A lesson in stupidity

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Galatia said:
I would agree with you Pan, if you said the same things for all those who suffer from non-smoking related cancer and all other kinds of illnesses. They did it to themselves, didnt they? So lets not have sick people spending the governement's money. Lets shoot them all.
Diseases are a no brainer. AIDS im sorry i give the same as smokers, it is stupid. You decided to sleep around, ur stuck with it. Otherwise disesases that are purely picked up accidently, should have treatment. basicly, if your responsable for your own illness, you should be second inline for those who really need it.

There is a difference. Cancer grows in all types of people, and no one is really immune to Cancer. Here is the difference, while women may carry the breast cancer gene, it is given through heredity. They will have a high chance of getting breat cancer, no doubt, but it can be prevented. cancer isn't cureable, but it is stoppable, especialy at early stages. Like Breast cancer, and Prostate cancer is both detectable and can stop the spread at an early age.

Its not that persons fault, it's thier genes, they should not be shot for the genes they carry.

That is why smokers are different, it is self inflicted. You can't even plead iggnorance like grandparents can, it is common knowledge what the effects of smoking is. Other forms of Cancer is either heredity, or mutations. cause that is all cancer is a mutation, smoking helps create that. Otherwise, the innocent are not at fault, and smokers are anything but innocent.

and roach, I gave the Canadian health care system as an example in my first post, because Canadians do smoke, and they do get support from the healthcare system. The Canadian healthcare system is already spread to thin, underfunding, and a lack of doctors and such, there is no need to treat smokers, when other people who are innocent to the effects of our societies mutations, should be treated.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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But AIDS necessairly transferred by 'sleeping around'. So you love someone and her/his parents had AIDS, what are you going to do after being with them for five years and already sleeping with him/her? You going to dump him/her because of it, especially since it isn't his/her fault? Now you really need to think about that one.

People who have AIDS and have children, get AIDS as well... Is it the childs fault that their parents slept with the wrong person?

Edit: Although I totally agree with what your saying about smokers Pan. They don't need to be treated because of their stupidity. Hell I already seen a change in my activity in sports/recreation because of my smoking habits. Which is why I plan on quitting soon enough, before I turn eighteen.


Retired Staff
Jan 21, 2003
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All illnesses (except hereditary ones and viruses) are self generated, mr. Pan. If we dont eat right, if we dont sleep enough, if we dont have a balanced sex life, if we dont excersice enough, if we are full of stress, if we go to Egypt and eat from the streets, if we dont care about the ait we breath, if we refuse to laugh and do the things we like, if we dont live a satisfying life - we end up having cancers and heart situations and high cholesterol and stress related illnesses - you name it. Almost all illnesses are a matter of choice. and the duty of the society is to provide comfort, not judgement.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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Galatia said:
All illnesses (except hereditary ones and viruses) are self generated, mr. Pan. If we dont eat right, if we dont sleep enough, if we dont have a balanced sex life, if we dont excersice enough, if we are full of stress, if we go to Egypt and eat from the streets, if we dont care about the ait we breath, if we refuse to laugh and do the things we like, if we dont live a satisfying life - we end up having cancers and heart situations and high cholesterol and stress related illnesses - you name it. Almost all illnesses are a matter of choice. and the duty of the society is to provide comfort, not judgement.
Yeah, you give good examples, but those situations are the main reasons for a healthcare system. We cannot regulate if a person can or cannot sleep, some people may have a hard time sleeping, its not thier fault, its thier life. Less fortunate people might not have a warm comfortable bed and can't sleep because they live in a hosue that has no heating. Is it fair for that person? no. They do not choose to suffer like that.

Sex life, I can't commonent on cause of our society and the way diseases spread like wildfire, because no one has any sense anymore, and jsut sleep with your favorite pair of boobs.

the air we breath is our socieites making. Unfortunately, we all share that problem, and smoking adds to that problem. If people stopped smoking, our air would be cleaner for everyone, if only by a small percent. that is why I don't drive. I'm 17, and I do not drive. I have a bike. I do not pay for gay, I get exercise and i dont pollute the enviroment. Unfortunately there is little we can do, people who have asthma are innocent, they did not choose to live in this world.

We have created all these problems though. I understand, and healthcare is there for people with diseases created by stress, by high cholesterol. But the thing is, stress is almost unavoidable. Life is full of situations that create stress, and while stress can be lessened with understanding and relaxation, people handle stress differently, people have different lives, and stress is person to person, unique cases each person. Stress is also not a direct cause of something, and though Stress can lead to problems, it is not a direct poision, and having stress will not make u suddenly develop cancer.

going to Egypt and eating from the streets? People live on the streets because they are financialy inable to do anyhting else. it is not thier fault, they did not choose it. basicly, its our own societys fault. capitalism allows for people to starve on the streets while a select few get richer and richer, that sounds like what the dreaded communism was. It's all the same, the rich explot the poor. In the end, were all screwed. But we can be screwed, and not smoke.

high cholesterol is our societies creation. It is sad, because it is the American lifestyle that has created it. If you look, as soon as American fastfood chains arrived in China, Obesity increased. Real meals, are replaced by horrible garbage food.
Although obesity is one that I believe is entirely the persons fault, I cannot blame most people. fastfood, and TV/computer/videogames create obesity. Though it is the persons fault, fastfood provides empty calories, however the average person doesn't know how bad fastfood can be. Not only do fast food places not post nutritional information, the average person cannot know what is in the food, and how bad most of it is. Then there is also socieites influence, which people tend to trade in activity for tv. that is one thing, TV and the very computer I type on has created a generation of overweight kids. Obesity is a subject that I can't have an oppinion on, because people are partly at fault, then again much of the time it is through ignorance it emerges.

