DO money maps take skillz??


BattleForums Addict
Aug 2, 2002
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The Swiming Pools
money maps might take some skill if you are playing some one who kicks @$$ but you wont need much money maps almost lvl the playing feild


Dec 3, 2002
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The Land of the Free and the Home of Purdue
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Yes, its just a way of suping up the game, instead of a game taking forever, ppl can do everything in less time. It's given me more chances to experiment with strategies and races. I used to focus entirely on one strategy per race, then with the money maps i've become i lot more diverse as it is easier to mix.

For Scuzzy, money maps make it more possible for the game to b played like it was ment to, now it is easier for ppl to mix up the units, instead of just hydras, i can wave in with mutas, clear a drop, drop hydras, then send in a drone and nydus, then just finish with lings. Stuff like that makes starcraft more of a strategy game and less of a grouping units game.

Hot Action Cop

I think money maps are stupid. Anyone can take 100 hydras and send them up through a small passage up the middle of a map where you KNOW what your going to hit, where it is, and the like. But with non-money maps how you station your units decides who wins. Two tanks, 5 marines, 3 medics, and 2 firebats put in the right spot could easily take out 30 marines just full blown massing. My point is that money maps dont teach u strategy, and wheres the fun in making 200 marines and knowing where you enemy is. Thats why you actually have to EXPLORE to see stuff. the point of the game wasn't to see how many men u can build, it was to see how well u can command them. (hey thats pretty good. i got a new sig!!)


On Island hops they Require much skillz since your opponent has a massive amount of minerals like you. That makes it easier for them to mass units earlier and cause you to worry more about attacking and defending in mass. If you are against 5 comps in a crowded base with 2 other players sure you have a lot of minerals and don't have to worry about using it up. But still you allies need a new base since they screwd up early. So you have to fight off massive groups of guards and conquer more territory for them.


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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I'll give u an example:

my brother only plays money maps, and he is total gosu, if i am allowed to use the term in this conditions.

He really, can make great defenses.

I've saw him defending about 12 gruops of goons (2 players, that had first killed his ally) and the went to BC's and started killing and removing shield, etc.

One of his favourite tactics is also nuking the central CC, that if u lose it, u lose the game.

And then, we made 2 match:

the first one, me vs him, money map: I was completely overwhelmed, the game took about 10 minutes, that is the time when he can make 2 groups of bc's (blessed money maps). in that time, i just lost time like hell, cuz im not used to play those maps.

Second match (i might find the replay, so 'i'll post here then):
Hunterz, he made fast goons, faster that what i expected, i had no tanks, but M&M ruled =)
then, i made an expansion, and he hadn't made even one...

he only noticed that he was supposed to expand when he had his minerals lowering down..

by that time, i stopped him from expading, he tried to go for dt's, that are very good against marines, but i had turrets and even scanner to support if needed

the point is:

The skill of non-money maps is different that the skill of money maps... although similar, they are different

P.S. i know it was an huge text for such a small conclusion lol, but i think u understand

Hot Action Cop

I Think that money maps require yes a different type of skill, but a lower type. As i stated before, making 80 bc's and blasting them up on a side to a base that you KNOW is there isnt much fun, at least not to me. I dont like money maps... as you may be able to tell. On non money you have to be able to use your terrain and surroundings to survive. Money you just... build cannons x100000000 build goons x 10000000 send up mid. Like i said. 2 tanks vs 30 marines in a money (wont ever happen i know) the marines will win (unless the rine commander is a TOTAL newb) on say LT, you set those 2 tanks up on a cliff side and those rines walk by they will get walloped. On money can you prevent an early rush of 3 or 4 zealots when you only have scvs and 1 marine? not likely, unless your experienced non money. On LT its fairly easy. My point: Non money take more skill.


Feb 25, 2003
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Planet Earth
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Money maps require some sort of "skill."
Speed is important in money maps.

But, how many money map players do you see that are any good at even money maps? Really?

Hot Action Cop

Money maps take very little skill i think because they are just build build build no chance for new strategies. Thats why i like the ladder maps. They take micro marco and strats to win. Not build build build till 20 mins is up and run em up the middle.


Jun 7, 2003
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Boston, MA
Well how I see it is (time for a lot).
Money Maps:
Skill: 10/10
The reason I say this is because, although all you do is build build build then attack thats what other people are doing too so now instead of the ladder maps with the wars of around 40 guys it is a war with around 200 guys or so to say a LOT more guys. Also say the enemy has 20 carriers(and you are zerg) what do you go for that? Go a million hydras? Go a bunch of hydras/defilers? Go a million devourers? Go a million hydras and devourers?
Money Maps:
Skill: 0/10
The reason I think this is because what Hot Action Cop said. Hot Action Cop says that it does not require macro, micro and just all out not as fun as Ladder maps. I agree to this because sometimes I like to just have those battles that look "gosu" in the replays like bringing 1 goon and a probe behind it and killing out someones base. HAHA, also in Ladder maps there is a limit due to minerals and gas. (There is not in money maps.) And in money maps all advs, disadvs to the races kind of vanish. I mean think about it Zerg = Build fast. Enter a game called "NR20 Fastest" and Protoss is just like a zerg with 20 mins on his time he can build just as much (or equal strength).
I know thats a lot to read so I doubt anyone will read it.
But if you want a shortended version here ya go.

