The mind of pyro (me)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jul 13, 2003
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ok i feel like writing a 10K long post without spaming because im board... i know im coping of tweak but oh well deal with it. anyway try to read the hole thing i bet i will make you giggle at least once befor its over.

you know sometimes i find myself wondering what i would be like if i wasnt a pyro. i bet my dad wouldnt hate me if i didnt almost blow up the house a few to many times back in my chiled hood.

i wish i could rap then become rich... that would be tight. but i cant rap for shit unless i steal shit from other people.

it would be tight if i ever met anyone from icp and got to kill eminem with them... that would make me happy for sure. then we could give me a million dollars for helping them kill eminem.

if i was a cop i would shoot myself because i hate police.

i bet i would look nerdy with glasses on.

if i was an admin for battleforums i would ban all the other admins so it would be owned by just me.

it would be cool if a tornado came by and took me to oz. i would push around all the 2 foot fags then smoke a blunt with the scare crow tinman and lion.

if there was no god the world would be a better place because there would no longer be any war. so in the end half of the bad things are caused because of this fake guy named god.

i wish i lived in the middle ages because all i would have to do to get some one killed would say "i think your a witch" then we can have a little barbque.

i wounder how many words i misspelled so far in this. i wish i could spell good then i wouldnt feel so retarded all the time.

if my name was leon i wonder if i would still be friends with my friend leon.

if i was aloud to blow shit up i would do it more but i cant so that makes me mad. still the pyro blood in me makes me blow up tanks with gas with a romen candle every now and then.

if i was a geek i wonder if i would still be a pyro. i think im so cool because im a pyro. i dont know why people think pyros are so cool. just because i like fire more then the average person people think "yo that dudes cool". it kinda gets me mad when people think im cool because im a pyro.

if my ass was on the back of my head i wonder how i would take a shit. i gusse i would just stick my head in the tolit then push.

i wonder why i get weird ideas like "what if my ass was on the back of my head"

i wonder what i would do if i met the tellitubies and i got a job being the sun after they fire the baby in that gay show. if barny wasnt already dead i would shoot him.

if i had a gun i bet i would shoot someone.

if my best friends were a scarecrow a tinman and a lion it would be a lot like the wizard of oz.

if weed wasnt illigel i would have broke the law about 1000 times less.

if i ever met eminem i would make him suffer a slow painfull death and throw him in the same lake i threw the telli tubies and barny into.

if i was apart of seasame street i bet all the little kids would be gang bangers.

if humans arms were on there butt cheecks i wonder if we would still wear pants. how would we eat dinner and how would we get in fights?

there should be a law that hot girls arnt alowed to wear shirts. the world would be a much beter place with hot nude girls walking around on the streets.

it would be cool if my head would turn into a fruit if i eat fruit gushers. i wonder how i would make my head turn normal again

if i was the presidant of the united stats everyone would move to china because its the farthest place in the world from that country witch would become one ****ed up place to live. if you need exsamples of how it would be ****ed up just read this thing im writing and you will mostly want to move to china just from the idea of me having that kind of power.

i have a callis on the side of my hand, if i push my thumb up against it it looks like a pussy. (not even kiding)

if i was rich i would have alot of monye

did you know public bathroom doors have more germs on them then tolit seats? isnt that weird?

if everyone in the world was nothing but a human sized thumb it would be alot like that movie thumb warz.

if i could shoot balls of fire out of my hands that would be tight as shit.

i wonder how many double acounts skuzzy has... who knows i could be skuzzy pretending to be someone else. you may be the only person on this website who isnt skuzzy and you will never even know.

have you ever wondered what your perants do when your not home?

if i could never die or get hurt i would jump off a cliff.

if you ever feel like doing something for shits and giggles then go to your friends house say you left something there and walk away without going in. i bet that would make him/her think you are weird.

well i just clicked on check message length and i am almost half way there now.

fuzzy wuzzy was a bear fuzzy wuzzy had no hair fuzzy wuzzy want very fuzzy was he? yo that is the most gangster rap i ever did hear.

