Heir of the Stone King


Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Blackwater Raiders
Auric held his own against the many bandits, his flaming sword whirling as he danced with death. He cut precisely, strategically, never missing a step. The bandits wondered how in the world they were not hitting this man. One of the surviving archers loosed an arrow at Auric and time started to slow down for him. He focused on the oncoming arrow, reached a hand out and caught it in one fluid motion. The archer was dumbfounded and Auric quickly dispatched him with a swift slice to the head, cleaving and burning the man in two. He swirved around to attack the next bandit who thought he'd get lucky, elbowing the man in the stomach and finally, slicing upwards. One thought went through the red head's mind as he thought. Cut. The millenia old lesson coursed through his head, the law of a Spellblade. "Remember the primary edict, son. It means only one thing, and everything: cut. Once committed to fight, cut. Everything else is secondary. Cut. That is your duty, your purpose, your hunger. There is no rule more important, no commitment that overides that one. Cut. Cut from the void, not from bewilderment. Cut the enemy as quickly and directly as possible. Cut with certainty. Cut decisively, resolutely. Cut into his strength. Flow through the gaps in his guard. Cut him. Cut him down utterly. Don't allow him a breath. Crush him. Cut him without mercy to the depths of his spirit. It is the balance to life: death. It is the dance with death. It is the law a Spellblade lives by or he dies." He recited the whole thing over and over mentally as he fought.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Russellville, AR
Viktor was almost finished with the archers in the forest, and his prey began running out of the treeline to join the battle in the path. Their bows were less useful in the closer range fight going on out there, but they had seen too many comrades yanked into the darkness to their obviously brutal deaths.

Viktor dropped to the ground behind a tree, on the other side about 6 feet away was one of the surviving archers, trembling with an arrow ready and pointed at the darkness of the woods. Viktor manifested the demon's arm and phased it immaterial, passing it through the tree and thrusting it at the man's face. The arrow was let fly and passed through the hand to embed in the tree, and val'Kishtar's hand became solid once more as it clamped down on the man's face, its breadth large enough for the grip to nearly encircle the archer's head. Once his prize was secured, Viktor pulled the arm back to him, the archer following until his face met the tree...and was skewered through the eye and skull by the arrow he had fired into the trunk.

As val'Kishtar's hand phased back through the tree and rejoined Viktor's hand, the smile that played over Viktor's face was not his own, but that of the demon within.

Silently, he moved through the trees to find another target.
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Aasiyah made quick use of the practice and began slaying as many of the bandits as she could her movements small but great. Tatianna on the other hand just observed. Unless asked to fight she would refrain from doign so...but her skin itched to fight."General please do not restrain yourself." Aasiyah commanded. Outside of battle the princess was a shy and gentle girl but as a fighter she was oddly scary. Tatianna smiled at the orders,"As you wish my Lady." Tatianna closed her eyes breifly before opening them her once emerald eyes were now blind looking. She emerced herself within the bandits numbers merely appearing to hit them with her palm but knockign them to the ground. Blood began to pour from the mouths of the fallen bandits."Oh how I've longed to fill this void." She smiled her voice full of joy.


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Russellville, AR
Viktor emerged from the woods, his long robes covered in bandit blood. The arm of val'Kishtar was proud beside him, looking more solid and substantial from its joyful execution of the massacre of the vagabond bowmen.

Stalking up behind an archer intent on aiming at the man with the flaming sword, Viktor lashed out with the his spectral arm as the arrow was released, snatching it out of middair and snapping it in two.

Spinning the thief around with his right hand, Viktor plunged his demon arm through the man's stomach, phasing it until the spectral fingers closed on the bandit's spinal column. Resubstantiating the arm, Viktor ripped the bowman's spine out through his stomach, killing him instantly.

He stood there holding the dripping length of bone in his hand, nerve fluids gushing from it. The demon hand of val'Kishtar had retracted into his own, leaving the man's spine in his bare human hand.

