Beer $lut
BattleForums Senior Member
Im in a bit of a situation here..Im being homeschooled at the moment.. For certain reason if you going to laugh ill tell you why or if you wanna know why ill tell you later..Anyways I really wanna reunite with my old friends from jr high..there all off at different high schools and what not..I can still talk to em online and they all have so many friends and stuff..and a kid i used to hangout with all the time doesnt seem like he wants to any more and hes hanging out with other kids from our old jr high and that makes me pissed off he coulda invited me you know? Well i want to do stuff with them, but the only way i really can is inviting my self and thats not cool. I always hated starting I.M. talks i always waited for someone to talk to me first which they used to but they dont anymore. Should i just randomly start talking to em? Invite them some where? I would invite them some where but i did once and it was odd like the other kid wouldnt talk that much, you guys go any good suggestion?