Megaman: The Zeta Threat (TekBlade13's thread)

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Jan 16, 2003
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This is it guys, what youve all been waiting for. The return of TekBlade's LEgendary Megaman RPGs.............we have alot of fun here, even ask BamtheDoc or DarkBlade.........but there will be a problem. My computers motherboard exploded basically, so now i have to use my grandmothers computer untill i can scrounge up 200$ for a good motherboard. That is why this thread took so long to post. now for the rules.......


1) No Flame wars, trolling, or dissing of anykind in my thread, if your gonna fight, take it to the asylum, not here.
2) Keep the RP on topic, dont get into arguments, see rule #1.
3) Keep it semi clean.........we do have young surfers here.......i dont care about the D word or S word, just dont abuse it.
4) Have fun.........thats the most important rule.
5) Please submit all charcaters to THIS thread, i wont go digging through the character submission thread........and FOLLOW MY GUIDELINES!!
6) No medival classes. Future only. Cyborg, Nano-Enhanced, Time Being, morpher, that kinda stuff. NO ELVES, DWARVES, ORCS OF ANY KIND!
7) NO GOD MODDING OF ANY KIND!!!!! i swear if you god mod i will NEVER allow myself to talk to you in or out of character. its just low, play fair, not for yourself.
8) Aid abilitys cannot be used with Element abilitys because of the amount of energy needed. end of story, no acceptions.

that is for the chara sheet.

Weapon(max 3):
Special Ability(Max 3):
Afinite Element (max 1):
Favored Color (Max 2):
Detailed Description of character (Minimum of 2 paragraphs.):

heres my character. Learn to like him, or else your gone.

Name: Tek
Race/Build: Nano-Enhanced Human
Weapons: 2 Beam Kamas (basically sticks with a large blade on them) and 1 beam saber.
Special Abilitys: Pheonix Slash (SPEED) - Dragon-Punch esq attack where Tek jumps in the air and spins, using his kamas to slash at the opponent.
Dragoon Strike (AID) - A Lethal upgrade to the pheonix Slash. Useable at the cost of a lot of energy. Increases blade size by 3 and power by 2.
Final Zeta (Element) - Tek infuses his afinite element into his weapon, dealing 2x damage and causing a status of the elements effect.
This cannot be used with a AID ability.
Afinite Element: Lightning/electricity.
Favored Colors: Green/Black
Description: Tek is a very lively person, he is also a trainee maverick hunter at the newly opend Academy run by the Heroes X and Zero. Always wanting to get into a fight, but never wanting to lose. Tek has had to endure many hardships, coming near death in the last fight of the mavreick hunters in 20XX. Upon arrival at the academy Tek was requiered to chose a element to afinite to, and armor colors. When his nano-machines come to the surface, Tek looks like my avatar basicaly ^_~.

it SHOULD be 2 paragraphs, but i did enough writing in preperation for the stupid MCAS, im not doing any more...

Please note that the elements you chose MUST be form THIS list:

Fire: Makes all beam weapons red. Causes Burn state when hitting a opponent.
Lightning/Electricity: Makes all beam weapons yellow. Causes a Stun/Malfunction state when hitting.
Ice: Makes all beam weapons blue. Causes a frozen/slow state when hitting.
Poison: Makes all beam weapons dark green. Causes poison/Virus state when hitting.
Holy: Makes beam weapons white. Causes Charm/Reprogram status when hitting.
Dark: Makes beam weapons black. Causes Petrify status when hiting.
Earth: Makes beam weapons a mid green. causes Defense Breech/Defence down status.
Water: Makes beam weapons light blue. Causes Arcane breech/Arcande Def. Down.

and note that all effects can only be used when you have MAX Synchronysation (spelling, sorry), and when using yours element attack. You can only achive MAX Synchronyzation when you have the ElemArmor........which i wont reveal what it is quite ont be what you think.

YES, this RP is going to be more elaborate then my last. and YES i will be absent for the next few days. please post all characters HERE.

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
I'm pretty new to Megaman, but I'll give this RP ago.

Name: Raphael Griffinhart

Race/Build: Nano-augmented Human


Griffin Blade: An energy blade of immense power. Resembles a long sword.

