Time to make fun of the way wiggers talk
A wigger: Yo neegro I funna name my chillin nacho cheese, and fubu
Another wigger: word neegro that be off the hook
A wigger: I funna go to the sto and get me some gogo fro my lil bro
A white guy: wtf is a gogo
Another wigger: It be the thang I be wearing on my feets
A white guy: Man you used to be cool before you got hit in the head with that crowbar
A wigger: don't be hatein just because you brus yo teef don't meen yo bette than me
A white guy: No wonder your breath smells like shit, you could use a bath too
[exit white guy]
A wigger: Shup neegro I funna rape your dog
Another wigger: yo dag that be bogus, I funna go to my crib and get me some scribblies fro my mom so I can go to McDonalds
A wigger: yo dog what be scribblies.
Another wigger: they be what yo buy stuff wiff
A wigger: Yo neegro I funna name my chillin nacho cheese, and fubu
Another wigger: word neegro that be off the hook
A wigger: I funna go to the sto and get me some gogo fro my lil bro
A white guy: wtf is a gogo
Another wigger: It be the thang I be wearing on my feets
A white guy: Man you used to be cool before you got hit in the head with that crowbar
A wigger: don't be hatein just because you brus yo teef don't meen yo bette than me
A white guy: No wonder your breath smells like shit, you could use a bath too
[exit white guy]
A wigger: Shup neegro I funna rape your dog
Another wigger: yo dag that be bogus, I funna go to my crib and get me some scribblies fro my mom so I can go to McDonalds
A wigger: yo dog what be scribblies.
Another wigger: they be what yo buy stuff wiff