Hey ya'll
i was just wondering who YOU think is the best Charecter in the game? I enjoy them all but i wanna know what other ppl think!!.. like you!!.. o well thanx ne wayz...
Actually, i have played druid. They seriously suck in PvP, so does paladin (unless it's low lvl, palas can be good there)Originally posted by FreelanceWolf
jerk, u just need to play a druid!
they may not be best, I'm handing that to sorc, but if you build them right, they can be quite pwerful--
their fire and wind magic is awesome, and while they may not have all the offensive minions of a necromancer, carrion crawler is one of the best in the game! THe summoned critters and spirits have specialized abilities that are absent in necromancer
while his magic does no justice to the sorc, how many critters in the dungeon do you see that are immune to wind?