Originally posted by Swooper
Hey Skuzzy, Mind If I put this on my site?
Oh, BTW, pan_the_man, you probibly can't put replays because of either disk space or bandwidth. U could e-mail them to me and I could put them on my site and u could like them here if you wanted.
Yeah, go for it.
On a related note, I'm pissed cause... earlier on I played the best game i've played on battle.net so far... and I forgot to save the damn replay! It was like, 2 hours long ..... 2v2 on Lost Temple. I did a good tower rush against undead and it really hurt him bad, then I went headhunters and my partner went taurens... well, atleast that's what he told me... then he goes "im maxed" and I look over and he has like, all shamans and 3 fricken taurens... and i've got 24 fully upgraded headhunters... then we group up outside the orcs base and my partner gets ****y and just rushes in, doesnt even tell me. Well, sure enough, they had aboms and lots of them and they chewed thru his crappy shamans and my shitty headhunters like nothing. We still came back though and we took out the entire undead's base. My partner had 3 bases too (2 expansions). Somehow or another though, we just ended up loosing. They had too many aboms and that was what did it. FUlly upgraded aboms are impossible to stop with shamans and headhunters, I told him he needed to go taurens and then get bloodlost, but he didnt listen to me. Also, another thing I forgot to mention, the first time he rushed in to attack, I had 4 cattas coming up and if he had waited 30 god damn seconds, we coulda had 4 cattas killing their base, with 12 shaman and 24 headhunters backing them up... but instead he decided to be stupid. When the game was over, me and my partner had way more kills than them and more points combined (the undead I tower rushed has less than half the points I had). I wish i'd saved the replay though, it truly was a good game...