The threat of Nite City (RPR VETS ONLY)

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Jan 16, 2003
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Welcome you guys, this is the RP weve all been waiting for me to make. I hope i can pull this off good, and make you guys all like it. Like the title states this is for RPR Veterans only, so please do not post here, if your a VET, you know who you are :mean Here is the character sheet (YES i have my own leveling system, dont worry.) I do not want premade characters, make a new one and post it here.


Nite City is an amalgum of races, everything ranging from Halflings to Demons. Vampires and warewolves have been vanquished from the city, so please dont pick those 2. If you want a list of races here you go: Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Demon, Angel, Elan (Psionic humans), Dromites (Think.....psionic lizard/fish people lol), Celestial Being, Phoenix Born.


The professions of Nite city range from the avid bounty hunter, to the tinkering artifact maker. Almost anything can be chosen, but please stick to what i list here: Defender (knight type class), Loner (Gun type class), Swordcaster (Melee subtype class), Artifactcaster (Spell user.), Bounty Hunter (Mix of Loner and Swordcaster, but a little weaker.), Sniper (Bow type ranged.).


Within reason, anything can be chosen, here are each classes inherant weapons. Each class gets a pistol, combat knife, Armor, clothes, and one inherant weapon.

Defender - Pistol, Knife, SWAT armor, SWAT helm, SPAS - 12 auto shotgun
Loner - Pistol, Knife, Light class stealth suit, night vision goggles, PSG-1 sniper rifle, (or MP-5 submachine gun, not both.)
Swordcaster - pistol, knife, Medium class link armor, metal helm, Longsword (or Bastard sword.)
Artifactcaster - Pistol, knife, light cloth robes, Medium class artifacter pistol (anyone seen outlaw star? if not, its a gun that uses special ammo to cast spells in this case. Can be VERY powerful at later levels.)
Bounty Hunter - Knife, Pistol, Medium class link armor, Light class metal helm. Short sword and MP-5 sub machine gun (bounty hunter gets both, but advances much slower. The double weapons are not that important.)
Sniper - Knife, pistol, light robes, Large composite bow. (In this RP, arrows, and ammo, are unlimited.)


Physical Desription:
Reason for being in Nite City (just put why your in nite city...):

Please post your characters here using the above sheet, and then i shall start this puppy up ^_~ Here is my guy.

Name: Skyly
Race: Elan
Class: Loner
Age: 22
Physical Desription: Being almost identical to a human, Skyly stands at a little under 6 feet tall. His height is unhindering as he is wearing urban camoflauge pants, and a matching top. Urban camoflauge consists of diffrent shades of Blue, Black, and Grey. Covering the top is a visible stealth black kevlar vest. On Skylys head, is not the standard issue night vision goggles, but a pair given to him by his comrad before all of this had started.
Reason for being in Nite City: Skyly arrived many many years ago after hearing of the great war that was going on between the gangs. With the help oh Skylys friend, they decimated the gangs and united them into one large gang caled the Peacemakers. This lasted many years untill the gang activity started up again, this time under the rule of Skuld, the great tyrant. Skyly now was joinede by a new band of comrades containing: Vide Marcheur, Ishtar Mzenth, Gott Morder, and a lone wolf named Kara. These chosen few were able to overthrow the great destroyer skuld, and now Skyly is here, resting untill this happenned.

Your reason does not have to be that long, but description and backround DO help. Ill explain whats going on when we get all these characters up and going.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
((Character forthcoming.))

