Tricks that will help you win


Premium Member
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
False Surrender Trick

If you have an expansion, and one of your base’s is under attack, press enter, and type in “has left the game” (make sure you have chat on “send to all”), but don’t send it yet! Pause the game and then send the message. People will think you have surrendered! This looks more realistic than the Fake Elimination Trick because the color of the fonts are all the same when the game is paused! I actually got fooled by this trick before!

Nuclear Defense Trick

If a small group of your units have been chosen for a targeted nuke, and you can’t see where it’s coming from, simply use stasis field with an arbiter and the covered units won’t even be scratched.

Transparent Supply Depot

If you know you’re gonna lose, and your terran…
When you get money to spare send an SCV behind a mineral patch and build a supply depot right when he starts building it, click on the SCV (not the supply depot) and press cancel. It will almost look as if it weren't there. Then when you lose all your buildings (except the supply depot), your opponent will think the game is messed up and leave. You should probably build a few all around the map. Try to build one behind your enemies minerals.

Impenetrable Tank Glitch (Doesn't work with 1.08)​

This trick is used to make your siege tank have the hit points of a building! To do this, first hotkey a tank, and put it next to a building that is capable of flying. Lift off the building, and land it. While it’s landing, get your tank, move it under the landing building, and siege it. You must do this VERY QUICKLY. The tank will now have the life of the building and be invincible to melee units! With practice, you can get 5+ tanks hiding under 1 building

Critter Trick

A VERY easy and cheap way to see your opponent’s base!
This is very simple to do…all it requires is a map with critters (preferably Kakarus because they fly) and you being Zerg. Get a Queen with 75 energy and look for a critter. Parasite it, and you can see what it sees! Once the critter walks, or flies, into your opponent’s base, enjoy the view! This is really cool because your opponent will not automatically attack the critter! This is because it’s a neutral unit
Note: This will not work very well against comps because comps always kill critters. But most humans just ignore them!

*Gathered throughout many different websites all containing same material. No copyright


§ilent Âssassin
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Over the Rainbow
I have a nice little trick... I won once by doing it;

Build a wall of Dark Templars in front of the entrance to your base (works best on fastest maps), and allie your opponent. If you do this quickly enough so it's mid or early game(and your opponents don't have anything to detect you yet... with the exception of Zerg, but I doubt they'll think of it), and it's a 1v1 or so, then your opponent will probably leave because 1. they think you hack 2. you edited the map and rigged it for yourself (which is impossible...).

I find it so amusing to watch them go "WTF you haxzor!!!!"


[ Official Forum Ninja ]
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
Roanoke VA
Here is the easiest way to victory in a few simple steps.

1. Start a game.
2. Pick Zerg.
3. Spawn moar Overlords.
4. Harvest more vespene gas.
5. Infinitely spawn Zerglings and Hydralisks.
6. ????
7. Profit


§ilent Âssassin
Feb 1, 2008
Reaction score
Over the Rainbow
...and be sure to follow #6, as it is the most important step of all: nothing. </sarcastic>

But that stratagy is basics. Anyone who has played atleast 10 matchs on SC would know about it. Although, it won't work well against other Zergs and sometimes Terrans. Toss will be owned.


I have a nice little trick... I won once by doing it;

Build a wall of Dark Templars in front of the entrance to your base (works best on fastest maps), and allie your opponent. If you do this quickly enough so it's mid or early game(and your opponents don't have anything to detect you yet... with the exception of Zerg, but I doubt they'll think of it), and it's a 1v1 or so, then your opponent will probably leave because 1. they think you hack 2. you edited the map and rigged it for yourself (which is impossible...).

I find it so amusing to watch them go "WTF you haxzor!!!!"
thats effing genius, ill be sure to use that next change i get.


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