Viktor dropped it hastily with disgust. The demon inside him was toying with him again, trying to break his mind. Viktor dropped to his knees, squeezing his hands to his head in anguish. He was not a killer...he was a shaper of steel, a provider for his family. Why did the gods punish him so for trying to protect his wife and children?

Despair turned to anger as val'Kishtar whispered lies and forbidden secrets into his thoughts, the black arm reappearing, its claws drawing blood across Viktor's forehead.

Viktor's face screwed up with rage, and he charged full on at the nearest bandit.


Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Blackwater Raiders
When the last bandit fell, Auric was panting, and sheathed his sword. He looked over at his comrades and then the blacksmith. He smirked. "Can't fight, my ass." He chuckled. "You did good." He slapped a hand on the big man's shoulder. "Welcome to the group."


Bite my shiny metal ass!
Jun 15, 2003
Reaction score
Russellville, AR
Viktor flinched at Auric's touch.

"Please don't do that...and I never said I couldn't fight...just that I do not wish to. There is nothing to be gained from murder...if only these brigands could see that."

He looked around at the corpses strewn everywhere, and at the blood on his own left hand. The demon's arm had retreated fully, leaving the evidence of the hellish deeds it had done on his own skin.

Viktor put his arm back beneath his cloak and hung his head.

The Rose Warrior

holder of the crystaline rose
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
The Rose Plains
character sheet

name: Eirik

title: the rose warrior

sex: male

age: unknown, appears to be in his 30's

height: 6 foot 1

weight: 220 pounds

description: a warrior in armour made from quartz crystal, Eirik is of Nordic descent, and one of the
rose warriors, cursed of Odin for reasons unknown, he is the current guardian of the quartz rose,a living rose made from rose quartz, he fights with his hands and feet as a monk does, but his hands are gauntleted with spikes on the knuckles.

personality: he is a jovial man even though he has been cursed, and never back down from a fight, if you happen to be his companion he will defend you well, and if you be a demon, beware, for one once killed his entire village.

picture: haven't found one yet. will update when I do.
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Tatianna assited to her lady's aid at once. "Mi'lady are you alright you haven't used your technique in a while." The General's voice was full of concern."I'll be fine...I'm just a little tired." She panted. The Illias technique took a lot of power to use. It was a hard technique to master if one did not pocess a large amount of magic in their blood. Using the winds as a speed enhancment made the technique deadly. One footstep could mean the enemies demise."Maybe Zeldi was right...maybe we sho-..."Tatianna found herself cut off."I will never go back." She spoke venomously.


Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Blackwater Raiders
Auric sighed as he walked along the path, looking for the nearest fresh water pond. The group needed to refill water canteens and he would find it for them. Fresh water was scarce on these mountains. He had learned how to sniff it out so he smelled the air, searching for the water that the group would take with them on their journey.

The Rose Warrior

holder of the crystaline rose
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
The Rose Plains
the rose warrior enters

Eirik could smell it in the air, a demon was nearby, and a powerful one at that! He starts moving through the forest, when the scent disappears! (( this is when vadriel's character shows up and pulls back in his demon's arm )) A while later it returns. "By Thor's hammer! This demon is attempting to possess some poor soul! I had better hurry!" (( this is when the combat began )) he goes running through the underbrush, preparing for battle, fists flat and blade-like, even though the scent receded after about 30 or so minutes(( this is when the combat ended )) and stumbles upon a bandit camp, unnoticed, only eight men in the huge encampment. Eirik yells the ancient rose warrior battle cry "By the crystalline rose prepare for battle!" the bandits, 5 with swords, 2 with war hammers, and 1 with two battle axes and a tomahawk on his back, probably a lieutenant, which he promptly throws at Eirik. he dodges the thrown axe as the other bandits come charging at him. the first bandit to reach him, scimitar drawn, gets his spinal cord snapped by a chop to the neck, and the other bandits, seeing this, attempt to regroup...

(( hopefully someone will hear the war cry as that is the camp of the bandits you all slew and it is nearby))


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