I do not promise that any of these will work. i know for a fact that some will not work, you will know which ones when u browse through. Most of them are lag methods and rollbacks. personally i havnt ever been able to get one to work. these are just ideas open for opinions.
Dupe #0 (85% success rate) 8 Player Dupe:
What you will need:
1) 8 chars, call them C1-C8 for the time being. (More chars create more certainty)
2) A method for creating server-lag (this is optional, but timing is more imperative if this is not provided)
3) A method for causing a game-server crash.
First a little background:
When a character leaves a game, the game server saves all characters present in that game. This cannot and does not happen concurrently (all at once) ... it happens sequentially.
Assume for the sake of argument that there are 8 players in a game, and player 3 leaves... the game will first save player 3 (the leaving player) and will then save players 1 - 8 (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) in order.
This method revolves around the idea of causing the game server to crash part-way through this save cycle, and thusly causing some of the characters in the game to save, and others to not save. For best results, the method should be carried out as follows:
1) Players C1 - C7 all join a game in order, C7 should be holding the items to dupe and C2 - C6 should all have inventory + stash + cube full of 1x1 items. (this is to cause the processing overhead for saving each character to be maximized)
2) C8 joins a game on the same server.
3) C7 drops the items to be duped.
4) C1 picks them up.
5) The server-lag method is used to eat server-side processor cycles. Enough lag to crash the server or desync it is NOT required at this point in time, just enough lag to cause a near-desync and substantial action-delay.
6) C8 stands ready to perform the server crash on a pre-established automated trigger.
7) C1 leaves the game and C8 IMMEDIATELY performs the server crash (using the MSD module. This should be done using a trigger, or even better using a clientless bot to send the relevant packets immediately C1 sends the game-leave packet.
Tada... if the server was lagged enough, and C2 - C6 have inventories sufficiently full of 1x1 junk, you have now duped. C1 will save and C7 will roll back. Server-side observed symptoms of the use of this dupe method and derivative methods are a period of unusual lag, followed by a sudden server crash.
Most accidental rollback dupes happen via a process similar to this, and this method has been used by some fairly large item suppliers for some time now. It's pretty much unpatchable without a total reworking of several key elements of the game architecture... which isn't going to happen. The lag method is the msd module and the game crashing method is the trigger module.
Dupe #1 (70% success rate):
C/I = Connection Interrupted
R/D = Realm Down
1) Put items u want to be duped in cube.
2) Be sure your inventory is empty except for cube.
3) Use the soulstone dupe module.
4) Using d2cheatit, .load msd.
5) .msd set (click Cain).
6) .msd dupe 36 (to fill inv).
7) Drop the cube and items will fall to the ground.
6) Pick up cube and hold in air. (Click on the cube and hold it on your cursor)
7) .msd dupe 4 to fill inv then cube disapears. Carry on running modules to dupe more soulstones.
9) While the soulstone dupe module is running, go to wp and try entering different act until u get c/i.
10) C/I.
Player B:
12) After player A drops you goto act 4 and pick up items and leave game.
If you lost you cube with your items in it, .receive 7715. If they are still there just go pickup another cube. Note: don't pick up your items out of the cube, you will crash!
Dupe #2 (60% success rate):
step1: goto alakor
step2: endless gold him and fill up enough gold to where it starts to drop on floor
step3:go afk for about five minutes when u come back notice the golds dropping in the same spot repeadiatly neverending "IMPORTANT DONT LET IT DO IT TOO LONG itll cause a full game rollback not just the people in act3"
step4: QUICKLY drop what u want duped it dont matter if no1 has it act3 will only be bugged for about ten minutes seeing as how gold has a lifetime now! u just need someone in act 1-2-4-5 any of those to keep game alive cuz everyone in act 3 will rollback but game will not close
step5: load up the old old old pickit and make it fight for the gold , notice you will see it flying towards edge of map at a relativly high speed.
step6: let pickit do its thing. if you didnt have enough gold to reach edge of map and bug act3 then repeat above steps till act 3 crashes
step7:goto a normal game so ull b in act1 in the dupe game
step8: wait till u think the golds gone and go collect ur items while looking at them in ur inventory
Dupe #3 (52% success rate):
Part I: The Setup A preferred character setup is this:
1)A necro with high level bone wall and poison nova.
