This is where you will be told how to make colors in your wc3 maps.
|c is the common start for all colors. YOU MUST HAVE IT!!!!
|r is the closing for all color fonts, this is used to go like this
|c##%%$$text|r This is how you create a color text.
## stands for Red
%% stands for Green
$$ stands for Blue
U can replace ##, %%, or $$ to a-f or 5-9
ff stands for full. the lower the letter is in the alphabit it is darker, same with numbers.
so therefor |cff0000 is red
|c00ff00 is Green
|c0000ff is Blue.
|c000000 is black and so on. you can replace all of the number for any f-a 5-9.
So if you ever wondered how they made the colors in the custom games, here you go If you havwe any questions pm me :rollie
|c is the common start for all colors. YOU MUST HAVE IT!!!!
|r is the closing for all color fonts, this is used to go like this
|c##%%$$text|r This is how you create a color text.
## stands for Red
%% stands for Green
$$ stands for Blue
U can replace ##, %%, or $$ to a-f or 5-9
ff stands for full. the lower the letter is in the alphabit it is darker, same with numbers.
so therefor |cff0000 is red
|c00ff00 is Green
|c0000ff is Blue.
|c000000 is black and so on. you can replace all of the number for any f-a 5-9.
So if you ever wondered how they made the colors in the custom games, here you go If you havwe any questions pm me :rollie