BattleForums Member
NEED: ---Ethereal and zodded-- or bugged bartucs(zod bug)
- 6 socket superior (6%) berserker axe (NON ETH)
- Alma Negra +2 With Um rune in it
- .08 Gaze (lol)
- 28% Maras
- 2/2/133%/13/48 Jade talon
- Wolfhowl 2/3/3/6
- Frostwind
- Unid Bonehew
- 270% Shael sotrmlash
- Gloom Scarab Husk
- Silence Phase Blade
- Zak Shield (clean)
- Clean 08 wf (lol)
- Sanctuary Sacred Rondache (64 resists)
- Spirit Keeper (new 1.10 druid helm)
- BoneLich Wand 2/2/3/3/5/5
(This is what i have , but you pick the items you need)
- 6 socket superior (6%) berserker axe (NON ETH)
- Alma Negra +2 With Um rune in it
- .08 Gaze (lol)
- 28% Maras
- 2/2/133%/13/48 Jade talon
- Wolfhowl 2/3/3/6
- Frostwind
- Unid Bonehew
- 270% Shael sotrmlash
- Gloom Scarab Husk
- Silence Phase Blade
- Zak Shield (clean)
- Clean 08 wf (lol)
- Sanctuary Sacred Rondache (64 resists)
- Spirit Keeper (new 1.10 druid helm)
- BoneLich Wand 2/2/3/3/5/5
(This is what i have , but you pick the items you need)