Name: Johnathan "Shaav" Hunter
Race: Bioengineered Human-Deathclaw
Class: Lone Claw (Loner with a twist)
Age: 42
Gear: Johnathan carries the standard 9mm pistol, which appears to be splattered with blood, and a combat knife, each serrated tooth on the blade looking to be an actual tooth of some creature. He also has in his possession a skin tight body suit that has been... modified to his certain needs, as well as aMP-5 Submachine gun. (he doesn't have the goggles for a reason)
Abilities: Johnathan is an interesting fellow. Aside from having extremely increased physical attributes, he's also a killing machine. Give him a knife and everyone is dead. Better yet, get him his chemical accelerants or piss him off and he won't even need the knife! Extreme emotion can trigger a hange between Johnathan and Shaav. Shaav can be seen below. Aside from this Johnathan has begun training to shift between these forms of his own accord, without the use of chemicals, emotion, or time. This also gives his the ability to slightly change his internal structure so as to reduce internal bleeding or extend his reach, etc. In his Deathclaw form he has a nasty bite, not to mention deadly horns upon his head and snout and razor sharp claws, as well as a strong tail. When a deathclaw he can move almost silently and with great speed, possessing extreme constitution dexterity and physical strength.
Physical Desription: (Shaav is below, but more red-ish) Johnathan stands at an impressive 6'7" in his human form, with a rather large frame. While in his human form he was long crimson hair that trails down to the small of his back, and in either form he has deep blood red eyes that always have a look of concentration about them. He prefers to wear his stealth suit with special shoes that are made to break apart if he needs to change and then snap back together in a flash. When not trying to be completely stealthy, and only in human form, Johnathan wears a long tan trenchcoat that has a metal plate woven into the back bearing a sword, pointed upwards, and three gears encompassed by two wings.
Background: War. War never changes. Secret sects of the Western Brotherhood sought ways to lengthen the life of their slowly dwindling numbers and increase their chances of survival. This resulted in the Vault 13 Memorial Project. Certain individuals were chosen for this project and subjected to intense physical situations and brutal conditioning. Those that survived were given the rank of Knight Commander, with a curse. After achieving their rnak they were stolen away and subjected to medical procedures that resulted in the Brothers of Death. These Brothers, and Sister, gained the traits of a Deathclaw, though remaining human. The project was thought to be a success, but as always, nothing is certain in the Wastes. The Brothers of Death performed exceedingly well, until one day Talon squad reported an unstoppable force of Deathclaws ripping them apart. The Brothers of Death were called in to aid them, but they never arrived, better yet, they already had. Johnathan Hunter was among these Brothers, and the only one to return to the Brotherhood. There he was dishonored, though the Elders looked favorably upon his devotion as a Brother of Steel, through and through, granting him a small supply of chemicals to help ease the transition between forms, or halt it temporarily. So he left out into the Wastes, the greatest hero of the Brotherhood, thrown into dishonor and banishment by his demon within.

The exact details of his coming to Nite City are sketchy, at best, those times were ruled by Deathclaw instincts for Johnathan. The only reason he stays is because he hopes he can find some solace in a grand city where technology can be found that rivals the Brotherhood, a grim reminder of his past.

Johnathan remains ever loyal to his forgotten Brothers; Brothers of Death and of Steel. He retains the rigid militaristic thinking that got him through Initiation and beyond to rise through the ranks to Knight, the Knight Commander promotion meaning little to him. Rank in general means everything to him, its a structure for living, and as he is a Knight Commander, he outranks every last civilian in Nite city.

In the few moments of shifting from Human to Deathclaw Shaav will be complete deathclaw, instinct and all. It'd be wise to steer clear of him during these few short moment.



Jan 23, 2003
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((I concider myself a vet...when i actually post :D))

Name: Marius Etherleaf(male)
Race: Elf
Class: Swordcaster(if its ok, id like to modify it a bit. Ill add what i would like for weapons and gear down at the end)
Age: 30 in human(i dont want to make up my own age ratio :-/)

Physical Desription:
Different from most elves, dark brown hair instead of the usual blonde or light brown. His skin is a lighter shade of skin color, much like the extinct race of dark elves(i would like to add a bit of story if its ok? dark elves are a race of half elf half vampires pretty much if thats ok) but its clearly obvious that he is an elf due to the eyes and placement of his cheekbones. He wears armor from the elven realm, mostly studded leather, but a kind of leather that doesnt restrict movement as would thick armor. Anyways, He carries a sword made of a rare material. Think of it as a type of steel that is a few shades whiter than it is grey. The material is just a bit stronger than regular steel, but is much harder to sharpen due to durability in combat. He is fast, but not nearly as fast as the snipers of his race

Born to a family of nobility, Marius was forced to leave his home durring the vampire hunts. Some of the elves believed Marius to be half-vampire, and sought to claim the reward for vampires/half-vampires so Marius' family chose to save him by sending him away, along with a home crafted one handed long sword as well as a few leathers to protect him from the elements. After the extinction(or supposed) of vampires and wearwolves, people began to see Marius as more of an elf than a half-vampire and he was free from persecution. Marius was now old enough to be on his own, so he chose to adventure for a few years before returning. One of his skills back home was making fine weapons, so he chose to peddle in cities around the world. When he came across nite city, he chose to take a break from crafting and is now living off of what he had made over the years.