Basicly I'm saying this, Smoking is a choice. the air we breath is not a choice we have made. Financial status has alot ot play in things life food, and other things that can lead to unhealth lifestyles.

If some of this doesnt make sense, its partly due to the fact im typing this at 3am. OMG im on the computer, and i am not sleeping. im going to be sick.


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 14, 2003
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Heh, I was going to stay on last night to discuss this with you but I noticed it was 3am and went to bed instead of staying on (mainly because I work tomorrow).

What you are saying is most diseases can be avoided, I believe. But that is very untrue. It can be the air, which you are right we don't have the choice to breath it or not. And it also can be food, any type of food out there. Germs get on this food because these company's don't know how to put good health systems in their facility's. And there are germs that can cause colds/diseases such as the flu (which some flu's can be deadly, such as the stomach flu. Several thousands of people die from the stomach flu.)

And as you are saying about people have high collesterol because of fast food, that is oh so false in my opinion. Several fast food restraunts over the past four years have began putting up what nutritional facts of their products, such as McDonalds and their menu. They put those paper things on those trays when they put the food on them. Several fast food restraunts do this now, they also have big posters up inside their facility saying the nutritional facts. I agree that they are choosing to eat the food, but is it there fault? Maybe they cannot afford a real meal so they go to McDonalds are Burger King for the dollar menu. Or maybe the grociery store is closed, they go to get fast food. And then what if they don't have money to pay for gas/electricity? Do you think they plan on cooking a real meal? No, they will scrounge up money and go out to eat with there $2.16.

This is mainly every country's fault too, because they just ignore those people who are poor and cannot afford their bills, housing, and food. So if you are trying to say it is their fault that they have high collesterol, that is wrong. Some peoples faults, yes.

Heart problems also begin with stress and depression, it isn't that you are born with it. You grow up to be an adult and have to deal with work, children, your boss, and your family passing away in front of your eyes. That is stress which can mess the heart up easily, even the brain. And this isn't anyones fault either, they have to see all of it happen to their loved ones, they get stressed out which causes anxiety attacks which can cause heart disease.

Then you are saying once again about AIDS, that it is the persons fault for going and sleeping with the other. You know thousands of people in the U.S. and Canada don't even know that they have the disease. The sleep with three people by the age of thirty, and then they magically find out that they have it. Three people, it had to be one of them who gave it to you. You think it is their fault? No, they could have been in love with those three people, I think if I was in love I would f'n take the infection if I had too just to stay with the person and have kids with the person I love. That is what love is about, you'll do anything for the person. When you are in love you make life plans, no matter what age you are at. Oh so many people got AIDS because of that. Another reason is because of rape in all nations, rapists just decide to **** a girl and she has AIDS for hte rest of her life because he wanted some pussy. Is it her fault, no it isn't.


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
smoking is cool. It makes you skinnier.


Retired Staff
Jan 21, 2003
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Pan said:
Smoking is a choice. the air we breath is not a choice we have made. Financial status has alot ot play in things life food, and other things that can lead to unhealth lifestyles.
Smoking, as well as everything else (except the Tsunami situations) is a choice. The air we breath is also our choice but I dont see anyone attacking the Car Companies the way they attacked the Tobacco companies, even though air pollution is about 1.000.000 times more lethal than second-hand smoking. And the argument about the average person that doesnt know how bad junk food is for his health, is not valid. The information is all out there but the *average person* chooses NOT to see it.

As for the financial status, this is also our choice, Mr. Pan. We choose the way we live our lives, Mr. Pan. And the poor black woman I once saw in the NYC subway feeding her baby with Coca-Cola :)( ) had the choice to a) get some milk given that it doesnt cost more than CoKe b) not to have that baby in the first place, since she couldnt even feed herself. But she did it. And now what is the Society (aka us) supposed to do? Judge her and punish her for her stupidity? Or try to help her without comments?


Premium Member
Jul 19, 2003
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Joe's Garage.
Why are there huge ass posts with cug a stupid topic? Make a cig smoking thread in the AS so we can point and make fun of this preggo bitch smokin.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Galatia said:
Smoking, as well as everything else (except the Tsunami situations) is a choice. The air we breath is also our choice but I dont see anyone attacking the Car Companies the way they attacked the Tobacco companies, even though air pollution is about 1.000.000 times more lethal than second-hand smoking. And the argument about the average person that doesnt know how bad junk food is for his health, is not valid. The information is all out there but the *average person* chooses NOT to see it.

