The United States.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Anyway, you seem to be forgetting something. Why are terrorists attacking the USA? Because of the foreign policy you have. And only. Yes, they hate America's culture, and all. But that, the fact they are infidels, is the reason given to the suicide bombers and plane guys.

But what's the reason that ben Laden and the other leaders have? Because America is helping Israel and other "corrupt" Middle East countries, alongside with bombing some countries you shouldn't even care about... I just read that ben Laden said in that video that he started thinking on 9/11 when the USA bombed the Lebanon (sp) in 1982. Yeah, it's a hell of a time that has passed. But he holded grudges. Then you kept selling Israel weapons, so they could kill more muslims. I'm sure as hell he didn't like it.

So, what do I mean? Having a tough guy (in which case, Bush isn't, btw, he's just a wannabe cowboy who think he knows how to be tough) in the American Throne is not a good idea. You need someone pacific and wise... But I guess that won't happen in the next 4 years.


On a side note:

And btw yes I know that American news is Biased BUT I do no the difference between liberal news and more balanced news. There are a few news organizations that are great. Like Fox News.
Define great.


Jul 21, 2003
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just 4? you mean the next 50...i mean...with Bush choosing who gets all the important positions in congress/the supreme court/whatever...


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I am not pessimistic :-/

Anyway, I also noticed this, didn't notice before...

Tipsy said:
Anyone who the American people believe is doing what is in their best interest will support that person. If any random person, for example if Al Sharpton was president and he was doing the exact same thing as Bush, he would be supported. If it not a matter of we support Bush because he is Bush, it is we support Bush because we believe he is doing what is in the best interest for the United States.
That's precisely the thing. You would vote him because of what he IS doing, not what he WILL do. That's the system nowadays. And it's a very stupid system, but, well... What can I do anyway?


Oct 22, 2003
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Iliaran said:
What's wrong with being liberal? I'm liberal. I'm proud of it. Without change, there can be no progress. Change = GOOD.

Yes. You're right, we're ALL "liberal assholes" (note the sarcasm. Don't generalize)

Yes, he's all powerful and we're all just shaking in fear. (dreamcrusader, stop worshipping Bush. He's only human.)

That's right. Thats what the US needs, a "tough" war president. Yep. Who needs diplomacy when you've got nukes? Right? Right? WRONG.

dreamcrusader, you're an idiot.

you can't speak for others, so **** the **** up.

Nice straw man. Dumbass.

riiiight...whatever that meant...

idiot. When the US mounted an attack on Iraq, the "new Iraqie government" didn't exist. Dumbass.

Try sticking to stuff you know about...kay? (on second thought...that might not really work with know...cause...)

You know what I mean. Other countries are afriad of his power.

I dont remember him threatening with nukes. Thats bullshit sacasim.

I DO know that a speak for alot of Americans when I say I hate France.

And you forgot to qoute the rest of my statement of the intellagance agencys. I was being sarcastic to Kuzmich saying "12 intellagance agency including the all good of them, Russia"

And how can you say the new Iraq government dosent exits? There fighting "with" us right now.

You just seem like the average Michal Moore worshiper. Dont get the facts, only the deciets


Jul 21, 2003
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You know what I mean. Other countries are afriad of his power.
No. I don't. Enlighten me.

I dont remember him threatening with nukes. Thats bullshit sacasim.
Really? I didn't even notice...

I DO know that a speak for alot of Americans when I say I hate France.
Prove it.

You just seem like the average Michal Moore worshiper. Dont get the facts, only the deciets
Crap. How'd you know? *runs to self-made Micahael Moore shrine*. ehm... try listing a couple of facts. kthx.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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Americans hate France. But is there a reason for it? Other than "They didn't support us in the war, and they are ugly ahahaha"?

And don't call Illirian an average Michael Moore worshiper. You are a Fox News worshiper yourself... Honestly, man, I know the AS is to debate about something, but you don't know what the hell you are talking about.


BattleForums Addict
May 25, 2003
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Thanks dreamcrusader for pointing out lots of facts that saved me typing.
Kuzmich, there were WMD'S in Iraq, im sorry but its true someday you have to realize that.

He killed his own people with mustard gas. To those liberals who are too scared to know what it means. It's not what you put on your hotdog in gas form.

Kuzmich, doesn't ****ing matter if Israel could fend themselve, Iraq was dicking with everyone like Kuwait and Israel, because of their idiot dictator. We had plenty reason to invade Iraq.

When we flew planes over Iraq i don't think those were fireworks being shot at our planes.

Do you think we didn't ask saddam to see his chemical weapons facilitys? We asked 72 times. Till Bush came along and kicked all their asses that is. They're scared to have a such a man that can stand up to them as our president. Because they could tell Clinton to shut the **** up real well.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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As he said, and I'll repeat, the mustard gas was more than 10 years ago, and they did not make it. They bought it. Either from the US or from Russia, or another, but they bought it.

Nowadays, there was no proof they had WMDs.


