

Jan 23, 2003
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This rpg is about fallen gods. there is a specific way for you to make your character. it is...

-Name X(normal name, you will be called this in the rpg) the X(something to do with specialty)(ea. thor the thundergod)
-Age(yes gods can have ages) (then include human age)
-Race(the god will appear as the race you have chosen due to the fact that if elves worship gods the gods wont appear as human, etc.l)
-Specialty (lightning, flame, undead, ice, etc. there are many, but you have to pick 1 specialty)
-Weaponry (sword, axe, etc. they can be enchanted by your specialty, so lets say you are a flame god and you have a flame bow. you will shoot flame arrows)
-Appearance (has to do with your race and age. if you chose an older god, he will appear old and if you chose elvish god, then you will appear like an old elf)
-Weakness (If you are a flame god, your weakness is water, so it would be a good idea to stay away from water, but cannot be affected by water god due to god limitations)
-History (how did you become a god, etc.)

This rpg goes like this,

ancient gods have lost their powers and have been removed from their places and put on the mortal plane. They have all lost their superhuman strength and superhuman magic skills as well as became mortal. Together they band in order to restore themselves to their imortal state. Now, your characters still have their specialty but they are mortal level instead of imortal.

Ill start when we get a party of about 3.


My character:

Name: Kharas the Flamegod(not fire god but flame)
Sex: Male
Age: 970 (25 in human)
Race: Dwarf
Specialty: Flame(not neccisarily fire, i cant do a flame throw attack but i can shoot a flame ball)
Weaponry: Battleax imbued with Flames
Appearance: Short and Stout like all known dwarves. His beard is a burning red color and his eyes are a red pupil surrounded by yellow isis. He has little visible scars but a few scorch marks on his palms.
Weakness: Water and Wind
History: The same age as the other gods, Kharas became a god 970 BCE as the first of the dwarf nations began dwelling in the great furnaces of the mountain kingdoms. Kharas was worshiped as the god of the flame of the forge. Not the forge but the flame that heats it, Kharas is regarded as neutral.


Aug 20, 2004
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Name: Sahaidachny
Sex: Male
Age:1078(27 human)
Race: Human
Specialty: Water(like I can Liquify and take any shape)
Weaponry: 2 Sabres made of ice( can Liquify as well )
Appearance: Can take any shape just like water.
Weakness: Fire
History: He onse was a cossack then he prayed to his god to make him a great warrior to protect his village from the tartars and god did just that he made him a god of water.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
Name: Tacitus Nusradai

Tac (common Mortal nickname)
The Nameless One
Lost One
~After learning his true nature~
Father Time

Birthdate: 3333 BCE*
*Before Common Era, it replaced BC if you didn't know, and AD is now CE, little bit of miscellaneous info....OMG! I learned in school! CRAP!

Mortal Form: 33 (ish)
Immortal Form: 3337 (age discrepancy explained in history)

Race: Touched Human (divine gifted human)
Tacitus has only one body, but two different forms. The two do not vary at all, except by power contained within. He exists both in the mortal realm and the realm of the Gods by displacing himself through a process of time manipulation that he does not yet understand, or even know about.

Status: The Nameless One, The Forgotten God [will be God of Time]

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Single (but complicated)

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 189 lbs

Hair Color: Grey

Eye Color:
Left: Orange
Right: Green

Physical Description:
Mortal Form: Tacitus appears as a male in his early thirties with already greyed hair and two prominent black horns protruding from his head. He prefers to wear white shirts with green cargo pants and boots, regardless of formality. Over this he wears a trenchcoat magically enhanced to hold what he needs. To finish off the look he wears a green visor, wraps his hands to keep his hand from twitching too much while wielding a weapon, while prominently displaying his GPD badge for all to see.
Immortal Form: As the ticking of time remains ever constant, as does Tacitus's form. The first of two exceptions in his form compared to that of his mortal body is that his badge is gone, replaced by a chain around his neck that constricts around his neck if one tries to remove it. Upon this chain is a locket of sorts that hasn't been opened in three millenia. The second change is that the watch he wears upon his arm is not a single watch, but he seems to have more than three dozen watches, all with different times and completely different ways of tracking time. Although some don't appear to be tracking time.