As for the financial status, this is also our choice, Mr. Pan. We choose the way we live our lives, Mr. Pan. And the poor black woman I once saw in the NYC subway feeding her baby with Coca-Cola :)( ) had the choice to a) get some milk given that it doesnt cost more than CoKe b) not to have that baby in the first place, since she couldnt even feed herself. But she did it. And now what is the Society (aka us) supposed to do? Judge her and punish her for her stupidity? Or try to help her without comments?

Her smoking really doesn't bother me. I just think she needs a visit from the irony police. :heart

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Galatia said:
Smoking, as well as everything else (except the Tsunami situations) is a choice.
not necissarily.

The air we breath is also our choice but I dont see anyone attacking the Car Companies the way they attacked the Tobacco companies, even though air pollution is about 1.000.000 times more lethal than second-hand smoking.
Remember this, our enviroment is a collective problem. I personaly, hate cars becuase of what it does. I choose not to drive, even though I was given that option almost a year ago to start. When it comes to it, Cars are owned by everyone, they are a requirement to live. People can't just take mass transit, msot need a car to get places. There is little choice in the matter, there are no cars that will completely save the air.
As for air pollution itself, It is dangers true, But smoking will speed up your death must quicker than the air we breath. Everyone breaths the same air, it is the smokers choice to breath in worse than what everyone else breaths in.

And the argument about the average person that doesnt know how bad junk food is for his health, is not valid. The information is all out there but the *average person* chooses NOT to see it.
Not everyone has the means to obtain it. Like mentioned, a family who has to scrape up a living, struggling every day to live, has little time to see what they eat is healthy or not. that however is not an issue valid in this thread, it is more of an issue on how horrible our entire system of governemtn is set up.

As for the financial status, this is also our choice,
of course, all those people under the poverty line in Canda and the united states, wish to be poor. Or those in countries around the world whos country is so poor, nothing is can be done, there is no money to get cause the country has none.

Mr. Pan. We choose the way we live our lives,
choice is almost non-existant. Many choose to try and make as much money to buy a big house and a car and green lawn and a white picket fence. But it doesnt happen. Even Students coming straight out of college find a shortage of jobs. Is it thier fault there is nothing available for them? Is it thier choice to be shut out, and have to go back to get more training, when the system which tells them they could get a good job, did not provide that job.

Mr. Pan. And the poor black woman I once saw in the NYC subway feeding her baby with Coca-Cola :)( ) had the choice to a) get some milk given that it doesnt cost more than CoKe b) not to have that baby in the first place, since she couldnt even feed herself.
Milk costs much more than coke. A can of coke costs, at best 50 cents at a store I know. Lets see, if she is on the subway, she doesn't have a car, or at elast a car in her family that is occupied. By taking the subway, she has reduced the amount of air polution, by one car. Not having a child is a hard choice, especial when abortion is an issue I shall not bring up, but is un-questionably a horrible Idea. We also do not know financial status, but like I said before coke is a cheap option, and a car is usualy purchased, jsut to proove financial superiority. There is no doubt if she could afford one, im sure she would not be on that subway. So a poor family has little options. She may or may not be educated, im guessing not so much, not cause she's black, jsut becuase. Now, assuming the child has a father at all or not is irrelevant, if the father is not around it makes it even worse for her in a situation with a child. She is probably un-educated, not making alot of money, what else can she do? School costs money, and a child is alot to raise, leaving little time to raise a child, and assume she probly cant afford day care to do that.
what does all tha mean? nothing really, but remember you can't jsut see a mother feeding a child coke, and assume the worst. There are alot of people, with no options, and that is where society places many people. From the begining of time to the year 2005, things have not changed, the rich take and plunder the riches from the poor, and the poor is left with almost nothing, probably not even enough to live. Things have led to more people well off, but the system remains in tact, that the hardest worker in society will never be the wealthiest, not compared to those who do not deserve it who do absolutely nothing and can live that cushy life.

But she did it. And now what is the Society (aka us) supposed to do? Judge her and punish her for her stupidity? Or try to help her without comments?
There needs to be a rebellion. Overthrow the current government, and instil a new regime. Something closer to communism, but do not be confused. The People In Russia overthrew the government and put in "communism". but it was not really communism. A perfect society, will place no one above anyone else. taht is what ours does. Everyone should be given equal options. Right now, we are not all given the same oppertunities, where many are born in poor familys, and can never get anywhere, while hte children of the rich do abosultely nothing, have the same education as the poor drop-out, but gets enough money they don't need to do anyhting. that is the way this world works. Why I am against Smoking, is because it shows our societies weakness. One more problem people indulge themselves in. Its not a secret however, the box of ciggarettes tell you, (assuming you are able to stay in school long enough to learn to read and is not pushed into a world wehre u have to work on minimum wage jsut to live.) that smoking will kill you.