Basic's of Tower Defence


Aug 7, 2003
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I'm in the works of making a TD map via the help of the "Complete Guide to Making TD Maps"
Well after talking about making region's (Which I've done) it gives some small info into creating the first level of monster's as shown below.

Paragraph from "Complete Guide to Making TD Maps"
"At this point, go ahead and create the first monster or monsters that you want to have spawn on the first round. When creating monsters, keep these few things in mind. Set their collision size to 0, and set their mana max to something high like 1000, set their initial mana to 0, and set their mana regen to 0. And never make a unit based off of a hero, since they would then have an intelligence stat which would provide some mana regen. The reason for this is that we will be using mana to keep track of where the monsters are to be moving next. You can still use hero models, just make sure that you start with a base normal unit."

Well what I'm wanting to know is where do I go or what do I do to edit these monster's?, Where do I choose the kind of monsters I want?, And once chosen do they even show up on the map.
I've used Three different types of TD map's for reference & I'm just plain stuck right after adding region's and adding the trigger's for the monster's.
Thanks for anyones help in this...


Dec 29, 2003
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I'm also working on a TD map and struggled with the questions you have asked. You've asked some very big questions and I am a complete NewB at this, but I can offer the following.

First, download a good TD map and use its triggers and objects to start. I used Wintermaul. You will need to use the object editor to create the units (i.e. monsters) and to set their speed, artwork, HPs etc. I started by grabbing a standard unit (a wolf rider) and copying it to a custom unit in the ibject editor, renaming it, and then modifying its parameters. Once you have something that works, you can get more creative with changing the artwork, etc.

You need to use triggers to spawn the monsters. Look at the Wintermaul map. In effect, at expiration of a timer, you will call a procedure such as "set level" that will define a vairable "monster_type" and a variable "monster_amount." In WM, they use a simple if-then based on a variable called level_number. Then, you will need to create a trigger to create the monters using these variable at each of your spawn regions. You will also likely want to group them into unit groups at that time, depending on how they will move afte that. Finally, you need to call a procedure for start-up movement that picks each unit in the groups and order the units to move to your first region. I am unsure about the use of mana to control movement since I simply used an event of a unit entering a region to trigger movement to the next region.

Finally, create an event based on the food of player 12 (the creeps) reaching 0 (when they are all killed), add 1 to level number, restart the timer for the delay between levels, and do it all over again.

Hope that helps and is not too overly simplified to be useful.


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