Zerg Units and Buildings *Updated 31/07/08*

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Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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(Some content credit goes to our friends at SCLegacy.com)

Ground Units: *


Description: Larva are the closest creatures to the original Zerg insectoids. Although their size and toughness were greatly boosted by the Xel'Naga during their experiments, they still possess the two traits that originally intrigued the ancient masters: genetic versatility and psychic sensitivity. Maggot-like, Zerg Larvae contain within them the genetic code for all other Zerg breeds. When a new breed of Zerg is needed, an individual Larva will enter a pupal state and begin replicating the DNA of one specific Zerg breed at an astounding rate. After a short gestation period, the new mature Zerg hatches.

Notes: Larva spawn every 20 seconds. Mutates into most units.

Mutates from: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Mutates into: Units
Type: Biological
HP: 25
Minerals: N/A
Control: 0
Speed: Slow
Build Time (sec): 20
Ground attack: N/A
Armor: 10
Size: Light Biologcal


Description:Mutates into other units.
Type: Biological
HP: 200
Minerals: Dependent on unit selection
Control: Dependent on unit selection
Speed: Dependent on unit selection
Build Time (sec): Dependent on unit selection
Armor: 10
Size: Light Biologcal

No Image Available
Description: The Morphalisk is a variant zerg larva created from larvae by the Queen.

Notes: The Morphalisk can be moved by the player and can survive away from Creep. It has normal move speed, and it is slow off the creep.

Mutates from: Larva (w/Queen)
Mutates into: Units
Type: Biological
HP: ?
Minerals: ?
Control: 1
Speed: Normal (Slow off creep)
Build Time (sec): 50
Ground attack: N/A
Armor: ?
Size: Light

Description:This ability is time-consuming up-front, but enables the Morphalisk to very quickly mutate into a Zerg unit in about two seconds, quickly countering enemy tactics. Morphalisks can't morph into Drones.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Mineral: ?
Gas: ?


Description: Drones stem from the savage Gashyrr Wasps of Eldersthine, absorbed into the Zerg Swarm to serve as resource gatherers. Over time they became Drones, engineered with the Larvae's ability to break down their own genetic coding and transform themselves into rudimentary Zerg structures. A transforming Drone needs Creep to provide nourishment and mass to support its new form.

Notes: Unlike their predecessors, they no longer have a ranged attack.

Mutates from: Larva
Mutates into: Buildings
Type: Biological - Hover
HP: 40
Minerals: 50
Control: 1
Speed: Normal
Build Time (sec): 17
Ground attack: 5
Range: Meele
Armor: 0
Size: Light

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: Zerglings were evolved from the Zz'gashi Dune Runner when the latter were assimilated into the Zerg Swarm. The Zergling may be a relatively recent addition to the swarm given that Zz'gash seems to be located close to the Koprulu Sector. Zerglings form the most numerous of the zerg mutations; the simple DNA allows two Zerglings to be spawned from a single larva. The larvae get the genetic information from the 'primordial ooze' of spawning pools.

Notes: Zerglings have evolved, affecting such things as their appearance. They have small wings but cannot use them to fly. They still receive a speed upgrade and an attack upgrade(of 20%).

Mutated by: Larva
Requires: Spawning pool
Mutates into: Baneling
Type: Biological
Health: 35
Speed: Normal
Control: 1 (for two)
Mineral: 50 (for two)
Build Time: 23s
Ground attack: 5
Armor: 0
Size: Light

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: Banelings are created from Zerglings following a brief chrysalis phase. Banelings are so bloated they can barely walk; they must tuck into a tight ball and roll around the battlefield. the creature triggers a reaction within its volatile chemical payload that causes it to explode with devastating force and shower the immediate surroundings with searing acid. These living bombs are highly effective against both structures and ground forces; in fact, a clutch of them is capable of wiping out a group of vehicles and infantry in the blink of an eye. The Banelings' lethality is further enhanced by the zerg predilection for burrowing. An apparently safe area can soon turn into a deathtrap as these monstrosities emerge and roll into the midst of their foes, giving them virtually no time to react.