Money Maps
Skill: 10/10
Big battles = Harder
Lotsa minerals can't die as easy.
Have to think how to counter bigger armies.

Money Maps
Skill: 0/10
No Micro, Macro
No adv's, dis adv's
Total opposite of "Money Maps

Hope ya like my response :).

Hot Action Cop

i disagree with the first post.big battles are not nesicarilly harder than one from LT. LT the battles are harder because you have no clue how they are going to go, air, ground, ect. On money maps you know that if they toss they will prob go carriors, or dts. If they zerg they prob go mass hydra or guard/muti/devo. If they terran all gols or bcs. You know wat to counter against. on LT say, tanks, 4 rines, 2 meds and a fire bat, or go M&M, or go wraiths, or go vults/tanks, or go gols and the possibilities are endless. An example is of a game i played today. I was playing some ppl on lost temple, and they were terran. A lot of terran people drop tanks, vults, marines ect. So i built turrets, and relied on 4 tanks 2 vults and 8 rines to counter ground. They went all out m&m tanks and gols. I couldnt defend against em because i went newb and assumed what they were gonna do. On LT any strats possible. Everyone does a different thing. If you read this far read on please, the next parts important. Money map games are ALL the same. Most every protoss players go carriors. Most all terran go BattleCruisers. Most every zerg goes guard/devo or hydras. Its all very easy to counter both ground and air when you have an unlimited amount of minerals and gas and 20 mins to build. On non money people attack at any time. Its not "ok how long has it been? 19 mins? ok. *moves 80 bajillion battlecruisers to the left side and starts to send em up*" its "Holy shit when will they attack... is it gonna be now? later? when!" its suspense. Thats why it is more fun. You dont KNOW whats going to happen. On money its like oh bcs. ok im dead. i only have goons. but on Lost temple for example its like oh shit they dropped behind my minerals how can i counter this. Theres terrain to account for on non money, and if youplay ffa on val halla map... you have NO clue if you'll be alive one min and dead the next. Theres options. You can attack red, or blue, or teal or white. On Money its like hmmm left right or middle. I know theres going to be a large force of men there. I know that they will have this this and this.

As for the Losta minerals cant die as easy part: On money there are No expansions, so i would say you could die easier. You go to LT and your 20 mins into the game and your base is gone, blown up and completely destroyed, your likely to have a few expansions and you can just as easily come back and take the win.

Countering a large army isnt that hard when you have 20 mins to build anti air and ground and a fleet of your own. To test this theory i played a ZC game and got the times i had maxed, got anti air, and anti ground from watching the reply. Heres how it went

Race: Terran
1-7:30: Anti Air (turrets)
7:30-14:30: Anti ground (tanks combined with allys cannons and some turrets around tank)
14:30-18: Maxed out Battlecruisers. All scvs sent up middle and died to make room.

So you see? Its easy to counter both. I scanned my enemy throughout the game and notice that, yup you guessed it, toss went carriors (allys countered with corsairs scourges hydras and defilers) terran went, uh huh, battlecruisers, and the zerg went guards and scourges/mutis. Exactly as i said. Scanning throughout the building process tells you what they are going. So i have disproved all you have said.

Shorthanded version

I have disproved everything that he said.


Jun 7, 2003
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Boston, MA
Well, I read all what you said, I agree with some but on the "Most every Zerg player goes this and Most every toss player goes that and Most every terran goes that" I disagree Due to I play both LT and Fastest (for fun) and I usually play Zerg on Fastest and I never even think of guards, muties, and devs I think more of Mass hydras or Ultras to break defense then go hydras to clean it up or muties early to kill main nex, hatch, com center. Basically You have been playing newbs who only try one thing. Suggestion: Go to the games that say stuff like "2v2 Fastest NO NEWBS" You may get different results. Also I doubt you even played that ZC game...sounds too much like what you said ...You should click that edit button and fix it up so it don't sound so much like it ...then it might look real. Heh "Disprove me again"

Shortened Version:
"Disprove me again" :p


Premium Member
Dec 2, 2002
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San Jose, CA
I just can't stand what the term "money map" has turned into. It used to be BGH, and then it turned into Blue Night Seuol. Then it turned into 8 stacks right close to your base, and now this. One stack of 20 or so minerals with several geysers. The term "BGH noob" is completely extinct! And even with these money maps, they say "no rush 20" when it's easy enough to max on a non-money, nevertheless BGH, in about 18 minutes.