2 Energy Claws

Special Abilitys:

SPEED: Soul of the Griffin: Raphael is faster and deadlier by letting himself be posessed by the soul of a Griffin.

AID: Death's Last Bow: Raphael goes berserk and fights until there is nothing left on the battlefield. His Griffin Blade is altered to Death's Kiss, a warblade that can almost (ALMOST!) always kill in a single blow. This leaves Raphael exhausted and ripe for the picking.

ELEMENT: Soul Rupture: Calling on both the powers of the Apocalypse and the Apollyon, Raphael will rip apart the souls of any creature that wishes to cause him or his allies harm. Does not affect machines.

Element: Dark

Favored Color: Gold/Silver

Detailed Description of character:

Raphael Griffinhart, or "The Omega" as he prefers to call himself, is a wanderer. He has nothing to do, no one to go to, no where to come from. He seeks something that may prove advantageous or disadvantageous to the rest of the world.


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May 17, 2003
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Name: Razael
Race/Build: Reploid
Weapon(max 3): 1 Holy Beam Sword and plasma gun like X, and a white shield that can b emade with the gun.
Special Ability(Max 3):
Shield Shot (Generates the shield and fires the shield as a projectile at the opponent.)
Divine Sword (Sword extends up to 40 feet for a long range sword attack)
Holy Possession (Enhances Razaels speed and strength and adds holy damage to every attack)
Afinite Element (max 1): Holy
Favored Color (Max 2): White / Gray
Detailed Description of character (Minimum of 2 paragraphs.):

Pretty much a mix between Protoman and Zero. Looks like a White Zero, and has a shield like Protoman's on back.

Razael is in training to become a Maverick Hunter. He has not yet earned his license, but he exceeds the rest of the trainees in determination and ability. He is top in class and is expecting to obtain his license anytime soon.


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Name: Ryu
Race/Build: Transdimensional Time/Space Being
Weapon(max 3):
Seven Wings of the Light Hawk (Lighthawk Wings): A sword who's hilt resembles that of Light Hawk. The Light Hawk has lightning shaped wings, and it the holiest of angels watching over Earth.
Star Katana: A katana designed to battle others of the Holy Afinite.
X-Buster: A buster designed during more turmultuous times.
Special Ability(Max 3):
SPEED: Prims Boost: Ryu charges with the full ferocity of the four guardian beasts (dragon, pheonix, turtle, and tiger) behind him to deliver a powerful blast.
AID: X Strike: Ryu's enhanced Prims Boost allows the full force of the four guardian beasts to be forged into his blade or shield. This action drains Ryu, severly.
ELEMENT: Dragon Skill: Ryu uses the Lighthawk Wings to open eight portals to all afinite. Though only the Holy Dragon seeps through to attack, the other seven are ready to lend strength.
Afinite Element (max 1): Holy
Favored Color (Max 2): Blue/White
Detailed Description of character (Minimum of 2 paragraphs.):
Ryu has always been a loner since he stumbled from his home within time/space and into the middle of the Sigma Wars. He has lost most of his memory, and he knows only that much. He has been living most of his life out in the middle of an untamed wilderness, simply trying to relearn what he has lost. It has come to naught.

Now, Ryu has been called to the Maverick Hunter HQ for his unique abilities. He is remembered for how he aided in the Sigma Wars, and he is remembered for his unique blade. Ryu has joined the Maverick Hunters in order to seek out his past and deal with that which is left undone.

Name: Sigma (or your choice of a name, Tek)
Race/Build: Transdimensional Time/Space Being
Weapon(max 3):
Seven Blades of the Dark Hawk: A sword who's hilt resembles that of Dark Hawk. The Dark Hawk has lightning shaped wings, and it the darkest of demon attempting to Invade Earth.
Sigma Katana: A blade designed to corrupt machines to his bidding.
Sigma Blaster: A buster desinged during more turmultuous times.
Special Ability(Max 3):
SPEED: ???: Sigma hasn't attacked yet.
AID: ???: Sigma hasn't attacked yet.
ELEMENT: ???: Sigma hasn't attacked yet.
Afinite Element (max 1): Dark
Favored Color (Max 2): Red/Black
Detailed Description of character (Minimum of 2 paragraphs.):
Sigma has disappeared and reappeared over many years. He is much the same as Ryu, only Sigma has figured out much of his past and true power. He seeks power, and only power. It is unknown if he is behind the newest threat, and it is unknown if he is even alive. However, this will be revealed (primarily by Tek ;))