Notes: Banelings are strong against melee units but are weak against ranged weapons due to their low hit points. The Baneling's splash attack does not currently injure friendly units. Banelings cannot be commanded to explode, they only explode as part of an attack, or when destroyed.

Mutates From: Zergling
Requires: Baneling Nest
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 45
Speed: Normal
Control: 3
Mineral: 25
Gas: 25
Build Time: 10s
Ground attack: 40 (+ 30 vs. Light)
Attack Speed:Instant Suicide
Range: Meele
Armor: 0
Size: Light

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: The Hydralisk is a Zerg evolution of the Slothien. While Slothiens were peaceful herbivores, the Hydralisk is noted as being one of the most fierce and sadistic of the Zerg strains. They can penetrate 2 cm of NeoSteel even at maximum range, such penetrative force stemming from their remarkable muscle structure (4,000 muscles compared to a Terran's 629). In addition, these spines are slightly poisonous. Fortunately for their enemies however, a few seconds warning is given before a Hydralisk launches such a volley, courtesy of the carapace folding back.

Notes: The Hydralisk maintains the ability to morph into a Lurker.

Mutates From: Larva
Requires: Hydralisk Den
Mutates into: Lurker
Type: Biological
Health: 90
Speed: Normal
Control: 2
Mineral: 100
Gas: 100
Build Time: 33s
Ground attack: 13 (+ 3 vs. Armored)
Air attack: 12 (+ 5 vs. Armored)
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: 6
Armor: 0
Size: Light

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: By the time of the Brood War, the Zerg had evolved Lurker from the Hydralisk. Lurkers serve as defense warriors for Hive Clusters and outlying Zerg colonies.

Notes: The Hydralisk maintains the ability to morph into a Lurker.

Mutates From: Hydralisk
Requires: Deep Warren
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 125
Speed: Normal
Control: 2
Mineral: 50
Gas: 100
Build Time: 33s
Ground attack: 10 (+ 30 vs. Armored)
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: ?
Armor: 1
Size: Armored

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: The Roach is a particularly tough Zerg breed due to its high speed regeneration ability.

Notes:One-on-one, a Roach will generally win in a fight against its enemies, as it regenerates 15 damage per second. A Roach can heal fast enough to retain approximately 50% of its hit points if hit by a Psi Storm, and over 80% of its hit points after its regeneration has been upgraded.

Mutates From: Larva
Requires: Roach Warren
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 90
Speed: Normal
Control: 1
Mineral: 75
Gas: 25
Build Time: 23s
Ground attack: 10
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: ?
Armor: 0
Size: Armored

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: The Infestor is a replacement for the Defiler, retaining its predecessor's Dark Swarm ability. It cannot attack but is capable of moving while burrowed.

Notes:It cannot attack but is capable of moving while burrowed.

Mutates From: Larva
Requires: Infestor Pit
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 120
Energy: 200
Speed: Normal
Control: 2
Mineral: 100
Gas: 200
Build Time: 33s
Ground attack: N/A
Attack Speed: N/A
Range: N/A
Armor: 1
Size: Light

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50

Dark Swarm
Description:Identical to the Defilers Ability. Aditionaly protects against Ghost Snipes.
Researched at: N/A
Evolution time:N/A
Mineral: N/A
Gas: N/A

Description:Enables Infestors to use Disease. This area-of-effect attack reduces an opponent's hit points by 95% in ten seconds.
Researched at: Infestor Pit
Evolution time: 110
Mineral: 100
Gas: 100

Description:Enables Infestors to taint terran structures, disabling them for 20 seconds and spawning Infested Marines from them.
Researched at: Infestor Pit
Evolution time: 110
Mineral: 200
Gas: 200


Description: he Ultralisk is a 20 meter long and 5 meter high living battering ram, evolved from the docile Brontolith; a creature that the Ultralisk now bears little resemblance to. Ultralisks serve as the backbone of the Zerg Swarm, possessing an exceptionally thick carapace.

Notes:The Ultralisk is capable of stepping over smaller units such as Zerglings and has a cleaving ability to attack multiple enemy units. However, it does not deal trample damage to units it travels over. It has evolved the ability to burrow.