2)2-4 Javazons with decent psn javelin and at least one with good slow missile(6 is excessive and makes splitting hard).
3)A mule with 2 sets of cd-keys and D2 loader so they can run 2 D2s at once. (2 computers should also work) Also, the mule should have a game waiting for him with a trusted friend where he can drop duped items.
Part II: The Procedure
1)Everyone enters a normal difficulty game (duh!) and make sure to have your fps and ping showing (do this by typing fps into the chat window in the game)
2)Everyone but the java with slow missile join one big party.
3)The mule goes and stands out in the blood moor about 10-15 yards out.
4)The javazon with slow missiles (not in the party) hostiles the entire party.
5) Everyone go out in to the moor about 5 yards.
6)Javazon with slow missile casts slow missile a few times while the necro surrounds the mule with an ass load of bonewalls. Once everyone is slow missiled invite the hostile zon into the party (just incase) and get everyone in the party.
7)Once everyone is slow missiled and the mule is surrounded in bonewalls, have the javazons start firing their poison javs. Try to stand far enough away that they leave a trail but close enough so you hit the bonewalls. Also try to get all the javazons hitting the same place as this makes the poison stack.
8)The necro should also start unleashing poison novas now if he has them.
9)Since this is normal the bone walls will fall pretty fast so have the necro keep remaking them as fit.
10)Your ping should climb into the thousands easily (I have hit about 4500 while doing this) Once you have build enough lag (Try around 2000 or so) have the mule log into his account with his other D2 and start trying to enter the game you are lagging to hell. He should get failed to join repeatedly. After a while, he should get game does not exist. When this happens join the game with your friend waiting. Drop the items in THIS GAME, not the lagging game.
11)You have now duped the entire inventory of the mule. When he disconnects the character should roll back and get his full inventory back while the duped items are still waiting in the game with his friend.
12)Dispense items among yourselves. Part III: Notes While this is possible with 1 java, 1 necro, and 1 mule. It is probably easier with at least one more java if not 2-3. This still has a chance of failing even if you do it perfectly. We got out ping to over 4000 one time and the dupe failed. If at first you don't succeed (and you probably wont) try try again.
Dupe #4 (40% success rate):
--There are three players in the game
layer A - a paladinplayer B - a ranged attacker and the source for the dupesplayer C - item keeper.
1. B hostiles A and namelocks A (hovers the mouse over him, and presses right mouse button -DOESNT RELEASE IT) by attacking with a bow.
2. The Paladin now smites you into town while your still name locked. This will allow you to attack him while in town. (You will look like your in town with your bow at your side, but the Paladin outside is still getting shot, he'll still be getting damage.) So now your 50/50 in and out of the Act 1 entrance. (Note: probably better to use a low ED bow for this)
3. This part will either result in a dupe or a roll back. Either drop the item you want to dupe or roll back on the ground and then hostile the third person. The game will lag and you hit alt+f4. Then you will just drop. No message will be dispalyed saying that you dropped, you'll just leave. Or you can trade the item you want to roll back or dupe to the third person then hostile them then hit alt+f4.
Dupe #5 (20% success rate):
1 ) Player A (the player with the items you wish to dupe) creates a game and waits for the second player (Player B) to join. Player B must have an automatic item grabber such as Pickit activated.
2 ) A third player (Player C) that also has an Item-Grabber activated joins the game and goes to another act, other than the act that the first 2 players are in (Act 1).
3 ) Player A and Player B stand near the waypoint in town in Act 1and wait for Player C to come to Act 1.
4 ) The Difficult part--Player A gets ready to drop the item that is going to be duped and then at the same time, player C comes to Act 1 with an Item-Grabber activated and causes the game to crash since both Item-Grabbers on both Player B and Player C fight for the item until the game crashes.
5 ) Start a new game with Player B and Player C to see which one picked-up the item. Player A will still have the original item in his inventory. And the item has been duped.
Dupe #6 (20-50% Success Rate):
1 ) Go cowing/questing etc. until you lag-out in a game. You will know have ‘lagged-out’ when you can’t type anything and it takes about 40 seconds+ (give or take) before what you type appears on the screen. For the sake of simplicity, the person lagged in the game is player A.