Name: Divine Dragon Warrior
Race/Build: Transdimensional Time/Space Being
Weapon(max 3):
???: DDW has not appeared yet.
???: DDW has not appeared yet.
???: DDW has not appeared yet.
Special Ability(Max 3):
SPEAD: DDW has not appeared yet.
AID: DDW has not appeared yet.
ELEMENT: DDW has not appeared yet.
Afinite Element (max 1): Holy or Dark (special)
Favored Color (Max 2): Gold/Silver
Detailed Description of character (Minimum of 2 paragraphs.):
???: DDW has not appeared yet.

I'll be playing Ryu, of course, as he's the most described so far. I'll reveal more as Tek and I go along -- mostly Tek as it's his story ;) DDW will be...complicated, and likely won't appear for a very long time (15 pages plus into story).


Premium Member
Jul 16, 2003
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Name: Fury
Race/Build: Android
Weapon: Beam sword, machine gun
Special Ability:Ice Defense (when this ability takes place ice mist shoots out of tiny holes in Fury's body which freeze around him in a one foot radius repeling most incoming attacks),Ice shot (When his Sword Strikes the ground, a fifteen foot long by one foot wide crevice opens and emits a ice mist freezing anyone in front of it.), Agility (injects a Nitrogen based chemical into its system to increase agility.)
Afinite Element: Ice
Favored Color: Blue
Detailed Description of character: Fury Stands at a striking 6 foot three inches. Being a trainee at Hero and X's academy, he is very lazy and towards the bottom of his class, although when he feels the need he can be one of the top in his class. At first look he is just a normal person. His machine gun and Beam sword are only accesible when he enters hero mode. His left arm is transformed into the beam sword instantly, while the machine gun pops out of his right forarm. Fury, prefers close combat, and uses his machine gun sparingly.

Fury has incredible strength which can be used in aid when needed. if his body runs out of energy, which is contained in a battery in his chest, he loses use of his beam sword, and machine gun, although he still has his strength. When his battery is out of energy, he needs to recharge it which is only allowable when he is "sleeping" (good christmas present). Fury, also has a small repair mechanism which he can use to repair MINOR injuries.


Dec 12, 2003
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665, next to satan.
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Name: Seth
Build: Reploid
1. Beam Katana of Grand Efreet
2. Chain hook
AID: Flame Ring - a revolving ring of flame sorrounds the user granting extra defense to himself and friends near by
SPEED: NOS - a direct shot of Nitros Oxide to the leg boosters giving more dash power and faster reaction
ELEMENT: Dragon Pulse - a 2 stage attack which 1st sends a small ripple of fire throught the room damaging only enemies then two like buster weapons appear on both of the users hand's and sends sets of Fire pulse, the more energy used the stronger the pulse.
Afinite Element: Fire
Favourite Colors: Red and Black
Detailed Description:

Seth is Zero's indirect offspring, meaning the late Dr.Cain built him based on Zero's technology. Seth at first was destenied to be a Mavrick Hunter but the decision on his own fate led him to confusion which evantually made him run away to find his true destiny.

He then became a sort of hired sword and did a few small job's.
he was returned to MH Academy by Zero who ran into him in a raid on a local bar which was a desguise for a Recruiting Plant of Sigma. he kept on training and was motivated by his "dad", he one day hopes to become like Him.

He has a rash mind and sometimes dosent waste time on planing it all out. he has a good balance between agilty and strength,
but has weaker defense.


Jan 16, 2003
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Looks like a great roster of characters here guys, i cant wait to start this baby up. But first lets get things strait.

Before i begin this i need to have everybodys FULL co-operation when it comes to this RPG. it WILL be a long one, it WILL be drawn out, and it WILL be fun. But i need to see that everybody is willing to make a commitment. If your character does not post for 2+ pages, then I will kill him off in some way. its a cruel thing to do, but it has to be done in order to conitnue the storyline. but other then that. let me write out the intro then ill have it here ASAP!!


Premium Member
Jul 16, 2003
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Aye Aye Captain! *salutes*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
In you, of course.
I've never read one of your intros. Hope it's great. BTW... FASTER!


