The New Guide For Getting Dream Gear


Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Plymouth, MI
this is to fix up on the gem thing I made back when we all played 1.09 (I am Gen_xxx_69: Cartalos closed already)

Yeah its long but it works.
  • a fire soc and a cold sorc build.
  • good way to trade
  • curancy list
  • Tight budget build for MFing

Well here it all is. Fallow it and watch it all come in

During your course of time playing Diablo II, and as your characters get better and better, you will eventually want to get better items. There are several ways to do this. Here is a guide on how to get better items:


The problem with trading is that it is very difficult if you fit into any of these categories:

A) New to Diablo II in general

B) New to Diablo II Lord of Destruction

C) Just starting ladder

D) Just starting non-ladder

E) Just got hacked

F) Are starting “freshâ€

However if you DO fit into these categories, do not panic! There are still plenty of ways to get better items through trading! I’ll start with category “Aâ€:

Step 1: Take your old, worthless items into a trade game, preferably normal or nightmare, depending on how good your items are.
Step 2: Trade these items for items that are either
A) Of slightly better value
B) Fit your character better
Step 3: Continue step two until you find a newbie, who will trade godly or semi-godly items for your items that are either still worthless, or could have some value (in the case of continued trading, you could get semi-godly gear over the course of several hundred trades).
Step 4: Take your new godly or semi-godly gear into trade games to trade for items you need – BE CAREFUL – DO NOT GET RIPPED OFF WHILE DOING THIS!
These steps can also be repeated for Category “Bâ€.

Category C AND D
Here you can do one of several things:

Choice one
Step 1: Take your new ladder (or non-ladder in the case of “Dâ€) character and make a public game like “act1 newâ€.
Step 2: Play the game through – as you continue playing you will eventually run into some minor uniques or sets.
Step 3: Do some trading with these items until you can get better gear for yourself, then continue playing the game through while doing Baal runs to gain experience – and to get better items!

Choice two
Step 1: Take your new ladder character and make a public game like “act1 newâ€.
Step 2: Continue playing the game through, and while doing so do some Baal runs. (Baal runs are good for both experience and the occasional good item)

Step 3: Trade the items you find along the way for items of either better trade value, currency (you COULD find items worth 100 poisons, or even 290s while doing hell Baal runs), or items to compliment your character or its mercenary.

Categories E and F

Step 1: Play the game through – or have a friend rush you.
Step 2: Magic Find (more on this later) items through Pindleskin runs, Mephisto runs, Diablo runs, or Baal runs. Also you can simply do Baal runs in public games in chance of getting the items – however your chances are greatly reduced due to more people around to grab the item.
Step 3: Trade the items you get from Baal/whatever runs, for items you need, currency, etc


Currency is a term often heard on the forum realm and here is a few basics that may help you out if peeps seem like they are speakin a lot of jibberish.

290 = toxic small charm of anthrax = 290 poisen dmg over 10 sec.
3 20 20 = fine small charm of vita = 3maxDmg/20 attack rating/ 20 life

these are massly duped small charms that have become somewhat of a currency...most every item and such is priced by 3 20 20's and 290's. runes are also another currency and there is a converter for them into 290's.

here is a lil help...

1x 290 = 2x 32020

and for runes the converter varies but it goes somewhat like this.

vex= 10 290s
ber= 8-9 290s
ohm= 7-9 290s
jah= 6-7 290s
zod= 5-6 290s
ist= 3-4 290s

those are pretty much the basics...most every item has a value in 290s. Sell items into 290s and then with your 290s buy something you need/want. First you will need to obtain stuff thats worth 290s as they may be hard to obtain with some of the things "new" players posess...or just take it the long way and get a lot of 3 20 20s and convert them up to 290s.

This has been a few basics on forum currency...

Magic Finding
Now, trading can take a VERY long time – escpeacily if you have nothing of any real value. Thankfully there is another way – Magic finding!

The Build

Note: You will want a sorceress for this – as she is easily the best Magic Find character in the game.

Fire Sorceress – Solo Pindleskin, and Mephisto – Party Baal
(NOTE: The majority of this build comes from other forums, personal experiences etc. Feel free to make your sorceress as you please.)
Strength: 156 – 170 (170 might be a bit to high)
100 energy (The rest will be made from warmth/ items)
Enough Dexterity to have maximum block rate
Rest into vitality
Fireball – max
Meteor – max
Fire Mastery
Teleport, Energy shield, and one of the Frozen armors (can’t remember name)
Shako (um or ist)
Skulder (ptopaz)
Rhyme or 4 Ist Monarch
Arachnid mesh belt
35-40% Chance gloves
Mara 25-30% amulet (or good rare with +2 skills 25%+mf and res)
Occy (ist) / Ali baba (ist ist, or clean or socket it with magic find jewels)
2 Perf 30% Nagels
45+ War Travs

If you cannot afford these items, any good item with magic find will work until you can. Also remember to get the best for your sorceress as she will be the one to get you better items for the rest of your characters.