2 ) Get player B (A Friend) to log onto your account. Have him attempt to join your game, and it should say "Game Does Not Exist" (GDE).
3 ) Player B joins a new game (let's say: Idupe1/1).
4 ) Player C joins that game, and helps player B transfer all of the items off of player B to a new mule.
5 ) Exit player B and C.
6 ) Exit player A.
NOTE: This method works most of the time and the easiest way to get make a character lagged-out is to use an elemental druid or a necro. Using a druid, create elemental attacks that make holes etc. in the ground. For a necro, use bonewall over and over again.
Dupe #7 (100% Success Rate when available):
1 ) When you get the message saying servers will be shutting down in 5 minutes, make a game with the character that has the items that you want to dupe.
2 ) Have a friend join the game, and start muling the items that you want to dupe
3 ) Quickly have your friend leave the game and join another game before the realm goes down.
4 ) The character that had the items originally just sits in that game until the realm goes down
5 ) When the realm comes back up, both characters will have the items.
Dupe #8 (80% Success Rate – Only Works for Runes):
This method requires 2 people.
First person = PLAYER A
Second person = PLAYER B
PLAYER A should have the runes you want to dupe
PLAYER B kills PLAYER A exactly 15 times (count as you kill, it NEEDS to be 15)
PLAYER A drops the runes
PLAYER B picks up the runes
PLAYER A fills inventory with potions (to the brink)
PLAYER A picks up a dagger outside of town and holds it on their cursor (it's best to have this dagger ready)
PLAYER B exits the game (player a does NOT click esc to continue)
PLAYER A connection interrupted
The runes are not immediately perminant, you need to upgrade them to the next best rune to perm
3 Thul Runes + 1 Chipped Topaz = Amn Rune
3 Amn Runes + 1 Chipped Amethyst = Sol Rune
3 Sol Runes + 1 Chipped Sapphire = Shael Rune
3 Shael Runes + 1 Chipped Ruby = Dol Rune
3 Dol Runes + 1 Chipped Emerald = Hel Rune
3 Hel Runes + 1 Chipped Diamond = Io Rune
3 Io Runes + 1 Flawed Topaz = Lum Rune
3 Lum Runes + 1 Flawed Amethyst = Ko Rune
3 Ko Runes + 1 Flawed Sapphire = Fal Rune
3 Fal Runes + 1 Flawed Ruby = Lem Rune
3 Lem Runes + 1 Flawed Emerald = Pul Rune
2 Pul Runes + 1 Flawed Diamond = Um Rune
2 Um Runes + 1 Topaz = Mal Rune
2 Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst = Ist Rune
2 Ist Runes + 1 Sapphire = Gul Rune
2 Gul Runes + 1 Ruby = Vex Rune
2 Vex Runes + 1 Emerald = Ohm Rune
2 Ohm Runes + 1 Diamond = Lo Rune
2 Lo Runes + 1 Flawless Topaz = Sur Rune
2 Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst = Ber Rune
2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire = Jah Rune
2 Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby = Cham Rune
2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald = Zod Rune
- You will be tagged for 5-10 minutes after the c/i. Be patient.
- Don't pick up your bodies as you're dying
- Sometimes it doesn't c/i, but you freeze on the esc screen (if you're there more then 2 minutes without a c/i, press esc, if nothing happens, alt-f4 out of the game). It is STILL working when this happens.
Dupe #9 (30% Success Rate):
The Wall Glitch Dupe
1: Player A Sorceress with teleport, has the items wanted to be duped in INV not on body, all items on body will be lost.
2: Player B Sorceress with main spell that has a splash effect (fireball works best) or high TS/Meteor, and a empty inv to pick up the goodies.
3: Player A Finds a wall glitch in arcane by teleporting *(or wherever you can find one, I seem to find more in arcane then anywhere else, and if you don’t know what I mean by "wall glitch" then you don’t deserve this dupe)*
4: Player B Goes hostile and kills player A, TP's, unhostiles, and joins player A's party.
5: Player A Drops all items wanting to be duped in town, go's into TP, tele's to body *(doesn’t pick up, still in wall glitch)*
6: Player B Picks up items, and kills player A. Player B's first body disappears.