Jan 16, 2003
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Final Warrior, we were waiting on you, i had this intro done 2 days ago............well here it is ENJOY!

MEGAMAN - The Zeta Thread

Year 22XX

The Sigma wars were fineally over..............all of them. X and Zero barely got out of the last fight. Being severly wounded, the combined power of the 2 heroes were able to defeat the Sigma Virus, once and for all. Administering the vaccine to all the infected reploids, the wrold was saved........untill one day.......a new threat appeared.............and this would be the biggest battle of them all..........draining all the rescourses of the Reploid army, Special Forces, and even the Maverick Hunter Elite............the best of the best at the new Maverick Hunting Academy..............but lets not get into that.........lets start with the leader of the Maverick Hunter Elite..........and his first day at the Academy.............lets begin.

"Hello, and welcome to the introductory day at the newly opened Maverick Hunter Academy 'NeoTropolis'! My name is Alia, and i will be your Comm instructor. Now please listen, becuase I will now introduce the co-founders of NeoTropolis, X and Zero!"
(X's voice) "Hello! I would like to welcome all of you to the new year at NeoTropolis, run by me and Zero. Over the corse of the next 2 months, Zero and I will be selecting 6 of you to be part of the Maverick Hunter Elite..........a group of Reploids trained and dispatched by Zero and myself, Zero will explain more now. Zero."
(Zero's Voice) "Greeting, this is SS Ranked Maverick Hunter Zero. I will be explaining the Elite Maverick Hunter Elite program to you now. Basically what the program will be is 6 chosen few will be part of the Maverick Hunter Elite, a group of the best of the best students here at the academy. The head of the section will be chosen TODAY at random out of students etrence exam scores. Only students with scores 98 and higher wil be chosen. A messenger will be sent to fetch you to my office when he or she is chosen. My office......."

Tek droned the rest out of his mind. He coudlent belive it, a whole new division of the academy dedicated to elite few, and better then that, what Tek REALLY couldent belive is the face that he had gotten a perfect 100 on the test! He started to doubt himself though, when he saw how many other students had achived perfect scores of 100’s. Not noticing where he was going, Tek bumped into a large man in militart garb. Blue and white camoflauge ghili suit were the standerd issued military gear here for some reason........

"Are you Tek Skytrin?" the large military man asked coldly and without emotion. Tek answered quickly, hoping that this was the messenger.
"Zero would like to see you in his office. Sub-sector D5 floor 3. Here is a Cardmap to guide you if you get lost.
Tek could not belive it, it had really happend, Tek was chosen to be the leader of the Maverick Hunter Elite, and so SOON too! Tek ran himself to the office, pushing and shoving people out of the way to get there. Tek got lost a few times but he wouldent let that hinder him. Fineally he was there.........the doorway to the greatest future, Zero's office. Tek knocked on the door and was summoned in. Zero looked more stunning then any picture or transmission made him seem. Zeros hair, now white from technology aging, flowed to the ground in a large ponytail like fashon.

"You must be Tek," Zero said also emotionlessly. "Sit down i want to talk to you. Yes you have been chosen to be part of th eMaverick Hunter Elite..........actually the Leader of the squad. In being so you are required to chose 5 other squad mates. Your bunk is located in sector B27, Sector 3."
"SECTOR 3?!?!" Tek said loudly, "THATS WHERE THE HIGH RANKING TEACHERS AND HUNTERS ARE BUNKED!" at this comment, all Zero could do is laugh and shake his head.
"Welcome to the big leagues, now choose your 5. HEre is a list. I will call them to the bunk room once you have chosen." Zero showed Tek a list of students with exam scores over 95. only a few 5 stood out though.
"These are my guys that i want to meet; Rapheal Griffinhart, Ryu, Razael, Fury, and Seth............those are codenames correct? Except or Rapheal........thats his true name.........alright, call those guys down to the bunk when you send them." Tek, with that, left the office to the bunkroom. After mybe 10 minutes of searching, the room was fineally found. Tek inserted the card to open the lock and stepped in. Right then and there he was amazed. The rooms were painted a gold color, 6 beds lay in each corner and 2 walls between 2 other beds. Tek put his stuff on th bed furthest from the door, but facing it. After checking out the adjacent bathrooms and closets, the door knocked, and tlaking could be heard on the other side. And soon enough were 5 complete strangers.

