Do i have to practice with terran?


Sep 14, 2002
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Modesto, CA
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ive heard that you should practice with terran.

but i got one huge gripe. food supply.

takes SOOOO freakin long to get max food supply.

with toss you can build a hundred pylons in about a min

with zerg when you start hitting the wall of max guys you have all your hatches make all overloards.. instant max food.

but terran its soo meticulout.. you goto keep em building them.. and even if you have like 4 drones building them it still takes a long ass time to do.

all teh while you could be spending your attention on importain things like keeping builds and techs up to speed.

any my second main gripe is the detector. can it be any bigger? they should just put a bullseye on it. and it costs so much and you have to tech so high to get it. and even when you get it you still have to research to make it fully usefull.

add all that to the fact that you have to have one drone working on each building. instead of doing what they should be doing, minning.

idunno.. i simply cant fathom how ppl do well with terran. i cant get them to work. i can beat computers with terran but thats not hard to do.. computer is dumb.

also a ling rush or a zeolot rush is devistating to terrans. marines cant do shit without the medics and by the time you can make barracks and get some gas comming in and get an acadamy up your base usually has about 12 lings in it or 8 zeolots.

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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originaly posted by Aris
dunno.. i simply cant fathom how ppl do well with terran. i cant get them to work. i can beat computers with terran but thats not hard to do.. computer is dumb. also a ling rush or a zeolot rush is devistating to terrans. marines cant do shit without the medics and by the time you can make barracks and get some gas comming in and get an acadamy up your base usually has about 12 lings in it or 8 zeolots.
what do you do, sit on your ass until 5 minutes into the game then start, buddy i can get 8 marines in 2 bunkers by the time the average player gets a spwaning pool. (exageration)

originaly posted by Aris
but terran its soo meticulout.. you goto keep em building them.. and even if you have like 4 drones building them it still takes a long ass time to do. all teh while you could be spending your attention on importain things like keeping builds and techs up to speed.
If u didn't get the fact that you have to wait for all buildings, you shouldn't be playing starcraft,
and if u think that terrans take to long to build, then you need to get yourself a new computer, better yet, dont touch a computer, your probably the problem. when terran, You always have to keep ahead of the supply limit. if u have say 20/25 then thats when you build the depots not when your at 25/25. that way you can "techs up to speed". still while the supply depot is being built. its better yo build mass suplys in the begining. i can get up to 60 in the begining, realy fast and still have a strong defence.

originaly posted by Aris
add all that to the fact that you have to have one drone working on each building. instead of doing what they should be doing, minning.
just as a simple tip, you should have more than 4 scvs mining, no matter how many are building, maybe 17 on minerals and gas will be enough to supply you. (although i have more). so before you make statment like "How can anyone play terran, im an idiot and cant play starcrat for shit" think first. and if u want a terran strategy ask me or someone dont just start saying they suck. oh and at least you get an scv back after you build you loose an entire drone that could be used to mine and shit.


Sep 14, 2002
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Modesto, CA
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Originally posted by pan_the_man
what do you do, sit on your ass until 5 minutes into the game then start, buddy i can get 8 marines in 2 bunkers by the time the average player gets a spwaning pool. (exageration)
no i dont sit on my ass. you dont need to be an ass. i can usually get a barracks, 1 supply depot and mabey 1 bunker before a ling rush.

Originally posted by pan_the_man
If u didn't get the fact that you have to wait for all buildings, you shouldn't be playing starcraft,
and if u think that terrans take to long to build, then you need to get yourself a new computer, better yet, dont touch a computer, your probably the problem.
again, dont be an asshole.

Originally posted by pan_the_man
when terran, You always have to keep ahead of the supply limit. if u have say 20/25 then thats when you build the depots not when your at 25/25. that way you can "techs up to speed". still while the supply depot is being built. its better yo build mass suplys in the begining. i can get up to 60 in the begining, realy fast and still have a strong defence.
no i dont wait till i have 25/25. i usually have 2 or 3 dedicated drones to constantly make depots throughout the entire game. and usually the game will end before i get to the max. when you say you can get to 60 fast. id like to know what you consider fast. to me fast is being able to build about 30 pylons in about 1min.

Originally posted by pan_the_man
just as a simple tip, you should have more than 4 scvs mining, no matter how many are building, maybe 17 on minerals and gas will be enough to supply you. (although i have more). so before you make statment like "How can anyone play terran, im an idiot and cant play starcrat for shit" think first. and if u want a terran strategy ask me or someone dont just start saying they suck. oh and at least you get an scv back after you build you loose an entire drone that could be used to mine and shit.
yeah but with zerg you can make about 50 drones in about 1min with a few hatches. i always try to put as many scv's on minning. but as you might have noticed they have a build time. when playing any race i constantly keep making drones till i have about 30+ minning and about 12 on gas. but when terrain, now i goto take at least 3 of those miners out for depots, 2 or 3 out for baracks and tech updates buildings, and then 2 or 3 for things like bunkers and other defensive buildings. idunno about you but that right their is about 2-3min of building drones just to build other buildings.

mabey i shoulda refrazed it a little more appropriatly. but you shoulda been able to be the bigger man. obviously you cannot. and granted im prolly not the best at starcraft but i wouldnt say i suck. i run acrost true noobs all day on bnet that i can easily beat. just as i run acrost guys who can beat me. as with any game, or anything in life, you will almost never be the best at it and will always find ppl better than you.


Sep 22, 2002
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yah that it true though.terran has alot of disadvantages and some advantages....but when ur done setting up and everything terran is GOOD!they have very good AIR UNITS!!!and tanks to support them.a good combination


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Bin Laden's Secret
Terran are pretty good once you get high up in the tech tree, but then again so is Zerg and Toss. It all depends on the player, most Terran users can pull off a marine rush before Zerg even have a Pool.
Terran are actually easy to use though. The only real disadvantage, I think, is that the SCV's have to stick to working on a building and can't just walk away like Toss can, or Zerg make the building and let you continue without wasting a food point, or supply, whatever you wanna call it.
You just have to practice alot with Terran and devolope a decent strat.


Sep 28, 2002
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1. Dont play money maps.
2. DEFFINITELY dont play zero clutter.
3. If u follow the above tips u will see that all races are equal.


Sep 28, 2002
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And it is impossible to get a marine rush or a bunker before the zerg gets 6 lings, it takes about 2 minutes to get the lings done and into ur base. Of course, this can be stopped by blocking the choke to ur base with 2 SCVs (unless its hunters)


Terran is the better starter race but later it is better to go with the other races


Sep 28, 2002
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No u dont, zerg requires timing or u will lose all ur units.


Post Djinn
Oct 17, 2002
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Especially to a well placed Psi Storm or two.. devastating.. really.


Sep 28, 2002
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Yes, but good zerg players will be able to move their hydras out of the storm before they die to minimize the loss of units.


Post Djinn
Oct 17, 2002
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Firstly I am not a good Zerg PLayer... :) and I said 2. :p


Sep 28, 2002
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But most good toss players will have at least 6 templars.


Post Djinn
Oct 17, 2002
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2 Storms can kill 12 Lurkers if the were clumped.


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