7: Player A Hits esc, and gets c/i.
side notes: PLEASE remember not to have anything on your body if your player A, it will ALL be lost and there is NO way of getting the items back.Gold Dupe & Patched Methods:
Gold Dupe Method #1:
Required players: 3 or 2 + D2 Loader
Required files: D2Hckit,Bind,Sniffer (and Loader if you wish)
1. Char A (with gold) makes private game.
2. Char B (with items) joins the game.
3. Char A goes to the bottom corner of Act 1.
4. Char B goes to the top corner (near Charsi)
5. Char C (or D2 Loader) logs onto Char B and sits in a channel.
6. Char A send the Lag Packet (a.k.a Spam 1 gold)
he types: .bind set 74 70 repeat 21500 send 500100000001000000 (this number varies, but it usually is this, use sniffer to find it otherwise.)
7. Char C (or D2 Loader) types in the Game Name BUT NOT THE PASSWORD and clicks join. He keeps doing this until it says "Game doesn't exist".
8. As soon as he gets this message, he attempts to join or create any game. (Except the private game in which Char A and B are in.)
9. It should take a bit, but when Char C should get into a game.
10. Successfule dupe.. 2 Players the same in 2 different games...
Gold Dupe Method #2:
Required players:
Player 1 = Packeter
Player 2 = Dupist Mule
Player 3 = Ghost Dupist Mule
Player 4 = Game creator
Required files: D2cheatit,Bind,Sniffer (and Loader if you wish)
Step One : Player 1 (packeter) creates a game
Step Two : Player 2 (Dupist Mule) joins game
Step Three : Player 1 binds gold packet to f5 key, IE; .bind set 74 70 repeat 20105 send 500100000001000000
(20105 Is the number of gold piles you will drop, if you have problems receive the game doesn't exist message, increase this number)
Step Four: Player 1 says NOW and sends packet, each time game unlags, resend packet
Step Five: Player 3 Continually types in the game name and clicks join until he gets game doesn't exist. meanwhile player 4 creates a game
Step Six: Player 3 upon receiving this message joins game created by plaer 4, drops items and leaves, player 4 picks up items.
Step Seven: You have now duped congratulations.
Waypoint Dupe
# of Players Required: 2 (will be referred to as A and B)
Programs Required: D2cheatit
1) A and B enter same game
2) B stands close to WP (Way Point)
3) A loads D2cheatit
4) A loads sniffer module
4) A Goes through WP one time to any destination of theibr choosing
5) A sniffs the packet and binds this to a key
6) A stands a few feet from B
7) A clicks on B for a trade
8 ) Just before B sees the Accept/Decline box A presses WP key
9) B accepts trade and goes into trade screen
10) A returns to town
11) A drops any items that are to be duped on ground
12) B cancels trade AFTER A is finished dropping items
13) because of the way the trade screen works, the items that A dropped now appear back in A's inventory, but they still exist on the ground as well
Side Notes: This was a very powerful Dupe as it allowed a person to dupe their entire inventory in a few seconds. This dupe was only known to the public for a few days, but was found long before that, the public release of this dupe was made only after the information had already been sent to Blizzard.
Anya/Larzuk NPC Dupe (Version 1.0)
# of Players Required: 1 for Dupe, 2 or more in game
Programs Required: D2cheatit
1) Load D2cheatIt after entering any game.
2) Type .load sniffer.
3) Type .sniffer show s 17.
4) Drop any item.
5) Type bind set 56 56 send (packet code you just saw).
6) Pick item back up, and go to anya.
7) Put item in the personlization box.
8 ) Press V on your keyboard.
9) Accept personlization.
10) Take the one you can and leave game, come back to get the second.
Side Notes: Only allowed for one person to get 6 dupes per character since it used a quest to accomplish it. Very wide spread and was made public very early after finding it. Basicly the most public.
Anya/Larzuk NPC Dupe (Version 2.0)
# of Players Required: 2
Programs Required: D2cheatit, Oneside Module
1) open personalize//socket//imbue
2) open oneside trade
3) put item in personalizer
4) make sure that item cannot fit in your inventory, move other items around
5) personalize item so it drops to the ground
6) cancel trade
7) pick up dupe
Side Notes: Very low end Dupe, it only allowed for one person to get 6 dupes per character since it used a quest to accomplish it. Very wide spread and was made public very early after finding it. Basicly the most public.