((what weapons i want to have...
Swordcaster - pistol(a bit larger than most), knife(buck knife?), Medium class link(leather like armor instead?) armor, no helm, and a longsword))
Dec 23, 2002
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Honolulu, Hawaii
Name: Gail Gaarn
Race: Human
Class: Tinkler (If you dont let me use this **** off. :D its basically someone who tinkers with items and artifacts and makes weapons out of them. He'll be good down the road, though he is weak in melee combat.
Age: 94
Physical Desription: For a 94 year old man, he is in remarkable physical condition. Some say his long dark chain-linked sleeve on his left arm covers the source of his longevity, and his thin black hair is always unkempt and messy. He has few wrinkles on his face, even at his age, and is never seen without his circular optical glasses, a personal favorite gadget used for many things; mainly because he is blind without them.
Reason for being in Nite City (just put why your in nite city...): He has been tracing for many years "the Arch" another tinkler who stole countless gadgets from Gail some 30 odd years ago, and has been using Gails most devastating gadget to kill, maim, and destroy countless thousands of people. He came to Nite City to recover it. After quite a battle, he recovered the Anti, and now he resides in Nite City, spending his time tinkling and toying with his many gadgets.

i ****ing hope im a vet i used to mod here...

heres a nice little teaser of my character, the Tinkler.

Everywhere Gail looked the Tinklers amassed, lining up with their gadgets and trinkets prepared and ready for a battle not yet born. The ominous power leeched down from the top of the dark desolate hill; the wretched and most horrible of creatures that be. That evil, snaring creature that causes a complete loss of hope and faith; the one single creature who’s very core is iniquity.
Gail knew what would happen next. It happened everywhere this sin went. This creature, the very embodiment of sin itself, never left someone alive to tell of its tale. All that can be inferred about it can be gathered from the countless thousands of people who’s flame he has extinguished. There were men old and young, women and children too, who gathered below his perch. Unwilling sacrifices. There was no logic, no reason, for these sensless killings. It was what SIN does; it is what SIN is. There is no reason, there is only judgement. Seven turns into the night, at one point down the road, this vice he had on the minds of the townsfolk suddenly was severed, and all dropped to their knees. It was as if Gail literally felt death brush by him. It was a wonder his very essence his SOUL wasn’t stripped from his body right then. All were now prone, their dreams full of life and their lives full of dreams were now nothing but a distant memory. They were not dead. No, that would be too easy for SIN. They were simply there. Life without purpose is not life at all, and these pour souls were now just carbon beings incapable of anything but fear, pain, and despair. There was no more god in their eyes; no more faith. There was nothing.
It was at this very moment Gail turned to see him, staring him in the eyes. How was he not affected? Was he chosen by SIN to be the bearer of news? Was he blessed to live? No. He was cursed. It was this very moment that his life made a full circle. With an outstretched arm, SIN squeezed the heart beating inside Gail; the 94 year old tinkler. He had the curse now. He was the curse now. A dark, misty fog choked his lungs as his skin turned to a dark wretched black; dark as SIN and just as cruel. He should have died that very instant he was touched with SIN, but he didn’t. Something happened. A mistake maybe? No, SIN does not make mistakes. SIN makes choices based on logic, and as the mist escaped into the palm of the SIN’s hand, the black drained out of Gails body. He fell to his knees, feeling the pain of death without the sweet kiss of relief at the end. He died, yet he lived on. He faced death and somehow survived.
Gail stumbled from his knees to the ground. He knew what happened, the curse was upon him. He could no longer die, and yet he could no longer live. He was the lingo the MUSE. He wasn’t even human anymore. He wasnt anything. He was just a collection of bones and organs without a purpose or soul. He who wanders the land without hope or faith. The unforgiven. And yet, some 3000 years later, as he travels the world as the last desolate Tinkler... he thinks back every second he gets to the days when he could pray and live and age. Now here he was. Stuck forever in a body that isnt his anymore. His meaning has gone, and with that his soul.

K im tired thats all i feel like writing tonight, just a lil backstory. Kisses, and gnight.

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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question about the Medium class artifacter pistol (caster gun is what its called in outlaw star) will it be the same as the show as i nthe shells are hard to find? and 20 diff ones?


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
Am working ON her ATM ^_^ So don't worry, she should be done by tommorow.

