Retired Staff
Why do bots annoy people so much? I never could understand it. In all the time i've been on battlenet, i've prob been PM'ed by thousands of bots and they never even bug me the slightest. I will usually just read them (unless they spam me) and alot of times i'll even check out the sites, just out of interest. Now, I can understand if the bots are advertising malicious stuff or mass-flooding the chat rooms, but my bot (pamela) only PM's each person twice and only puts one message in the channel every 60 seconds, yet she is still on alot of peoples "most hated bot" lists... why not use the squelch feature? I've been bad mouthed by so many people, not just in-chat, but on other forums as well and i'm really sick of it. In fact, people even go as far to take screenshots, then post a 2 paragraph complaint about the bot and post it on their sites... surely that takes more effort then just using /ignore and GETTING OVER IT!
I see spammers in the chat rooms all the times who will spam every 5 seconds. I see flooders who will bring 50 names in. I see guys advertising sites that steal cd-keys. I see other people advertising porno sites that crash your browser, yet regardless of all this, people seem to want to pick on the "good bots" like mine, rather than focus on the malicious ones. I think people who overreact about bots and stuff must be really miserable or bitter about something else, because the majority of people don't mind bots and even think of them as a part of chat rooms. I mean, how many of you found this site because of my bot? Plus, like I said above, it's not like my bot is spamming viruses or other sites... or making me super rich or anything. I don't even make any money off of that's why I have no pop-up windows. I just wanted to start up a community and get people joining it and so far it's worked out great. So... why do people have such a problem with my bot? Any idea? Cause whereever I go, I seem to see a post from someone bad mouthing bots and often times they are mine... But you know what they say... any publicity is GOOD publicity
Thank you for reading my rant...
- SkuZZy
I see spammers in the chat rooms all the times who will spam every 5 seconds. I see flooders who will bring 50 names in. I see guys advertising sites that steal cd-keys. I see other people advertising porno sites that crash your browser, yet regardless of all this, people seem to want to pick on the "good bots" like mine, rather than focus on the malicious ones. I think people who overreact about bots and stuff must be really miserable or bitter about something else, because the majority of people don't mind bots and even think of them as a part of chat rooms. I mean, how many of you found this site because of my bot? Plus, like I said above, it's not like my bot is spamming viruses or other sites... or making me super rich or anything. I don't even make any money off of that's why I have no pop-up windows. I just wanted to start up a community and get people joining it and so far it's worked out great. So... why do people have such a problem with my bot? Any idea? Cause whereever I go, I seem to see a post from someone bad mouthing bots and often times they are mine... But you know what they say... any publicity is GOOD publicity
Thank you for reading my rant...
- SkuZZy