Dupe #0 (85% success rate) 8 Player Dupe:
What you will need:
1) 8 chars, call them C1-C8 for the time being. (More chars create more certainty)
2) A method for creating server-lag (this is optional, but timing is more imperative if this is not provided)
3) A method for causing a game-server crash.
First a little background:
When a character leaves a game, the game server saves all characters present in that game. This cannot and does not happen concurrently (all at once) ... it happens sequentially.
Assume for the sake of argument that there are 8 players in a game, and player 3 leaves... the game will first save player 3 (the leaving player) and will then save players 1 - 8 (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) in order.
This method revolves around the idea of causing the game server to crash part-way through this save cycle, and thusly causing some of the characters in the game to save, and others to not save. For best results, the method should be carried out as follows:
1) Players C1 - C7 all join a game in order, C7 should be holding the items to dupe and C2 - C6 should all have inventory + stash + cube full of 1x1 items. (this is to cause the processing overhead for saving each character to be maximized)
2) C8 joins a game on the same server.
3) C7 drops the items to be duped.
4) C1 picks them up.
5) The server-lag method is used to eat server-side processor cycles. Enough lag to crash the server or desync it is NOT required at this point in time, just enough lag to cause a near-desync and substantial action-delay.
6) C8 stands ready to perform the server crash on a pre-established automated trigger.
7) C1 leaves the game and C8 IMMEDIATELY performs the server crash (using the MSD module. This should be done using a trigger, or even better using a clientless bot to send the relevant packets immediately C1 sends the game-leave packet.
Tada... if the server was lagged enough, and C2 - C6 have inventories sufficiently full of 1x1 junk, you have now duped. C1 will save and C7 will roll back. Server-side observed symptoms of the use of this dupe method and derivative methods are a period of unusual lag, followed by a sudden server crash.
Most accidental rollback dupes happen via a process similar to this, and this method has been used by some fairly large item suppliers for some time now. It's pretty much unpatchable without a total reworking of several key elements of the game architecture... which isn't going to happen. The lag method is the msd module and the game crashing method is the trigger module.
Dupe #1 (70% success rate):
C/I = Connection Interrupted
R/D = Realm Down
1) Put items u want to be duped in cube.
2) Be sure your inventory is empty except for cube.
3) Use the soulstone dupe module.
4) Using d2cheatit, .load msd.
5) .msd set (click Cain).
6) .msd dupe 36 (to fill inv).
7) Drop the cube and items will fall to the ground.
6) Pick up cube and hold in air. (Click on the cube and hold it on your cursor)
7) .msd dupe 4 to fill inv then cube disapears. Carry on running modules to dupe more soulstones.
9) While the soulstone dupe module is running, go to wp and try entering different act until u get c/i.
10) C/I.
Player B:
12) After player A drops you goto act 4 and pick up items and leave game.
If you lost you cube with your items in it, .receive 7715. If they are still there just go pickup another cube. Note: don't pick up your items out of the cube, you will crash!
Dupe #2 (60% success rate):
step1: goto alakor
step2: endless gold him and fill up enough gold to where it starts to drop on floor
step3:go afk for about five minutes when u come back notice the golds dropping in the same spot repeadiatly neverending "IMPORTANT DONT LET IT DO IT TOO LONG itll cause a full game rollback not just the people in act3"
step4: QUICKLY drop what u want duped it dont matter if no1 has it act3 will only be bugged for about ten minutes seeing as how gold has a lifetime now! u just need someone in act 1-2-4-5 any of those to keep game alive cuz everyone in act 3 will rollback but game will not close
step5: load up the old old old pickit and make it fight for the gold , notice you will see it flying towards edge of map at a relativly high speed.
step6: let pickit do its thing. if you didnt have enough gold to reach edge of map and bug act3 then repeat above steps till act 3 crashes
step7:goto a normal game so ull b in act1 in the dupe game
step8: wait till u think the golds gone and go collect ur items while looking at them in ur inventory
Dupe #3 (52% success rate):
Part I: The Setup A preferred character setup is this:
1)A necro with high level bone wall and poison nova.
