Make a Golemancer =D
Clay Golems, when synergized up, are the shnizat.
Current Skill Level: 40
Attack: 1840
Defense: 835
Life: 14650
Life: 25637 (N)
Life: 40287 (H)
Damage: 31-79
Damage: 31-95 (N)
Damage: 47-110 (H)
Attack Bonus: +800
Slows Enemies: 71 percent
Mana Cost: 132'
Max:Clay ,Golem mastery ,blood ,fire.
10: Summon mastery.
1: Iron
5 in Bone-armor.
1 in teeth and corpse explosion.
1 in amp, weaken, terror, decriptify.
a Grand total of 102 Skill points. Obtainable at level 90.
-Corpse Explosion is for leveling. one point with +skills is efficent.
-Bone armor with +skills
Gear(Critique if you wish, but I like this stuff.)
Carin Shard.
Enigma.(Or Vipermagi)
Shako.(or +3 summon circlet)
Arachnid mesh.(or gloomstrap/Tgodz)
Marrowalk(prison-bug will give better bone armor.)
Maras.(or +3 summon ammy.)
10 Summon Gc
9x rw/fhr/life sc.
Maybe Wizzy/Stormshield(or 2 umed mosers) For Fighting Elementals. Stacked resists are good.
Pick your golem to the situation.
Go on. You KNOW you want to ^_~