First time making a map? I remember my very first map. It wasn't actually a map though, I was just goofing around, but then I got hooked. Anyways, my first map was called "Starship Troopers" but I just used that name to get people to join. It was essentially just a big 256x256 map with about 600 zerglings that did 20 damage each and each player had a marine that was 9999/9999 and 0 armor. It had no triggers and it really pissed alot of people off, but it was hilarious. Anyways... my best map was prob my remake of Crash RPG 4.1 which lots of people played for a while.
Anyways... when you think your map will be finished? I can't stand it no more, i'm gonna buy Warcraft 3 this weekend and then i'll beable to stop bugging my friend to play his.