2)2-4 Javazons with decent psn javelin and at least one with good slow missile(6 is excessive and makes splitting hard).
3)A mule with 2 sets of cd-keys and D2 loader so they can run 2 D2s at once. (2 computers should also work) Also, the mule should have a game waiting for him with a trusted friend where he can drop duped items.
Part II: The Procedure
1)Everyone enters a normal difficulty game (duh!) and make sure to have your fps and ping showing (do this by typing fps into the chat window in the game)
2)Everyone but the java with slow missile join one big party.
3)The mule goes and stands out in the blood moor about 10-15 yards out.
4)The javazon with slow missiles (not in the party) hostiles the entire party.
5) Everyone go out in to the moor about 5 yards.
6)Javazon with slow missile casts slow missile a few times while the necro surrounds the mule with an ass load of bonewalls. Once everyone is slow missiled invite the hostile zon into the party (just incase) and get everyone in the party.
7)Once everyone is slow missiled and the mule is surrounded in bonewalls, have the javazons start firing their poison javs. Try to stand far enough away that they leave a trail but close enough so you hit the bonewalls. Also try to get all the javazons hitting the same place as this makes the poison stack.
8)The necro should also start unleashing poison novas now if he has them.
9)Since this is normal the bone walls will fall pretty fast so have the necro keep remaking them as fit.
10)Your ping should climb into the thousands easily (I have hit about 4500 while doing this) Once you have build enough lag (Try around 2000 or so) have the mule log into his account with his other D2 and start trying to enter the game you are lagging to hell. He should get failed to join repeatedly. After a while, he should get game does not exist. When this happens join the game with your friend waiting. Drop the items in THIS GAME, not the lagging game.
11)You have now duped the entire inventory of the mule. When he disconnects the character should roll back and get his full inventory back while the duped items are still waiting in the game with his friend.
12)Dispense items among yourselves. Part III: Notes While this is possible with 1 java, 1 necro, and 1 mule. It is probably easier with at least one more java if not 2-3. This still has a chance of failing even if you do it perfectly. We got out ping to over 4000 one time and the dupe failed. If at first you don't succeed (and you probably wont) try try again.
Dupe #4 (40% success rate):
--There are three players in the game
1. B hostiles A and namelocks A (hovers the mouse over him, and presses right mouse button -DOESNT RELEASE IT) by attacking with a bow.
2. The Paladin now smites you into town while your still name locked. This will allow you to attack him while in town. (You will look like your in town with your bow at your side, but the Paladin outside is still getting shot, he'll still be getting damage.) So now your 50/50 in and out of the Act 1 entrance. (Note: probably better to use a low ED bow for this)
3. This part will either result in a dupe or a roll back. Either drop the item you want to dupe or roll back on the ground and then hostile the third person. The game will lag and you hit alt+f4. Then you will just drop. No message will be dispalyed saying that you dropped, you'll just leave. Or you can trade the item you want to roll back or dupe to the third person then hostile them then hit alt+f4.
Dupe #5 (20% success rate):
1 ) Player A (the player with the items you wish to dupe) creates a game and waits for the second player (Player B) to join. Player B must have an automatic item grabber such as Pickit activated.
2 ) A third player (Player C) that also has an Item-Grabber activated joins the game and goes to another act, other than the act that the first 2 players are in (Act 1).
3 ) Player A and Player B stand near the waypoint in town in Act 1and wait for Player C to come to Act 1.
4 ) The Difficult part--Player A gets ready to drop the item that is going to be duped and then at the same time, player C comes to Act 1 with an Item-Grabber activated and causes the game to crash since both Item-Grabbers on both Player B and Player C fight for the item until the game crashes.
5 ) Start a new game with Player B and Player C to see which one picked-up the item. Player A will still have the original item in his inventory. And the item has been duped.
Dupe #6 (20-50% Success Rate):
1 ) Go cowing/questing etc. until you lag-out in a game. You will know have ‘lagged-out’ when you can’t type anything and it takes about 40 seconds+ (give or take) before what you type appears on the screen. For the sake of simplicity, the person lagged in the game is player A.
2 ) Get player B (A Friend) to log onto your account. Have him attempt to join your game, and it should say "Game Does Not Exist" (GDE).
