Retired Staff
That's right... back in Grade 6 when Warcraft 2 was hot... we had this computer room at our school which we went to (computer classes) for 2 hours a week. Well, we would always have these wicked warcraft LAN games (8 player) well, our principle banned us from playing it cause he said it was violent. I dunno why im bring this up, I just remembered it though and thought that was pretty funny... our teacher didn't care though and he let us play it. Back in Grade 5 also, when it first came out, I was a total newbie... i'd just sit there with my friend and kept telling him to build towers...... i'd usually cost him the games cause i'd bug him till he made towers all over the place and he got ****ed cause of it. Ah... good times. I wonder if some schools still ban games like Warcraft? I didn't take computer classes in Junior High / High School so I don't know for sure if they banned the games, but I doubt it. My elementary school just sucked