Mutates From: Larva
Requires: Ultralisk Cavern
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 600
Speed: Normal
Control: 1
Mineral: 200
Gas: 400
Build Time: 70s
Ground attack: 20 (60 vs. Buildings)
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: Melee
Armor: 1 (Armored)
Size: Armored

Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50


Description: The Queen was derived from the Arachnis Brood-Keeper. The Queen did not produce Larvae as its name might suggest, but rather had the ability to spawn other parasitic creatures. Due to its lightly armored body and lack of natural defences, Queens usually stayed near the central hive to watch over maturing Zerg. The Queens of the post-Brood War era are somewhat different from their predecessors. The full details are currently unknown, but it is known that Queens now have the advanced ability to manipulate their "offspring"; for instance, they engineered the Zergling morph to the Baneling, a breed that can contain its explosive energies until just the right moment.

Notes:Queens move slowly when not on Creep, making "Queen-rushing" difficult.

Built From: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Requires: Spawning Pool
Mutates into: Large Queen
Type: Biological
Health: 160
Speed: Normal
Control: 0
Mineral: 150
Gas: 0
Build Time: 26s
Ground/Air attack: 5 (x2)
Attack Speed:?
Range: ?
Armor: 0
Size: Light

All Abilities Subject to Change
Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50

Morph Large Queen
Description:Transforms Queen into Large Queen
Researched at: N/A
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 100
Gas: 100

Large Queen
No Image Available
Description: Evolution of Queen

Notes:The upgraded Queen, the Large Queen can instantly move from one Zerg base to the other with Deep Tunnel, allowing it to compensate for its unique status.

Mutates From: Queen
Mutates into: Large Queen
Type: Biological
Health: 250
Speed: Normal
Control: 0
Mineral: 100
Gas: 100
Build Time: 20s
Ground/Air attack: 9 (x2)
Attack Speed:?
Range: ?
Armor: 1
Size: Light

All Abilities Subject to Change
Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50

Deep Tunnel
Description:Tunnels to selected Zerg building
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: N/A
Mineral: N/A
Gas: N/A

Huge Queen
No Image Available
Description: Evolution of the Large Queen


Mutates From: Large Queen
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 600
Speed: Normal
Control: 0
Mineral: 100
Gas: 100
Build Time: 20s
Ground/Air attack: 12 (x2)
Attack Speed:?
Range: ?
Armor: 2
Size: Light

All Abilities Subject to Change
Description:Many Zerg ground units may burrow, rendering themselves invisible but incapable of moving or attacking.
Researched at: Hatchery/Lair/Hive
Evolution time: 35
Mineral: 50
Gas: 50

*All Values are subject to change between the time of writing and release. Values based on WWI '08 build.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
Reaction score
(Some content credit goes to our friends at SCLegacy.com)

Spawn Units: *

No Image Available
Description:The Changeling is a Zerg spy produced by the Overseer. It is a very weak and unstable creature with a short lifespan.

Notes: The Changling is a new Zerg unit spawned directly from the Overseer. Once it comes within 12 hexes of an enemy unit, the Changling automatically shifts its appearance to the basic unit of that enemy race (Zealot, Marine or Zergling) and takes on the enemy's color. Players who don't pay attention to their roaming units may quickly find their bases infiltrated by these metamorphing Zerg as they impersonate friendly forces.

Spawns From: Overseer
Type: Biological
HP: 35
Minerals:None (35 Overseer Energy)
Control: 0
Build Time (sec): 17
Ground attack: N/A
Armor: 0
Size: Light

No Image Available
Description:TA Broodling is a short-lived Zerg creature spawned from Swarm Guardians.

Notes: Every time a Swarm Guardian attacks, it spawns a pair of Broodlings which last only a few seconds. The Broodlings are very weak. They spawn when buildings are attacked as well.

Spawns From: Swarm Guardians
Type: Biological
HP: ?
Control: 0
Build Time (sec): N/A
Ground attack: ?
Armor: ?
Size: ?

