Have you ever stopped to think about why the number 13th is considered unlucky? The thirteenth at the last supper was Judas, and the crucifixion was on a Friday.
For that matter why should breaking a mirror be considered bad luck?
here are a few links for superstitions for different cultures.
A lot of these superstitions have logical roots. Salt superstition makes sense if you think about it. I have heard of black cats as familiars rather than polymorphing witches, but is the same principal. I have a black cat, and I keep on his good side. I would anyway if he were a tabby too.
Garlic has actually been proven to be good for your health. Maybe people that ate a lot of garlic would live longer and thus appear lucky way back when the superstition was formed. In that case I would say that it is lucky that I like garlic.
For me 7 is rather unlucky, because I'm right handed and bowl a backup ball.
Taking a look at the Chinese superstition
#2 seems interesting. A particularly violent person would probably raise some wild children.
#4 may have something to do with the medicinal skills of the person who delivered you. Considering if the person that looks after your ills is good at what they do that would be rather good. Besides innies are just sexy.
#16 exhaust fumes aren't your friend, enough said.
#17 nothing more appetizing than the resounding boom of a powerful toilet.
#32 nobody likes stepping on toenails, and when it's dark you won't necessarily be able to see where they flew.
#40 If I ever become a mortician I’m getting a pet turtle.
If you have any thought on the matter then I would be interested to hear them.
For that matter why should breaking a mirror be considered bad luck?
here are a few links for superstitions for different cultures.
A lot of these superstitions have logical roots. Salt superstition makes sense if you think about it. I have heard of black cats as familiars rather than polymorphing witches, but is the same principal. I have a black cat, and I keep on his good side. I would anyway if he were a tabby too.
Garlic has actually been proven to be good for your health. Maybe people that ate a lot of garlic would live longer and thus appear lucky way back when the superstition was formed. In that case I would say that it is lucky that I like garlic.
For me 7 is rather unlucky, because I'm right handed and bowl a backup ball.
Taking a look at the Chinese superstition
#2 seems interesting. A particularly violent person would probably raise some wild children.
#4 may have something to do with the medicinal skills of the person who delivered you. Considering if the person that looks after your ills is good at what they do that would be rather good. Besides innies are just sexy.
#16 exhaust fumes aren't your friend, enough said.
#17 nothing more appetizing than the resounding boom of a powerful toilet.
#32 nobody likes stepping on toenails, and when it's dark you won't necessarily be able to see where they flew.
#40 If I ever become a mortician I’m getting a pet turtle.
If you have any thought on the matter then I would be interested to hear them.