Charms: 6 or 7 percent magic find small charms are perfect for right here – as are +1 to fire skills charms.
1) Go to Harrogarth
2) Take the red portal by Anya (Must rescue her to get the portal open)
3) Quickly Teleport to the front of the building thing
4) Lay down a meteor not to far ahead of you when they come they will get burned
5) Fire Fireball until Pindleskin and all minions near him are dead
6) Pick up any good set or unique items on the ground
7) Leave game and make a new one
8) Repeat steps 1-8
1) Go to Durance of Hate level 2
2) Teleport to level 3
3) Go down to level 3, and teleport past all his minions
4) Set up a town portal (incase you die when hes down to one health)
5) Static him down to 50% and then shoot fireball after fireball at him until he dies
6) Pick up items, leave game, make new one, repeat steps 1-6
For this just do a normal Baal run, after minions are dead, go into worldstone chamber, static Baal to 50%, and fireball him to death.


Bliz Sorc
max blizzard and all the synergies, my synergies arent even all the way maxed and i do about 5k damage with it and it kills meph very quickly.

fireball is a good spell, but u mite want to use blizzard because it will slow meph down, and on pindle, the minions' charge will greatly b slowed down, so u can have more time to teleport around them, or wutever u do to dodge their charge, blizzard will usually b enough damage for them tho

an isted ss will also b ok for an mf shield, due to the cold resist (mephs orb) and it has better block rate, faster block rate, and the same amount of mf as ryhme.

this was just my input, 7smurfs i dont know if u will like this, but this is the strategy i use while mfing with my sorc.

also put like 1-2 points in shivering armor, put 4-5 in warmth, and put 1 in teleport and 1 in energy shield,

remember this is just my opinion, im not saying this is the best way, im just adding some feedback to this thread.



Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Plymouth, MI
Ok, here we go... MF'ing on a tight budget...

For argument's sake, we're going to assume you
have a decent sorc (whatever build you happen to
prefer) that's around lvl 80 when you do this...

None of this stuff factors in any Ist runes.
Some categories I'll list 2 different ways to go.

Armor -
The armor of choice now appears to be the 'enigma'
runeword, but this is budget time, so we'll
dispense with that altogether... Your 2 budget
options are to go with a Skulder's Ire socketed
with a perfect topaz, or the 'Wealth' runeword
popped into a decent 3 soc armor (like a scarab
husk, since you're a sorc and don't wanna dump
too much into strength). 'Wealth' is relatively
cheap, requiring Lem+Ko+Tir.

Skulders - 104 mf (at lvl 80, w/Ptop)
'Wealth' - 100 mf +300%gold

Belt -
The easy way to go is the Goldwrap. This normal
unique is easy to get (probably someone can even
give you one for free). Once you have it, pop
it into your cube with Tal+Shael+P Diamond and
transmute it into the upgraded battle belt
version, giving you more defense and 16 spots
instead of 12. As an alternative, you may
want to go with a Thundergods Vigor for the
lightning absorb, but that doesn't give you MF
and it can cost you more.

Upgraded Goldwrap - 30 mf + variable gold%

Helm -
Get yourself a Harlequin Crest Shako and socket
it with a perfect topaz. This gives you good MF
only 1 point less than using an Ist rune in it), is reasonably cheap and gives + to skills among
other things. At lower levels, find yourself a
3 socketed helm and slap 3 perfect topazes in it
to work with until you can get/wear a shako.

Shako w/Ptopaz - 74mf
3o/s helm w/3Ptopaz - 72mf

Rings -
For maximizing your mf runs, nothing beats good
Nagelrings. Low percentage ones can probably be
begged off people. If you get plenty of MF
elsewhere, you may opt for a pair of Stone of
Jordan rings for the skills, but they aren't
free (price keeps going up as they get spent).
For this, we'll assume the Nagelrings (and a low
MF percent as well).

2xNagelring - 40% mf to 60%mf (30 each is perfect)

Amulet -
Save up and get a Mara's as soon as you can. If
you don't have one, work on getting a decent rare
or magic amulet with + to skills and some MF on
it. A Powered amulet of Fortune works wonders
(+3 to lightning skills and MF). The Mara's won't
give you any points towards MF, but the skills,
resistances and the attributes make it a must.

