BattleForums Junior Member
Well first this tut is going to be for the people who are new to modding HALO PC.
1) A hex editor, you can get a free one at www.download.com
2) Halo PC (duh)
3) Free time
So now that you have halo pc installed, and you got the hex editer, back up the map you are goinf to edit, in this case it is going to be bloodgulch! So find where u installed/saved halo, like for me it wins in C>Program Files>Microsoft Games>Halo>MAPS ..
Ok now that you found ur map (I.E. bloodgulch.map) you should COPY and PASTE it do somewhere that wou will remember, like your desktop... Now that u have done that, open up your hex editer to the map your editing, like in this case bloodgulch, open up the orignal in the maps folder where you were earlier! Now you should see a crap load of numbers hehe, thats a good sign! Here is the actual modding part, so listen carefully, we are going to mod the assult rifle projectile (basicly what it shoots!) we are going to swap it with the Tank shell projectile. So on your hex editer find the offset 00853F10 useing like the search button on the hex editor, when u find it u should see the bytes:A4 AA 64 40 right after the blinky thing u need to hilight those 4 bytes and change them to the bytes: 58 8D 6F 40 . And after those 4 bytes you should just c like 8 bytes of 00. And the red bytes indicate that they were chaged! And after you do that your done!
And remember if you want blood gulch to the way it was befor just overwrite the one you edited in the maps folder with the backup you made before you started modding! And thats it.
Please leave feedback or any questions at all.
1) A hex editor, you can get a free one at www.download.com
2) Halo PC (duh)
3) Free time
So now that you have halo pc installed, and you got the hex editer, back up the map you are goinf to edit, in this case it is going to be bloodgulch! So find where u installed/saved halo, like for me it wins in C>Program Files>Microsoft Games>Halo>MAPS ..
Ok now that you found ur map (I.E. bloodgulch.map) you should COPY and PASTE it do somewhere that wou will remember, like your desktop... Now that u have done that, open up your hex editer to the map your editing, like in this case bloodgulch, open up the orignal in the maps folder where you were earlier! Now you should see a crap load of numbers hehe, thats a good sign! Here is the actual modding part, so listen carefully, we are going to mod the assult rifle projectile (basicly what it shoots!) we are going to swap it with the Tank shell projectile. So on your hex editer find the offset 00853F10 useing like the search button on the hex editor, when u find it u should see the bytes:A4 AA 64 40 right after the blinky thing u need to hilight those 4 bytes and change them to the bytes: 58 8D 6F 40 . And after those 4 bytes you should just c like 8 bytes of 00. And the red bytes indicate that they were chaged! And after you do that your done!
And remember if you want blood gulch to the way it was befor just overwrite the one you edited in the maps folder with the backup you made before you started modding! And thats it.
Please leave feedback or any questions at all.