ok im starting to run out of ideas so i may say some pretty stupiued shit for the next few thousand carecters

my head has hair on it

i always wonder who "they" is when someone says "you know what they say always bla bla bla bla bla". i bet they is some secret orginization that says a bunch of dumb shit. or mabye they is just everyone, if they was everyone then i would feel left out because no one invited me to be apart of they.

have you ever noticed that if you put the b after f in BFI (the trash company) is would be fbi. i think that when they come to pick up my trash they throw little cameras in my lawn so they can spy on me.

have you ever worried that someone has hired an assassin to kill you.

have you ever relized teh word assassin has the word ass in it 2 times... or mabye im just spelling it wrong.

it wpuld be cool if i was 300 feet tall because then i could rule the world.

have anyone here ever tried growing a farm of hamsters to try and use them to invade area 51 to see if they have allieans there.

did you know that im listening to icp and twiztid wile writing this thing. incase you havnt gussed yet im running short on ideas so thats why im saying things like did you know im listening to icp and twiztid right now.

if poop came out your dick and piss came out your but would you have to push to get the piss to come out and taking a shit would be easyer.

did you know right now im not connected to the internet. it failed on me at about my 3000th charecter and i didnt feel like reconecting.

i just recnected right a secound ago and it has been 2 minutes between righting this and the last thing.

if cars could fly then would people die when the gass ran out.

the most boring movie i have ever seen was the wall. it was just plain stupied.

i started to tyip this at about 8:00pm and it is now 10 because i stoped to watch a movie.

if trees could talk i wonder what they would say. if the ground could talk i bet it would say "get the **** off me! people been stepping on me for 4.5 billion years and im ****ing sick of it!

ok im going to tell you about the birds and the bees.

one day a bird was in a rush and a cab came by. the bird grabed the handle to get in at the same time a bee grabed it. they decieded to share the cab because they were going to the same place. later the bee asked the bird if she wanted to come to his place and teh bird said ok. later when the bird was at the bees house the bee tied her up and locked her in the bacement. she was his sex slave for 5 years untill the bird finaly ****ed the bee so good that the bee had a heart atatck. but sence the bird was chained up down in the bees bacement the bird was stuck in the house and starved to death. THE END.

the moral of this story is bees are nothing but lieing bags of shit and they sting poor little kids :( but they make the best hony you ever did taste.

do you know whats weird abotu the flinstones? they are stone aged and all but they ****ing got TV. now correct me if im wrong but didnt tv come around the 1900 and the flinstons live in a few thousand BC now what the **** is up with that?

did you know voodoo magic is real? its just there are very few who can do it and many people claim they can who cant witch makes people think " well if he dont know voodoo then its not real " but that shit is as real as you and me. isnt that cool? i wish i had voodoo magic so i could kill people and get away with it.

if eggs were inside the chicks instead of the chicks inside the eggs i wonder if chickens would be called eggens.

did you ever notice in the begining of metal gear solid 2 snake is wearing a thong? ewwwwwwww what a freak. he could also be wearing it in number 1 but we cant see because of the not as animated graffixs.

i wonder why they call viel viel instead of baby cow? i suppose its because no one will eat somethign called baby cow. at least they are honest about baby back ribs. but they make that song to throw you off... you know what song im talking about? i want my baby back baby back baby back. the average listener thinks it means i want my baby again they dont realize they guy is talking about a babies back. if people would open there ears a little then i bet a lot less baby back ribs would be sold.

i just need 700 more cherecters then im done.

did you know on a swetish chainsaw it says "WARNING: do not try to stop chainsaw with hands or genticals" now im thinking... ok was this happenign alot somewere? i sure hope the comapny was just being stupied and there isnt dumb asses out there tryign to stop chain saws with their dicks. i mean really what the ****!

ok just for you killers in battle forums, befor dumping a dead body in the lake always poke holes in him/her so gasses dont rise him/her to the top.

well ok this thing is over i know have 9836 cherectors so i will try my best to finifh this on 10000.

well good by this has been todays episode of pyro's mind. hope you enjoyed. by by see ya later!!!