Personality: Tacitus, in either form, is highly concerned with the wellfare of others and making sure plans go as they are laid out. While he is flexible, he is a bit overprotective as a GPD commissioner of the citizens of Gaia, but as a God this feeling only deepens. This is counteracted slightly as he knows he can't stop everything all the time, but he tries his hardest to always acheive the best end to any situation. This can sometimes get in the way of his destined neutrality as the God of Time. Other than that he can seem completely random at times and sometimes what he does has absolutely no meaning.

History (clarified): Tacitus was born of the religous tendencies of a small group of pagans who were dedicated to the pasage of time and what was to come. In an age none left remember, Tacitus was a Pagan God of Fate. Against the will of the high council at the time, he took a mortal as a bride, without raising her status to that of an immortal, fearing it would corrupt her purity. To stave off death of himself, but more importantly his wife, he made a plea to the council and offered up a solution he knew they would think worse than death. Tacitus set into motion a long string of events that would force him to forget everything he was, his wife, and everything he knew. He also wove in a clause that would slowly recover his memories, if they could be found. As he slowly began losing himself he set his wife into stasis until a day he could be with her once more and banished himself from the heavens. Over the long years he had many mortal forms, and skipped through time, not aging for long periods, but always forgot with each death. In one of his more recent forms his son that had come from what would have been his future killed him and stole the powers the body contained. To make sure his father would never oppose him, he hired three men to always track and kill him, the Gorokian Hand, a band of three Ancients, with power rivaling the gods themselves when working as a unified force. The cycle of killing continued until the stasis on Tac's wife was unlocked and she was returned to the mortal realm, though lacking her memories as well. The two were fated to meet and lived a life as farmers, until the Gorokian Hand found Tac. He was forced to watch them rape his wife until they killed them all one by one, Tac being the last. In a vengeful rage, and with his dying breath he was flooded with memories and energies as the killing of his wife took him back to the day he was sentenced to death by the Council. In his rage he leveled the countryside with one fell swoop and passed into his next mortal body. This is the body that has been seeking his pasts lives, always searching and always finding just one more clue. The clause to break the cycle had been set into motion and he was remembering things of his past lives at an alarming rate. Could he be returning to his natural state?

Currently his wife has been ressurected by the weakened Gorokian Hand and was released because she had no knowledge of Tacitus they could use to find his new form.

Tacitus spends most of his Immortal days looking through the timelines to find his past, and once found he will assume his proper role as the keeper of The Wheel. The Wheel is a hampster wheel inside a cage with a little guinea pig looking creature that aslways keeps running. Oh, and that whole Time God stuff too ^_^

Mortal Form: Tacitus prefers to use two magically intelligent weapons, pistols in fact, of his own creation that feed off him in a sort of symbiotic relationship. These weapons confer upon him certain abilities when feeding enough power and he in turn gives them abilities such as regenerating ammo. (unlimited ammo basically) Caritas is colored green and the colors swirl as streeks of orange run through it, Tac wields Caritas in his right hand normally. Orcus is a flaming orange that pulsates with orange light, swirling with color as green streaks run though it. Caritas is calm and peacekeeping, while Orcus is always trying to make Tac blow something up. Each pistol seems to be twice to three times the size of a normal 9mm pistol, but weighs the same. In combination with Tac's GPD armor they can be modified to larger sizes and alternate uses.
Immortal Form: Aetas would prefer to use two balanced maces of an above average size, one larger than the other, both made from an alloy of Blackrock and Temporum. Blackrock is a dwarven metal that acts as both metal and stone, whichever favors the wielder. While Temporum acts as it were both a part of the timeline and outside it, whichever is more favorable to the wielder. These maces are linked to his mortal form's weapons in term of intelligence and name, but not power transfer or consciousness.

