ima answer a bit more then what u told us to:
first came played: not sure, it was on the old commidor...i remember playin multiple old school 5inch floppy games god i remember the old days....dig dug...old cowboy shoot'em games, pac man....oOOOO GHOSTBUSTERS!!!...never did know how to beat that game...
"load ____" hehehe
Nintindo: fantasy 1... ...and Maniac mansion...OOO and ...waht was it called...a submarine game...meh cant remember. and of corse Mario bros. (1 and 3), good ol' free man on world 3-1
**EDIT** i decided to make a comment:
if any of you have the old school NES (and im sure alot of you guys do) and youve never played Maniac it...get it and play it...its an awsome game. ive wasted multiple hours on that thing tryin to beat it, theres 7 endings, ive only managed to see 2...the house exploding, and sending the meteor into space threw the family car. (sounds strange, but it makes since if u played the game before)
thats got to say somethign right there: ive had the game for ...god...easily over 7 years...played it on and off...and only gotten 2 of seven endings.
that games got everything: corny jokes, brains, meteors, spaceships, ooze, food, hamsters, microwaves (guess why i put "hamsters and microwaves" next to each other *hint hint*)
btw...if anyone plays this game (or takes my advice and buys it), then PM me id love to talk about it w/ya lol, maybe we could work together and get the rest of the endings done