Mara's - 0

Weapon -
The best way to go is an Occulus. In the early
goings, it may be easier to get a Gull dagger
(which has more MF, but it's next to useless
to a sorc).

Occulus - 50% mf

Shield -
Again, we said cheap, so we'll go with a 'Rhyme'
runeword shield. You'll be able to afford more
than one of these as you level along, so start
off with a basic large shield or bone shield and
later on move up to a troll nest. Alternatively,
and more costly, would be a Lidless Wall, which
doesn't have any MF, but does give you + skills,
increased mana and faster cast rate.

'Rhyme' - 25% mf +50% gold

Boots -
There's a clear choice here and that's War
Travelers battle boots. Good Travs can get kinda
costly, so we'll go on the cheap and just snag
a pair of 30% ones (max is 50). Low end travs
can usually be borrowed, begged or traded for
on the cheap.

War Travelers - 30% mf (up to 50)

Gloves -
Here again there are a couple options. For
maximum MF, you want to go with Chance Guards.
Low end Chancies, much like low-end Travs can
be gotten easily from people. You probably have
a buddy who has a pair of 25% ones on a mule as
we speak. If you can get 40% ones, so much the
better. On the other hand, if you feel you have
enough MF to spare it, you could go with a set
of Magefists for the + to fire skills, mana
regeneration and faster cast rate. Either way,
pop them into a cube with Tal + Shael + Perfect
Diamond and upgrade them.

Chance Guards - 25%mf (up to 40)
Magefists - 0

So, looking at these figures, going absolutely as
low as we can (excepting the Lidless Wall and the
T-Gods, as those are more costly anyway), you can
see that you would have a minimum of 347% mf
(while using Magefists) and a max of 433% mf
(with perfect Chancies). This setup uses not a
single smfc, so there is vast room for you to
increase this amount. As you increase your finds,
you can also trade for Ist runes and add one to
your Occy and possibly either get a 4 Isted
monarch or put and Ist into a Lidless or a

Hopefully this helps people with questions about
MF'ing on a shoestring budget.


Praetoris Maximus
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
1x 290 = 2x 32020
Other way around, unless it has changed since 1.09. Plus those currencies dont exist on the ladder.

The way you get rich: make 1 character, trade anything you can get your hands on for MF gear, and kill hell bosses, slowly getting more MF items as you find stuff...


BattleForums Senior Member
May 20, 2003
Reaction score
USA California
Originally posted by EEX_ca_aok
Other way around, unless it has changed since 1.09. Plus those currencies dont exist on the ladder.

The way you get rich: make 1 character, trade anything you can get your hands on for MF gear, and kill hell bosses, slowly getting more MF items as you find stuff...
he's saying your "piss poor", which means you don't prolly got the gear to kill those hell bosses which deal mega damage... maybe NM?


Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Plymouth, MI
correct, this guide many works in NM and normal sence I have found some cool stuff in NM runs for baal like stormspire and stuff. Can make someone moderatly rich, once the NM phase is complete they should have a high level sorc for MF and some good gear, go trade for stuff like tals (if you havnt found it already) and move to hell for some good MFing off meph baal , or even Diablo, what ever makes you happy.


Premium Member
Jan 19, 2004
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Just listen to what he says ppl, mf in Meph and Pindle (solo) and u'll go rich! Its that simple! and btw, if ur xtremely poor and weak (i think u forgot this unforgiven angel) do "River Mephing".
First u go and get one hit by meph >.< then tele to the other side of the river... and meph will jus run around helplessly.. jus keep on throwing meteor and he'll die fast... keep on doing this until u get some items.. :D and team mf with hammerdin (gotta be ur friend or he'll steal all) is like 2 times faster than solo mf!


Jan 25, 2004
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look at this........i found this in a mag (props to computer gaming monthly) if you can get a hold of a hordaic staff (usuing the cube and you havent gone to the orifice...on that tolkin you can get a friend to do it with his and you still can progress...but anyways it provides..get ready for it 600% MAG find and its legit.. perfect for high lvl sorc....... I M message me for more info


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 27, 2003
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lol i remeber that thing^,never worked.....


Dec 23, 2003
Reaction score
Plymouth, MI
sorry for the dubble post but I think this is helpful, and I feel that it should be stickied or something seeing that it dose work, buddy that just signed up on d2 about 3 weeks ago, (guide wasnt posted then) made a cold sorc and started with a 4 soc armor, 3 soc helm and I also gave him 7 p topazes. Then he just started playing, now has shako and skulders. So there is your proof. :D