3 ) Player B joins a new game (let's say: Idupe1/1).
4 ) Player C joins that game, and helps player B transfer all of the items off of player B to a new mule.
5 ) Exit player B and C.
6 ) Exit player A.
NOTE: This method works most of the time and the easiest way to get make a character lagged-out is to use an elemental druid or a necro. Using a druid, create elemental attacks that make holes etc. in the ground. For a necro, use bonewall over and over again.
Dupe #7 (100% Success Rate when available):
1 ) When you get the message saying servers will be shutting down in 5 minutes, make a game with the character that has the items that you want to dupe.
2 ) Have a friend join the game, and start muling the items that you want to dupe
3 ) Quickly have your friend leave the game and join another game before the realm goes down.
4 ) The character that had the items originally just sits in that game until the realm goes down
5 ) When the realm comes back up, both characters will have the items.
Dupe #8 (80% Success Rate – Only Works for Runes):
This method requires 2 people.
First person = PLAYER A
Second person = PLAYER B
PLAYER A should have the runes you want to dupe
PLAYER B kills PLAYER A exactly 15 times (count as you kill, it NEEDS to be 15)
PLAYER A drops the runes
PLAYER B picks up the runes
PLAYER A fills inventory with potions (to the brink)
PLAYER A picks up a dagger outside of town and holds it on their cursor (it's best to have this dagger ready)
PLAYER B exits the game (player a does NOT click esc to continue)
PLAYER A connection interrupted
The runes are not immediately perminant, you need to upgrade them to the next best rune to perm
3 Thul Runes + 1 Chipped Topaz = Amn Rune
3 Amn Runes + 1 Chipped Amethyst = Sol Rune
3 Sol Runes + 1 Chipped Sapphire = Shael Rune
3 Shael Runes + 1 Chipped Ruby = Dol Rune
3 Dol Runes + 1 Chipped Emerald = Hel Rune
3 Hel Runes + 1 Chipped Diamond = Io Rune
3 Io Runes + 1 Flawed Topaz = Lum Rune
3 Lum Runes + 1 Flawed Amethyst = Ko Rune
3 Ko Runes + 1 Flawed Sapphire = Fal Rune
3 Fal Runes + 1 Flawed Ruby = Lem Rune
3 Lem Runes + 1 Flawed Emerald = Pul Rune
2 Pul Runes + 1 Flawed Diamond = Um Rune
2 Um Runes + 1 Topaz = Mal Rune
2 Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst = Ist Rune
2 Ist Runes + 1 Sapphire = Gul Rune
2 Gul Runes + 1 Ruby = Vex Rune
2 Vex Runes + 1 Emerald = Ohm Rune
2 Ohm Runes + 1 Diamond = Lo Rune
2 Lo Runes + 1 Flawless Topaz = Sur Rune
2 Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst = Ber Rune
2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire = Jah Rune
2 Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby = Cham Rune
2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald = Zod Rune
- You will be tagged for 5-10 minutes after the c/i. Be patient.
- Don't pick up your bodies as you're dying
- Sometimes it doesn't c/i, but you freeze on the esc screen (if you're there more then 2 minutes without a c/i, press esc, if nothing happens, alt-f4 out of the game). It is STILL working when this happens.
Dupe #9 (30% Success Rate):
The Wall Glitch Dupe
1: Player A Sorceress with teleport, has the items wanted to be duped in INV not on body, all items on body will be lost.
2: Player B Sorceress with main spell that has a splash effect (fireball works best) or high TS/Meteor, and a empty inv to pick up the goodies.
3: Player A Finds a wall glitch in arcane by teleporting *(or wherever you can find one, I seem to find more in arcane then anywhere else, and if you don’t know what I mean by "wall glitch" then you don’t deserve this dupe)*
4: Player B Goes hostile and kills player A, TP's, unhostiles, and joins player A's party.
5: Player A Drops all items wanting to be duped in town, go's into TP, tele's to body *(doesn’t pick up, still in wall glitch)*
6: Player B Picks up items, and kills player A. Player B's first body disappears.
