ill tell u this....
I have 6 names, on starcraft i am mad_extreme, or maddanger, and sometimes masterosoldier, (clan soldier was my clan and the name stuck) on warcraft 3 im pan_the_man, BTW you may find a pan_the_man on bnet in sc, the record would be somewhere around 3wins-34 loses or something. it is not me, i can explain, i stole this name from a friend, (who sucks like shit) actually i test my strategys on him, so i stole the name cause i could not think of a name for war 3 bnet and to tell u the trooth i used it on this site not expecting to come here, and so i used pAN AS AN ALIAS TO WHO I AM ON BNET, BUT AFTER LIKE 3 days i had like 30 posts, and wanted to change my name to a cooler name but i didnt want to start over again, and get new posts and get another identity, so here i am writing a book about my names. i jut wanted to meet lexigirl LOL. anyways my D2 LOd name is The_snakeboy or snakeboy8891.