Divina: Well then. Shall we?
*Katie, now calm regarded the two.*
Katie: Heehee. If I didn't know better, I'd think the two of you were a couple, the way your relationship is coming along.
Divina: Oh, shut up.
Katie: Well, it's not my fault-
*The ship rocked, violently, cutting off Katie's words. A loud and resounding boom is heard. The lights go red as an alarm blares. People scream, panicked. A voice over the intercom is heard over the chaos.*
Intercom: Battle stations! Nagalisk Blackcloak Warship has dropped into the area! Report to battle stations!
*Inside Leo's room...*
Leo: Goddamn! You have got to be kidding me!
*Leo grabs his communicator.*
Leo: Team, report to the ready room! The suits are waiting! This is our chance to board that ship and commandeer it! Move, move, move!