Game Informer talks with Jay Wilson!


Harbinger of Doom
Apr 12, 2009
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The guys at Game Informer sat down with Diablo III Game Director to discuss a little about the Monk, health globes and the unannounced class! Here's the entire interview!

Game Informer said:
GI: Of course there’s one more class left to be revealed at some point in the future. Will eager Diablo III fans will have to wait until BlizzCon next year before we see that class?

JW: We haven’t decided on the release schedule and when we’re going to announce that class. It will depend heavily on when the class is ready to be shown. If it’s ready to show at the next BlizzCon, then yeah, maybe then. Or if it’s ready sooner, then we might do it at some other event.
Game Informer said:
GI: Let’s focus on the Monk for a little bit then. The idea of a Monk in Diablo III is interesting because you aren’t just doing a melee fighter, like a lot of people may think of because of monks from other RPGs. Diablo III’s Monk has strong magical abilities as well. I’m curious where that idea came from.

JW: When you’re dealing with a melee character in a game like this, they’re actually some of the more challenging characters to make. When we were thinking up the idea of what character we would want to do, we knew we wanted to make a faster, more fragile, high DPS (damage per second) melee character who was a nice contrast from the Barbarian. We pegged that as one of the things we really wanted to do. We wanted a magical character, again, because it was a great contrast from the Barbarian. It also opens doors for us to do different kinds of abilities that you wouldn’t normally get to do on a melee character.

That was one of the reasons we liked the Monk. It wasn’t the only reason, but it was definitely one of them. It felt to us that the more priest-oriented holy abilities hadn’t been explored on that type of a character in depth, and we thought that would be really fun to add in and would be a nice twist on the class.
Game Informer said:
GI: Another big change between Diablo III and the previous titles is that you’re going to be beefing up random encounters. The term that I heard thrown around was “random scripted encounters.†Can you talk about what’s new for random encounters in Diablo III?

JW: There are some scripted encounters in Diablo II. A lot of the big Fallen camps in the first act are pre-done encounters. Some of the bosses and things like that. What we wanted to do was take the idea of scripted encounters -- we call them “adventures†-- we want all these events to occur that help define our world. If you’re fighting an evil cult, we want the cult going around the world raising demons and doing bad stuff to people. You want to encounter people in the world to make the world feel more real. But how do you do that within a random world? Our goal was to take the ideas of these encounters and make them random as well.

In dungeons it’s easy, because our dungeons are completely randomly generated, so we just create random scripted encounters. We set a whole bunch of locations in the dungeons where these encounters could show up, and sometimes they show up, and sometimes they don’t, and sometimes an area even has several encounters that could show up. The exteriors are a bit more static in their layout, but we can cut out big portions of the terrain and completely replace them, so when you go through the world, you might come across a giant goat man camp. The next time you come across it, it might be a cultist summoning ritual. The next time, it might be a field that has normal monster distribution. Our goal is that you’d have to go through the game several times in one area to see all the different events that can occur in that area. Those events will really enhance the game story and the feeling of the world and also will create some cool gameplay scenarios.
Do you guys believe we could see the final class before the next year's BlizzCon?


Harbinger of Doom
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, me too! But I think the odds for that are 3,720 to 1! :D

But who knows! It's Blizzard we're talking here!


eSports Player
Jul 15, 2003
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So is that:

They made it in war3 to scratch the tongues of people waiting for Diablo III. Cause it will come after SC2 but maybe still 2010.


Harbinger of Doom
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, I saw that one! It's really cool to see people putting their efforts in things like this!


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