Anime Review: La Portrait de Petite Cossette


BattleForums Senior Member
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
This was just released I believe, and after seeing a trailer for it online by accident, I became interested in it. I had read on several accounts that it was a good anime, so, being curious, I searched for it, and Wednesday found ONE copy in BestBuy, so I snatched it up.

2 days later, a bit confused, slightly disturbed, and wholey impressed, I must say, Cossette is a good anime, if nothing more for it's different story, and visual techniques. It is visually one of the best I have ever seen, with tons of effects that put an edge on the movie, cutting off any slight hint of bordom. And, if blood is your thing, you're in luck, because there is copulous amounts of it! The story is this: This little girl was murdered 250 years ago, and her soul rested im the items she loved when she was alive, so she never really died, but was kept hidden in them. The items came and went into various hands, until they happened into an antique shop run by a teen boy, named Eiri. He becomes captivated with this one glass, but he doesn't know why, he sees someone in it's reflection, but he is the only one that sees her. Eventually, things move along, and he falls in love with this forlorn girl, as she exacts revenge on him because the spirit of her murderer has rested with him (don't ask, that's the odd part). Anyway, a very neat Anime. It's actually 3 episodes, not 1 movie, but they all come in one DVD, so no worries there. Also, the voice overs are very well done, fleshing out little Cossette, giving her a depth of humanity lost somewhere between insanity and psychotically evil, yet loving.

I highly recommend picking this up.

(Would have been higher, but there was alot of blood and spiritism in it, that really isn't my thing, so...)