7: Player A Hits esc, and gets c/i.
side notes: PLEASE remember not to have anything on your body if your player A, it will ALL be lost and there is NO way of getting the items back.Gold Dupe & Patched Methods:
Gold Dupe Method #1:
Required players: 3 or 2 + D2 Loader
Required files: D2Hckit,Bind,Sniffer (and Loader if you wish)
1. Char A (with gold) makes private game.
2. Char B (with items) joins the game.
3. Char A goes to the bottom corner of Act 1.
4. Char B goes to the top corner (near Charsi)
5. Char C (or D2 Loader) logs onto Char B and sits in a channel.
6. Char A send the Lag Packet (a.k.a Spam 1 gold)
he types: .bind set 74 70 repeat 21500 send 500100000001000000 (this number varies, but it usually is this, use sniffer to find it otherwise.)
7. Char C (or D2 Loader) types in the Game Name BUT NOT THE PASSWORD and clicks join. He keeps doing this until it says "Game doesn't exist".
8. As soon as he gets this message, he attempts to join or create any game. (Except the private game in which Char A and B are in.)
9. It should take a bit, but when Char C should get into a game.
10. Successfule dupe.. 2 Players the same in 2 different games...
Gold Dupe Method #2:
Required players:
Player 1 = Packeter
Player 2 = Dupist Mule
Player 3 = Ghost Dupist Mule
Player 4 = Game creator
Required files: D2cheatit,Bind,Sniffer (and Loader if you wish)
Step One : Player 1 (packeter) creates a game
Step Two : Player 2 (Dupist Mule) joins game
Step Three : Player 1 binds gold packet to f5 key, IE; .bind set 74 70 repeat 20105 send 500100000001000000
(20105 Is the number of gold piles you will drop, if you have problems receive the game doesn't exist message, increase this number)
Step Four: Player 1 says NOW and sends packet, each time game unlags, resend packet
Step Five: Player 3 Continually types in the game name and clicks join until he gets game doesn't exist. meanwhile player 4 creates a game
Step Six: Player 3 upon receiving this message joins game created by plaer 4, drops items and leaves, player 4 picks up items.
Step Seven: You have now duped congratulations.
Waypoint Dupe
# of Players Required: 2 (will be referred to as A and B)
Programs Required: D2cheatit
1) A and B enter same game
2) B stands close to WP (Way Point)
3) A loads D2cheatit
4) A loads sniffer module
4) A Goes through WP one time to any destination of theibr choosing
5) A sniffs the packet and binds this to a key
6) A stands a few feet from B
7) A clicks on B for a trade
8 ) Just before B sees the Accept/Decline box A presses WP key
9) B accepts trade and goes into trade screen
10) A returns to town
11) A drops any items that are to be duped on ground
12) B cancels trade AFTER A is finished dropping items
13) because of the way the trade screen works, the items that A dropped now appear back in A's inventory, but they still exist on the ground as well
Side Notes: This was a very powerful Dupe as it allowed a person to dupe their entire inventory in a few seconds. This dupe was only known to the public for a few days, but was found long before that, the public release of this dupe was made only after the information had already been sent to Blizzard.
Anya/Larzuk NPC Dupe (Version 1.0)
# of Players Required: 1 for Dupe, 2 or more in game
Programs Required: D2cheatit
1) Load D2cheatIt after entering any game.
2) Type .load sniffer.
3) Type .sniffer show s 17.
4) Drop any item.
5) Type bind set 56 56 send (packet code you just saw).
6) Pick item back up, and go to anya.
7) Put item in the personlization box.
8 ) Press V on your keyboard.
9) Accept personlization.
10) Take the one you can and leave game, come back to get the second.
Side Notes: Only allowed for one person to get 6 dupes per character since it used a quest to accomplish it. Very wide spread and was made public very early after finding it. Basicly the most public.
Anya/Larzuk NPC Dupe (Version 2.0)
# of Players Required: 2
Programs Required: D2cheatit, Oneside Module
1) open personalize//socket//imbue
2) open oneside trade
3) put item in personalizer
4) make sure that item cannot fit in your inventory, move other items around
5) personalize item so it drops to the ground
6) cancel trade
7) pick up dupe
Side Notes: Very low end Dupe, it only allowed for one person to get 6 dupes per character since it used a quest to accomplish it. Very wide spread and was made public very early after finding it. Basicly the most public.