Mortal Form: Due to his links to the court of the gods he has an unsually strong control of divine magics, which he uses mostly for healing. In addition to this he has moderate control over the passage of time and links between points in time such as portals. More importantly he can feel the Threads of Fate as he once could, if not bend them to his will, allowing him a glimpse into the future or possibly events to come. A secondary explaination for this future sight might lie in his position as God of Time.
Immortal Form: With increased connection to the gods, and being one as such, he has even greater control of divine magics. In addition to his normal control of time in his mortal form he can move about it at will in order to find himself more properly. As with being the God of Time Aetas gains the ability to sense distortions in time, correct them if they are out of control, and even cause them and change certain events in the past only.

Mortal Form: Besides the lessened weaknesses of a human, Tacitus is far too trusting, but as far as physical and magical frailties go, he cannot stand up well against the elemental energies or soul manipulation.
Immortal Form: If the passage of time were ever to stop in its entirety, Aetas would cease to be. Aetas has a certain affinity for timepieces, so seeing one destroyed can either set him into a rage or break his morale.


Jan 23, 2003
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someone looks like they like this rpg or at least put a lot of stuff into it! ;) lets wait for final warrior or someone else to join then we'll start.


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
((Well actually, its a copy and paste from a God-based guild I just joined on Gaia. The League of Gods and Dieties...somebody took the position as God of Fate, but its all good, Tac has evolved since i created him anyhow.))

((Guess the best way to do it would be to either refer to him as Tacitus the Lost one or Aetas the Timekeeper.))

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Fine, fine... TheBastardSword requested for my prescence in this RPG, although with someone of Tac's status, I don't see why anyone would want ME around... sigh...

Name: Griffinhart the Undying


Raphael Griffinhart
The Final Warrior
Death Incarnate
Soul Bearer
Dead Bearer
Death Bearer

Gender: Male

Marital Status: Married

Age: 591 (21 in Mortal years)

Race: Griffin Warrior (same as the Final Warrior)

Specialty: Death (not Undead, but Death)

Weaponry: The Blades God's Rage, Devil's Scream, Death's Kiss, and Dark Griffin Blade

Appearance: Young, with eild, short locks of midnight balck hair streaked white. Has blue eyes, always carries sword on back. Prefers the color black. As a Mortal, he prefers black leather.

Height: 6' 3"

Weight: 139 lbs.



Griffinhart has an affinity for Death, but is no strengthened by the undead. Rather, if he sees one, he instantly strikes it down, to put it back in its place. Because of his connections with Death, many fear him, and although they do not run away, it is easy for him to imtimidate them.


Because even Death can overtake a God, they too fear and dislike him (somewhat). Some can be intimidated, but others can't.

Personality: Quiet, dark, cold, and calm, as befits Death. Taciturn and rarely willing to say more than a word, Griffinhart is more of a lone wolf, because many find his position... distasteful.


Mortal: Sometimes he believes that Death is the ul;timate, and cannot be stopped. He becomes over-confident, and could get killed easily.

God: Has a dislike for other Gods, and some have a dislike, even hate, for him. He has stirred things up a few times when he had to take the soul of a God.


Griffinhart was born unto the original Death, blessed by the Gods and Goddesses, and Lord Apollyon and Apocalypse as well. After killing his father, Griffinhart journeyed on to become the Final Warrior. After he and his allies defeated the Lord Apocalypse, he ascended to the position of Godhood. He took up his father's place, as would befit the child of Death. His brothers, Tyravael (Fallen Archangel of Death)and Razael (Exiled Demon Overlord), were reinstated to their positions and ascended in ranks. Although their sides warred, neither brother actually fought the other. Griffinhart was the go-between, always taking and giving messages as he took away the dead. After a few years, the young Griffinhart married a Mortal woman, Rhianna Bladesinger. She later on ascended to the postion of the Goddess of Life after she was killed by an angry suitor after he found out about her marriage. Vengeful Griffinhart wenyt out and, although he couldn't kill the man, ensured that his life and afterlife would be a hell. Griffinhart has now fallen for a mysterious reason and is trying to reinstate himself.