Nov 23, 2003
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dreamcrusader said:
You know what I mean. Other countries are afriad of his power.
No we aren't. He isn't powerful, it doesn't take power to declare a war. We don't like him because he is way over his head.


Nov 23, 2003
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phreakerhaxxor said:
When we flew planes over Iraq i don't think those were fireworks being shot at our planes.
Heh and what did you expect? If another countrie's jets would be flying over my country without my countrie's permission hell we would shoot them down no matter who they belonged to, US, China no matter cause they would be shot down and only then we would start asking questions from a nation who sent them. Same in the Iraqie case, they not just gonna sit still then their enemy is flying above them.


Oct 22, 2003
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Iliaran said:
No. I don't. Enlighten me.

Really? I didn't even notice...

Prove it.

Crap. How'd you know? *runs to self-made Micahael Moore shrine*. ehm... try listing a couple of facts. kthx.

First of all to Tronga Monga you cant just "buy" mustard gas. It is agianst the "rules of war" and was banned after WW1 becasue of its use.

Now to the one I qouted.

Its blind obvoius what im pointing out. Bush uses his power much in a much more threating way to other countrys. Hes taken a stand for America saying perrty much "dont **** with us" and other countrys are afriad of that.
And your "prove it" statement shows just how oblivious you are to our relations with France. Your following statment proves my whole point about you: You belive lies and deciets more than facts and reality.

And phreakerhaxxor made an excellant point that we need to know when negotiations and talking have to stop and action needs to start.


Nov 23, 2003
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Refer to my post please. We aren't afraid of you, hell if we wanted we would kick your ass but we choose to be civil towards you and you for some reason got into your small, arrogant minds that being civil to us does not matter. We aren't afraid of you.


Oct 22, 2003
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Kuzmich said:
Refer to my post please. We aren't afraid of you, hell if we wanted we would kick your ass but we choose to be civil towards you and you for some reason got into your small, arrogant minds that being civil to us does not matter. We aren't afraid of you.
lol, Kick our ass? What time period our you living in? But honestly. Bush is the 1st of our presidents in a long time to take action. And other countries dont like that..


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Kuzmich said:
He cost billions of dollars to your economy, no matter what you might think US can't survive without foregin powers so it is in its interest to not get them pissed. The thing is Bush hasn't been doing the best for US, actually he has been doing the opposite.
If this is responding to what I said then I don't think I was clear. I was not saying that the United States could survive without foreign countries. If there weren't foreign counties that would do tons worse the economy than anything Bush has done. And for Bush doing the best for the US, that all has to do with the values and ideals of the person making the decision. To the world it could be wrong, to some Americans, it could be wrong, to some Americans it could be right, to some people in the rest of the world it could be right. When it comes down to it, 59,000,000 Americans voted for him, the largest popular vote ever in the United States. I think he is doing the best fr the United States, you can think he is doing worse, it is everyone's choice to think what they wish about Bush's policies.

I and many other American cant stand France

you can't speak for others, so **** the **** up.
Just saying one quick thing, a fairly large percent of Americans couldn't stand the French after they refused to back the United States in war. Going to stuff so far as calling "French" fries "Freedom" fries. The amount of Americans who hate the french has gone down since then but there still is a lot of people in the United States who can't stand the French. Not saying they're right, just saying he is actually right there.

Refer to my post please. We aren't afraid of you, hell if we wanted we would kick your ass but we choose to be civil towards you and you for some reason got into your small, arrogant minds that being civil to us does not matter. We aren't afraid of you.
First, the kicking the ass part. Even if your government wanted to kick the United States' ass they wouldn't. I'm sure you, especially being Russian have heard of the Cold War, and further have heard of a term/acronym "MAD". MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) is pretty simple, nukes go one way, nukes get fired back, nukes go boom, no more war. And I also have to say, that your posts are a poor example of Russian/American relationships. Americans and Russians do work side by side, especially in space where American Astronauts have been going into space in Russian space shuttles with Russian cosmonauts ever since the Columbia crashed (grounded American space program + delayed longer due to hurricanes hitting Flordia). And now back to the point. As for whether the world is afraid of Bush, it doesn't matter. The point is Bush is working in the direction 59,000,000 agreed to continue with when they voted for him. Bush does what American people want, not what the world wants. He is the American president and runs America for Americans, not a world president who does what everyone in the world wants.


Jul 21, 2003
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Don't turn this into another "bash Russia" thread. Stick to the topic at hand.

Its blind obvoius what im pointing out.
me no speaky your language. try typing in english.

Hes taken a stand for America saying perrty much "dont **** with us" and other countrys are afriad of that
Stop repeating the same BS over and over again and start trying to prove some of it.

And your "prove it" statement shows just how oblivious you are to our relations with France. Your following statment proves my whole point about you: You belive lies and deciets more than facts and reality.
riiiight... and still you offer no proof whatsoever. You can't just pull random **** out of your a** and expect people to believe you...and you can't just call people "oblivious" for questioning your BS. Prove something. Support your arguments. Ignorant ****t*rd.

and WHAT following statement? ("Your following statment proves my whole point about you: You belive lies and deciets more than facts and reality.").

and yes, i believe in lies. in fact, all us liberals do. but then again, we've got d*mbasse* like you to show us the light, so i guess its alright...


oh, and Tipsy? the same goes for you. Prove it. Prove that Americans cant stand the French. (those of you out there with brains might be quick to realize that any attempt to do so would constitute the use of generalizations, which, by definition, are informal fallacies. ie. invalid arguments.)