"May we come in? Headmaster Zero summoned us to this bunk room.............about some secret briefing?" Tek was in awe, the man HAD to be over 6 feet tall, much taller then his 5'9 stature.
"S-s-s-sure.........." Tek stepped out of the way, and the 5 people walked in. A person dressed in white a blue armor last.....staring at Tek. He knew right away who he was.
"RYU!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! IS THAT REALLY YOU!!!" Ryu flinched at this and then fineally warmed up. "Yeah man its me............i ddient think you survived........i brought you back to the hospital and dident see you for 2 years. I thought you had died in the sorry."
"Its ok man dont worry about it.........your part of the squad now."

Tek gave the briefing, why they were there, why they were summoned, who he was, and most importantly, what they woul dbe doing. Now, Tek wanted to know who everyone else was.

"So guys...........i told you who i tell me, who are all of you? Where did you come from? Who was your creator? why did you want to be here?"

And thats when our story begins.............The young leader Tek, breifing his new squad of Hunters. But soon enough...........the thread would come, it would come in the form of Zeta, the Maverick King re-incarnate.............

please follow it from here.


Premium Member
Jul 16, 2003
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*Fury, Walks over to the corner closest to the bathroom and throws his duffel bag onto the bed.*
Fury: Hello, I am Fury. Man I am pretty surprised I am one of the 6 chosen. I only scored 96. I came from Nectropolis, down south and was created by Dr. Ryan Xavier. I was actually originally created to help in the Sigma Wars, but my original creator Dr. Gaven was assasinated before I was completed and the project was sustained for a long while. So I was pretty much made to do this.


Jan 16, 2003
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"Well, im glad to have you aboard!" said Tek, suprisingly. Looking at the new reploid, you could tell he was made to do this, his frame was well rounded, built for power and speed. Tek was still suprised.

"So, Fury, get comfortable, training starts tomarrow.........Everyone else, tell us about yourselves!"


King Endymion
Oct 2, 2002
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North Carolina, USA
Ryu: Tek already knows me. I wasn't...created through means that you normally know. I was accidently brought out from my plane of existance, and a body was made for me. I am Ryu, a codename because my true name could not be determined. Tek knows me particularly well for using my teleportation abilities, natural to all transdimensional time/space beings. It's what saved his life more than one time. I'm glad to see you've finally gotten a command. I can hardly believe they managed to find me.

Ryu is leaning on the hilt of a rather average looking katana, save the fact it has no hilt, and it's handle is shaped like a lightning rod. Though he leans on it with all his weight, the scabard does not move. He has another katana, that really does look normal except for the star-shaped hilt, underneat the katana he leans on. His right hand is emerged through his buster, at the moment, but it is plain to see that his buster looks very similar to Rock(Mega)man's Rock Buster.


Jan 16, 2003
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"Well, nice to see you again Ryu.........and.........thanks for the refresher" Tek, looks ashamed and sits down on the bed his stuff is on. The other 3 men are just standing around.

"So guys, what about you?" Ryu says to everyone, "Who are all of you?"


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May 17, 2003
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*Looking at Tek*

Razael: I am Razael. I guess the reason I'm here is because I scored a 99 on the test. I don't really know who created me or why. (Thought this might lead to a plot twist, "Razael, I am your creator... lol. But anyway...) I am a reploid and I specialize in melee, but if needed I can use ranged attacks if needed.


Dec 12, 2003
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665, next to satan.
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*Looks around, finds the best looking and untaken bed and takes it*

Seth: "Well... this looks good enough *turns around to the group* hey, im seth , codename of course but we will get to it later. anyway my creator is well you might say Dr.Cain who planned me based on Zero's structure, he had something in mind for me but he was killed... Zero found me later and finished me that why he is sort of like a father to me. now i got the Codename Seth because noone knew my name except Dr.Cain who didnt tell it to anyone, so Zero chose a name that would suit me best."
Tek: "wow... Zero's "son"...
Razael: "Yeah good story..."
Ryu: "why do you long your face?"
Seth: "Well you see, the thing is that i only scored 89 on the test
and somehow i feel that im only here because of Zero..."
Tek: "well dont let it bother you, i chose everyone not Zero..."
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