Ok this is not some huge lecture trying to get you people who hack out there to quit hack yoursleves to death for all i care the reason I'm writing this is to say that Blizzard has made plans to attempt to ban all hackers to open b.net. That and soon most trainers will become null with the realease of version 1.10. I know it's been a year and I know that people think that 1.09 was the end of it all but now that Blizzard is done with Warcraft 3 they are planning to release the patch possibly in late August or early September. I've heard that this new patch might give Blizzard the upper edge in hackers vs legit in the fact that they will be scanning peoples computers now for trainers who conncet to B.net. (IF you didnt know they already scan you com when you conncet for Viruses and your system status..RAM, CPU, Video card etc.) Anyone who is caught with a trainer or duped items on their charactors will be banned to open b.net with menas you will loose all your realm charactors and items. The other reason you shouldnt' hack is a no brainer. Blizzard is kind enough to give you access to a huge base of D2 players for free and lets you play over the net with them for free their only condition is that you dont' hack. Hmm sounds like a decnet condition to me why dont' you follow it.