Pains, you should die on the first misson :) Since you can't read and stuff. XD J/k


Name: Nikhrea Sek'i [Also called Nik, or better yet Nika, for simplicity's sake.]
Race: Catelf [Elf like beings with a slightly more feline appearance, and some feline features.]
Class: Sniper
Age: [Think 17 in human years.]
Physical Desription: About 5'7", rather slim in the shoulders, practically a stick. Her hair is dark red, almost cherry, it's down to her lower back. It's not exactly tamed, and very wispy - strands of it constantly cling to her face and her clothes. It curls up, appears wind-licked and goes wherever it wants. Her eyes are very bright green and piercing, more like the eyes of a hawk or a cat. Her skin is rather pale, she has very few freckles, but they're barely visible. She has her eyebrow pierced, there's one piercing in each ear as well.
Reason for being in Nite City: She's a runaway, for no tragic reason. She's simply a bored teen, looking for adventure. She resides in Nite City for a year now. She worked as an assasin for a short while. While she hasn't seen her family for a while, she's hapy with her new life and keeps in touch with her family still.
Personality: A fun loving, adveturous teen. She's pretty curious, and perky, though not in the cheerful way. She loves a good challenge and takes great pride and confidence in her abilities. Because she's so proud, she doesn't take well to being insulted. If you do, she'll star arguing with you, and she'll try to get the last word - and those arguments often get out of hand...She's not too trusting, but she values and respects her allies, and works well as a part of a team.


I still need to get her picture together...


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
Am working in her ATM
((OMG! Kitty is a program! She's working inside her character!!! OMFG!!!))

((...or...the other possibility isn't exactly normal either....'working' 'in' the character. *cough* working .... cough IN...))

((Yeah...I'm retarded))


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
Tacitus said:
((OMG! Kitty is a program! She's working inside her character!!! OMFG!!!))

((...or...the other possibility isn't exactly normal either....'working' 'in' the character. *cough* working .... cough IN...))

((Yeah...I'm retarded))
Yes, damn straight you are!

Now, if you'll be so kind as to kill the typo demon for me. :-/

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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*cries liek a girl*


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
Reaction score
A place where there is no dark
((I think I'm going to completely rework my character, he's too much like my two main Gaia characters. Johnathan "Shaav" Hunter will be the new character, I'll edit the post sooner or later.))


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
Well, the edit button disappeared... TT^TT


Name: Nikhrea Sek'i [Also called Nik, or better yet Nika, for simplicity's sake.]
Race: Catelf [Elf like beings with a slightly more feline appearance, and some feline features.] (Lion)
Class: Sniper
Age: [Think 17 in human years.]
Physical Desription: About 5'7", rather slim in the shoulders, practically a stick. Her hair is dark red, almost cherry, it's down to her lower back. It's not exactly tamed, and very wispy - strands of it constantly cling to her face and her clothes. It curls up, appears wind-licked and goes wherever it wants. Her eyes are very bright green and piercing, more like the eyes of a hawk or a cat. Her skin is rather pale, she has very few freckles, but they're barely visible. She has her eyebrow and bellybutton pierced, there's one piercing in each ear as well. Her tail is a lion's tail, with a floof of fur on the end, and her ears have fut on the tips as well. Her nails are claw-like and black.
Reason for being in Nite City: She's a runaway, for no tragic reason. She's simply a bored teen, looking for adventure. She resides in Nite City for a year now. She worked as an assasin for a short while. While she hasn't seen her family for a while, she's hapy with her new life and keeps in touch with her family still.
Personality: A fun loving, adveturous teen. She's pretty curious, and perky, though not in the cheerful way. She loves a good challenge and takes great pride and confidence in her abilities. Because she's so proud, she doesn't take well to being insulted. If you do, she'll star arguing with you, and she'll try to get the last word - and those arguments often get out of hand...She's not too trusting, but she values and respects her allies, and works well as a part of a team. You could blame her pride and impulsiveness on her lion heritage's another thing she's proud of.



Jan 16, 2003
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Wow........................Kitty i can justify your character being here, Tacitus, yours is kind of reaching, i wouldve really appreciated having races that i had posted, becuase now i have to rethink the RP to fit a death claw bringer of doom >>

4 can work though, i would really like to see Bam here though............


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
Yeah, where is the bugger? I haven't seen him online for like...aaaages... ;_;
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