Retired Staff
Near the top of BattleForums, you should notice the following links:
Clicking them allows you to vote for BattleForums on GameSites200, a site that compiles sites and ranks them.
Why do we suggest you vote for us? By voting for us, our rank increases, putting us higher up on the list. Because people are more likely to click on the links at the top of the list, they could well end up at BattleForums, and hence may join. When they join, your forum experience becomes better with more people to talk with and discuss.
Voting is simple and takes seconds.*
Clicking them allows you to vote for BattleForums on GameSites200, a site that compiles sites and ranks them.
Why do we suggest you vote for us? By voting for us, our rank increases, putting us higher up on the list. Because people are more likely to click on the links at the top of the list, they could well end up at BattleForums, and hence may join. When they join, your forum experience becomes better with more people to talk with and discuss.
Voting is simple and takes seconds.*