ah...tis sad how people misunderstand and misrepresent islam...
Most Muslims believe that any country that lets a woman have equal rights to be bad.
Your proof being that...? Like Spike~ said, find yourself some supporting proof.
Islam advocates various form of social equality. Islam in no way believes that males are superior to females.
also believe in "jihad," a fair, defensive war, or if it protects your religion's rights
Actually, jihad isn't war per say. Jihad comes from the base verb to 'jahid', which means to excel, or to work hard for something.
Thus, the word jihad can be used in the following contexts (and more):
Al jihad fi sabil allah (to excel in god's name)
Al jihad fi al harb (to fight in god's name)
Al jihad fi al amal (to excel in one's work)
convert the world to Muslim
gul ayuha al kafiroon (verse) la aabud ma taabudoon (verse)wala antum aabidoona ma aabud (verse) wala ana waabid ma aabadtum (verse) wala antum aabidoona ma aabud (verse) lakum diynakum wa liya diyn (verse)
Translation: Disbelievers (this encompasses people of all other religions, NOTE atheists): you've you're religion, I have mine; muslim's aren't allowed to 'force' their religion upon others. People choose.
(reference: soorat al kaafiroon (in its entirety))
Islam's teachings completely prohibit forced conversion.
oh, muslim's aren't allowed to instigate wars either (as implied by the following hadith):
'man gatala muaahidan falan yurih bi raihat al janah'
(I've quoted the above from memory, so I can't remmember the exact reference)
translation: those (as in muslims) who kill followers of other religions shall never even smell heaven.
Oh, there 'are' more direct verses and hadiths I could have used to illustrate my point, but I can't really remmember them all and would've been forced to either paraphrase em' or look em' up.
Forged is right......nowhere in the Qu'ran does it preach violence or "jihad" against other religions........Muslims even belive in Jesus (yes, he is in th Qu'ran) but in a different way.
Yep, you're right. Jesus is referred to as "eesa" (you'll have to take my word on that it sounds really similar if you pronounce the Arabic version correctly)...and the bible is referred to as the 'injeel'... and yes, Muslims do believe that Jesus was indeed a prophet of god (but not the 'son' of god per se, though we do also believe that mariam's conception of Jesus was a miracle)
Its just that these days Islamic countries are starting to lose control.
Sadly, you're right. Its not that they're losing any political control, its that they're starting to move away from Islam. I would no longer categorize any country as an 'islamic' country. Any real 'islamic' country would have to ban alcohol, cigs, pig related products, a whole lot of other stuff. Every single frigin country that calls itself 'islamic' doesn't. Those who claim to be muslim seem to be destroying the foundations of their own religion.
even if that many people believe... they are so busy fightin eachother in the mideast...... what are they going to do? hell, a bunch of em couldnt take isreal, we dont got much to worry about imo.
Actually, the quraan prophesizes that Israel will be liberated of Israeli control. (i know ive read it somewhere, but i dunno where, the quraan isn't exactly short)