My point--because money maps require no expansion whatsoever, they require less skill. And that goes for everything from BGH to this "fastest money" junk. The fastest money maps require so little expansion, micro, macro, or THOUGHT that they require exponentially less skill than normal maps.


May 17, 2003
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I agree

Originally posted by Kirby-o_O
Well, I read all what you said, I agree with some but on the "Most every Zerg player goes this and Most every toss player goes that and Most every terran goes that" I disagree Due to I play both LT and Fastest (for fun) and I usually play Zerg on Fastest and I never even think of guards, muties, and devs I think more of Mass hydras or Ultras to break defense then go hydras to clean it up or muties early to kill main nex, hatch, com center. Basically You have been playing newbs who only try one thing. Suggestion: Go to the games that say stuff like "2v2 Fastest NO NEWBS" You may get different results. Also I doubt you even played that ZC game...sounds too much like what you said ...You should click that edit button and fix it up so it don't sound so much like it ...then it might look real. Heh "Disprove me again"

Shortened Version:
"Disprove me again" :p
I agree with you kirby because I play money maps and im usually zerg. I make every thing and upgrade every thing and you wont know what im going until I make them. With toss sometimes I use archons and arbiters, with terran I sometimes use wraiths to take out their cc, nexus ect.. And you should try a no rules game and see how your theory works. HotActionCop what you sn and when will you be on I would like to play you in a money map.


Dec 3, 2002
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Originally posted by Kirby-o_O
Well how I see it is (time for a lot).
Money Maps:
Skill: 10/10
The reason I say this is because, although all you do is build build build then attack thats what other people are doing too so now instead of the ladder maps with the wars of around 40 guys it is a war with around 200 guys or so to say a LOT more guys. Also say the enemy has 20 carriers(and you are zerg) what do you go for that? Go a million hydras? Go a bunch of hydras/defilers? Go a million devourers? Go a million hydras and devourers?
Money Maps:
Skill: 0/10
The reason I think this is because what Hot Action Cop said. Hot Action Cop says that it does not require macro, micro and just all out not as fun as Ladder maps. I agree to this because sometimes I like to just have those battles that look "gosu" in the replays like bringing 1 goon and a probe behind it and killing out someones base. HAHA, also in Ladder maps there is a limit due to minerals and gas. (There is not in money maps.) And in money maps all advs, disadvs to the races kind of vanish. I mean think about it Zerg = Build fast. Enter a game called "NR20 Fastest" and Protoss is just like a zerg with 20 mins on his time he can build just as much (or equal strength).
I know thats a lot to read so I doubt anyone will read it.
But if you want a shortended version here ya go.

Money Maps
Skill: 10/10
Big battles = Harder
Lotsa minerals can't die as easy.
Have to think how to counter bigger armies.

Money Maps
Skill: 0/10
No Micro, Macro
No adv's, dis adv's
Total opposite of "Money Maps

Hope ya like my response :).
first thing first u have both summaries as money maps and u have skill 10/10 for both of them........and I don't quite agree with that, a person can come from playing a non money map and go play and money map and own people, I have done it, but if you reverse the situation then the money map people will get owned.

I honestly think non-money map takes more skill becuase it incorparates both micro and marco(if u love long enough), big battle do not mean that it's harder, try defending ur base with two goons and some probes against 10 or 12 lings and come back and tell me which one is harder.

Non-money map will always take more skill than money maps, IMO
I do agree that money maps take some degree of skill but not as much as non money


May 30, 2003
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money maps take skills. an expert would kill a newb on a money map.. if required NO skills it would be COMPLETELY luck. regular maps takes around 10x as many skills, that's all.


Premium Member
May 17, 2003
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Money map doesn't require can just turtle in your base cuz you have a heck load of minerals and just build BC's or Carriers or Guardians......thats why i don;t play at money maps


My view is that traditional maps rely a lot on scouting whereas money maps require on planning.

With limited money, scouting really gives you the edge on normal maps and a player that scouts infrequently plays a very risky game. It gives the impression to newbies that traditional games rely a lot on luck. However, micro management really pays off and the use of magic units as well as shield batteries have a much greater effect.

On money maps, planning is much more important. Because you aren't stunted by money you can plan your defences well and how to attack someone with an unlimited budget. Also, you need to learn to work with space restrictions (especially terran) and with timing/controlling your mass armies. Money map newbies don't use spells, forget to upgrade and plan very badly building their bases without a coherant defence.

Both definately require skill to be truly good at and you can't criticise one until you are good at both.

Cheap argument: "AI suck at money maps so money maps take more skill!"