, magic). Beyond this it holds all the memories and knowledge that was held within Trias and his Shard. If this Gem is damaged, all shards burst and May's soul is destroyed along with Trias's.

Upon his death, Trias granted superior power to all the Shards, most will now work within the vicinity of one other shard.

Ashes of the Soul (Castus): This small vial holds the last earthly remains of Trias Nusradai. Though Castus does not yet know what it does, it grants him an understanding of those around him as well as the tranquility he lacks. When touching any Shard it increases the power of that Shard (upgrades below) If he ashes are spilled, all Shards will stop working, indefinately.

Bonds: Grants powers of all Shards, present or not to user
Trust: Copies all Shard abilties, present or not
Faith: Grants access to all Divine spells (druid, paladin, ranger) and clerical powers boosted by 200% instead of 100%
Light: Pretection of the Guardian, grants an armor, speed, and the ability The Light to wielder
Darkness: Impenetrable darkness, calls forth darkness demons (or something like that...) Transforms user into full fledged demon
Life: Mass True ressurection: unlimited
Guardian: Can fight using any style, blows are infused with holy energies
Endless Love: Forms a physical body for Trias (same as at time of death) to defend his family for as long as the Gem and Vial are touching
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