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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dreamcrusader said:
lol, Kick our ass? What time period our you living in? But honestly. Bush is the 1st of our presidents in a long time to take action. And other countries dont like that..
Oh we are living in this time period and yes EU can kick your ass, if Russia wanted we could nuke your ass and hope that our superior anti-missile defenses hold. So yes we can kick your ass, Bush started a conflict in Iraq which is nothing but an unjust war and all it accomplished was do damage to world economy and caused terrorist attacks in countries like Spain, and there were no terrorist attacks by Arabs in Spain before the war. Basically you gave Muslim terrorists a reason to hate not only you but also other peoples, and that is all you did, there were no good moments about that war.


Jul 21, 2003
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Muslim terrorists
That's an oxymoron. Islam does not condone terrorism. Therefore, one cannot be both a terrorist AND a muslim at the same time.

And Kuzmich, in case you haven't noticed, people 'enjoy' bashing your country. Don't give them a reason to. Ignore it all. The US is in the spotlight this time, so just chill. kay?


Nov 23, 2003
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I don't really care if some ignorant ****s bash my country. Also i know that not all terrorist are Muslims, thats why i didn't just say Muslims i said Muslim terrorists.


Respected Member
Jun 7, 2003
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Washington D.C
Don't turn this into another "bash Russia" thread. Stick to the topic at hand.
I respect Russia, I'm just pointing out Kuzmich is not representing Russia well and not representing their policies well either. Surprisingly enough, I actually do know something about Russia and I'm not saying "OMFG WE PWN U WTF", I'm just saying that Kuzmich isn't what the Russian government's policies say. There is no point in even bashing Russia as a country because all it does is stereotype the country. If I offended anyone who is Russian I'm sorry, that was only intended to be directed at Kuzmich.

oh, and Tipsy? the same goes for you. Prove it. Prove that Americans cant stand the French. (those of you out there with brains might be quick to realize that any attempt to do so would constitute the use of generalizations, which, by definition, are informal fallacies. ie. invalid arguments.)
I'm guessing you didn't understand what I read or I wasn't clear. In either case, anyway, I'll just cite this from an encyclopedia:

Anti-French sentiment in the United States returned to the fore in the wake of France's refusal to endorse the 2003 US plan to invade Iraq in the UN Security Council. While other nations were also openly opposed to the plan (notably Germany, Russia, and the People's Republic of China), France was accused of particularly ferocious criticism, because it was seen by invasion proponents as opposing not because of a disagreement over what to do about the situation, but as a way of opposing the United States for the sake of decreasing the diplomatic power of the United States and building an opposing power movement.

France was accused, mainly in the US, of knee-jerk anti-Americanism, of hypocritically acting out of economic interests in Iraq's oil (a similar charge was leveled at Russia and Germany, but with less ferocity), and of hypocritically sending a military presence to Côte d'Ivoire (formerly known as the Ivory Coast in English) during the Iraq crisis

France and Russia, both permanent members of the Security Council with veto power, warned that they would oppose the proposed new U.N. resolution authorizing the invasion of Iraq on March 11, 2003. Since it is probable that a majority of other members of the security council would have opposed the plan in case of vote (The UN Security Council and the Iraq war), the proposition was cancelled, and some wondered why France was singled out. Many people (including some French people) feel that France was singled out because it was actively defending its position, in open competition against the U.S. to convince other members [1] ( Other people claim it possible that the concentration of the U.S. media on France is an example of media manipulation, using France as a scapegoat to avoid mentioning and discussing all the other countries that were opposed to the plan. France was also viewed as using French political power to intimidate other countries that the US tried to intimidate itself. French President Jacques Chirac was quoted as telling eastern European nations that expressed support for the US that they "missed an opportunity to keep quiet" and were "not very well-mannered and a little careless of the dangers which come with a too-rapid alignment with the American position."

It was also argued that accusations of knee-jerk anti-Americanism from France were made so as to avoid discussing the actual reasons that France (and more generally global protests against war on Iraq) said it had to oppose the war - namely that France did not believe there was a clear and imminent danger from Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, that it was not consistent with the War on Terrorism, and that a war would only destabilize the Middle East while not providing long-term solutions.

Diplomatic friction
Donald Rumsfeld famously referred to France and Germany as "Old Europe" while referring to the many Central European countries which pledged diplomatic backing of the US war as "New Europe," raising long-extant fears that expansion of the European Union would be used by the US to keep Europe politically divided.

Chirac became the subject of harsh criticism in U.S. media [2] ( [3] ( and French foreign minister Dominique de Villepin emerged as a prominent critic of U.S. action in Iraq.
Ran out of room in post, continuing in next post.

Edit: Messed up quoting