Infested Marine

Description:In StarCraft II, the Infested Marine, armed with a gauss flayer, can be quickly produced in large numbers

Notes: The Infestor, a Zerg ground unit, can infest these buildings, which then disgorged Infested Marines. Infested Marines don't do much damage, but made for good distractions against an enemy. Upon infestation of structures, they are set to pop out automatically, with no build cost associated with them

Spawns From: Any infested Terran structure
Type: Biological
HP: 30
Control: None
Build Time (sec): N/A
Ground attack: 6
Armor: 0
Size: Light

Air Units: *


Description:Overlords were evolved from the Gargantis proximae, a species of giant space-faring and semi-intelligent creatures. Once assimilated they were used to help Cerebrates control and coordinate their Broods and scout using their enhanced senses.

Notes: Overlords have lost their transport and detection abilities.

Mutates from: Larva
Mutates into: Overseer
Type: Biological
HP: 200
Control: 0
Speed: Slow
Build Time (sec): 25
Ground attack: N/A
Armor: 0
Size: Armored

Excrete Creep
Description:he Overlord can create a small patch of Creep through an activated ability, the radius steadily expanding. The Overlord must remain stationary.
Minerals: N/A
Gas: N/A


Description: Evolved Overlord

Notes: The mutation gives it the ability to detect cloaked and burrowed units, along with an increased sight range.

Mutates from: Overlord
Mutates into: N/A
Required: Lair
Type: Biological
HP: 200
Minerals: 50
Gas: 50
Control: 0
Speed: Normal
Build Time (sec): 17
Ground attack: N/A
Armor: 1
Size: Armored

Spawn Changeling
Description:The Overseer can spawn a Changeling, a unit which can spy on enemy forces.
Energy cost: 35
Tiime Cost: 17
Requires: Lair
Minerals: N/A
Gas: N/A


Description: Mutalisks are evolved from the Mantis Screamer from the desolate Dinares Sector. The Mutalisk has retained its predecessor's ability to travel through both air and space, although what other forms of propulsion it may have aside from its wings is unknown. The Mutalisk spawns small, voracious creatures called "Glaive Wurms", or "Glave Wurms", and projects these creatures to attack.

Notes: In StarCraft II, its attack will still be able to strike multiple targets,[12] bouncing to strike up to two additional targets as before.

Mutated by: Larva
Requires: Spire
Mutates into: Swarm Guardian
Type: Biological
Health: 120
Speed: Normal
Control: 2
Mineral: 100
Gas: 125
Build Time: 33s
Ground attack: 9
Armor: 0
Size: Light

Swarm Guardian

Description: Their appearance has changed slightly, now looking more like a Mutalisk laid out flat with its tail section behind it. Their bodies are made up of a total of five individual sections. The front section consists of the head and multiple appendages, maintaining the general appearance of the original crab-like Guardian. There are three middle sections similar to the three rib-like claws that appear on the midsection of the Mutalisk. Lastly a tail section which has four small spikes pointing backwards like those at the end of the Mutalisk's tail.

Notes: The Swarm Guardian functions much like the original Guardian as a siege unit, possessing a long range attack. The Swarm Guardian is similar to the original Guardian, however its attacks have the ability to spawn Broodlings. This unit is intended to break heavy fortifications. It's also much larger than before and mutates faster.

Mutates From: Mutalisk
Requires: Greater Spire
Mutates into: N/A
Type: Biological
Health: 200
Speed: Normal
Control: 2
Mineral: 100
Gas: 100
Build Time: 33s
Ground attack: 25
Attack Speed:Instant Suicide
Range: ?
Armor: 1
Size: Armored


Description: The Corruptor is a squid-like Zerg flying unit set to appear in StarCraft II. When it kills an enemy unit, it corrupts it to its side, transforming it into a floating turret for a short period of time.

Notes: The Corruptor attacks air units and aerial structures, including units lifted by the Nullifier's Anti-Gravity ability. Instead of destroying them, however, it "corrupts" them, possessing the enemy units. The attack is technically a debuff, which lasts for about two seconds. If that unit is destroyed during this time, it becomes corrupted, regardless of which unit landed the final blow.

Mutates From: Larva
Requires: Lair
Type: Biological
Health: 200
Speed: Normal
Control: 2
Mineral: 100
Gas: 75
Build Time: 40s
Air attack: 7
Attack Speed: Normal
Range: ?
Armor: 0
Size: Armored

*All Values are subject to change between the time of writing and release. Values based on WWI '08 build.
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