Ok, you have my character (sorry if I ripped you off, Tacitus). Now what else do you guys need?


Jan 23, 2003
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ok we can start**

**Durring the 600th annual festival of the gods, a mysterious occurance causes the gods to lose their imortality. Becomin unfit to live in paradise, the gods are cast out and stranded in the dark forests of Darkenwood(haha) the mortal gods have formed a small party**

Kharas the Flamegod: It is so be mortal. We can feel hot and cold so diffrentlly. Im, what mortals say, tired. This will take a while to adapt to. What should we do?

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
Griffinhart: Always with the hunger... even when you were a God.

Sahaidachny: Hey! You spoke A whole sentence!

Griffinhart: So? But you are right. We need food.


Aug 20, 2004
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Sahaidachny:it doesnt look like ther are any grapesor fruit here.and i cant realy see anything so i dont see any animals. since we arent gods are we going to need to eat to survive or somthing?


Jan 23, 2003
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Kharas the Flamegod: Yes, and this food id likely to be weird to our tasebuds...we are used to the greatest foods in the imortal planes. This will be a new experiance. Lets get a fire started *Khars stacks a few logs together, and casts a simple flame spell. The stack of logs ignite and the flame spell goes out*


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
((ah yes, and I forgot, for this RP, disregard the mortal form for my character bio.))

"Logs and flame intertwine to create a lasting heat. Elongate it I can, shorten it also. Bring me unripened or old fruits and I can make them near perfect. Age them, reverse them. Perfect them. I may not be able to help you look for food due to apathy and hunger for stale bread, but I can make near anything edible."


Jan 23, 2003
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Kharas the Flamegod: Thats good news Tactius Nusradai. It seems that our first objective is to find a way out of the woods. But first, i suggest that we sleep. Who will take watch?


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
"Quite, though in this mortal realm I think I'd prefer to be called Aetas, The Timekeeper or The Lost. My Mortal avatar goes by the name of Tacitus as well, i would not want to interfere with his life any more than is neccesary. I will take the first watch and accelerate your sleep as much as I can to make sleep seem longer than it really is. Caritanas and Orcanus will not leave my side."

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
*Later on, Griffinhart awakens.*

Griffinhart: Go to sleep. Now. You need your rest, for you are no more Godly than the rest of us.

*Aetas looks at him for a while, and then heads off to bed.*

Aetas: Thank you, Griffinhart, for taking over for me.

Griffinhart: Raphael. Or do you not remember even my old name?

*Raphael turns around and looks off into the distance.*

Raphael: Death, give me eyes, Death, give me ears. Let me see that which I cannot, that which others dare not. Deathcall.

*Raphael's eyes darken, and he goes into an alternate state of being. He nows sees, within a mile radius, that which Death has seen. He relieves old memories of this forest, and that of the surrounding area. He looks, watching, waiting, to see if there is any danger.*


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]OOC: Can i join?, i will be using IGor, look in Kingdom of ever'ilance to see his story, i didn't edit the original story in char submittion, but anyway, he is almost a God, a god of stability. So can i join? I can be like your guide through the mortal world seens i am a mortal (life span 3000-4000 years, age, 29). So what you think, can i join?Lets say Igor lmakes a powerful spell and lives the world of Ever'ilance, and falls from the sky near you. If you gonna introduce me like that please mention details, or just allow me to introduce myself.[/glow]


Jan 23, 2003
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OOC: the whole idea of the rpg is a bunch of mortalized gods that are trying to find their imortality while coping with their problems...sounds like a good sitcom ;) try making a character like the rest of us, it wont take more than a few moments of your time


Aug 20, 2004
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sparks freaking nevada
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Sahaidachny:hmm is any one thirsty?
*he casts a simple spell and a buket full of water apears.
Sahaidachny:ther we we need food!

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