The 4 biggest opponents against the new swearing rule


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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TheSummit has posted 2 times in chit chat in the last week

ForGeD has posted once in chit chat in the last week

Korittke has posted 10 times in chit chat in the last week

Akule has posted once in chit chat in the last week

wow, i can see how with your constant posting in chit chat how it would be hard not to let the swearing slip out.

what were you guys(mods) thinking when you posted in this thread and criticized a forum rule that was ok'ed by the admins?

CelestialBadger may not like the rule, but he was smart for not bringing it to the general posters to criticize it.

god i hate typos


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit
It is the general posters that you censor.

And I do not post in Chit Chat cause I don't like the topics that much. I used to post there but it is quite boring now.

And your arguments are getting weaker and weaker.
i have not even begun to argue, you would have to actually aggravate me for me to begin:p

btw whats your arguement for swearing in chit chat.
*Kami get out a lawn chair and popcorn*
this should be good... you may begin the debate by posting your side of this issue.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit r funny. Do I smell some kind of virtual high-rise?

Swearing is common use nowaday, people use it in real life aswell as in the iNet. It is not always meant as flamming and not always intended to start a flamming. I never said that it is wrong to warn people for swearing that is intended to hurt others but you do not differentiate. You definetly exaggerate and you can't censor peoples for using words that have no intention to hurt only cause they are considered bad in the society you live in / want to live in. BF has no religion and swearing, originally wih a religious background, is not considered bad in every culture. Italians, normally highly religious love swearing, I lived in Italy for a year you can believe it they swear non-stop.
You have no right to enforce a censorship if there is no evil background. Well but as you are the only mod that seems to enforce your rule it is quite useless to give advise. I could tell you that it would be better to differentiate between swearing with evil background and swearing in form of common used language but you would set your own definitions.

Dear god, I agree with thesummit. omg.. this is sad. shows you something. almost died laughing when i saw the asylum...


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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I was just ****ing around kami, however I do beleive it was a stupid rule.

also I didnt know I had posted in chit-chat ...


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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nice beginning, but somewhat lacking in any persuasive arguements. your whole debate can be condensed into "everybody else is doing it why can't i"

why should we limit ourselves to the status quo in what others deem acceptable, when we have the ability and means to make this forum more enjoyable and it's people better off for the future in interpersonal skills necessary in the job market by making them think for themselves and not follow what has been set as the norm throughout this forum.
swearing is in no way an acceptable form of communication as it is only an excuse to gain attention, to take the easy way out of a conversation so as not having to use your brain to form more complex thoughts, or in the case of some because they really may not know any better as that is the way they have been brought up. in the latter case ignorance is not bliss as warnings are sent out indiscrimanately apon the breaking of this rule.
swearing can in no way benefit us in the forum or in the real world as it tends to make people look down on you as uneducated or just plain rude. swearing is not an accepted occurance in the world today, it is offensive and extremely low brow and as you move up in the world into college or university level jobs it is something that is practically extinct, which brings me back to my point of appearing uneducated. is appearing to be a dullard really what people want? i don't believe so, i think it goes deeper into feelings of neglect or abandonment and a need to receive attention by any means, even if it is negative attention that they will ultimately receive. i know i do sometimes swear, and the only reason i do it is to get what i'm saying noticed, so we know my hypothesis is correct.
so what do we learned about swearing? it obviously is not a way to gain respect and there is no good or evil, just a mind not being used to its full potential.


Premium Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Kami the only problem with your argument and the only thing that annoyed me about the rule since I dont even post in chit-chat is that it is censorship. Censership to an extreme such as that is ridiculous, it can do no good and in the end only piss people off.

Emperor Pan I

Respected Member
Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit
Why should others be censored cause YOU don't do/like it? It is the same, only the other way round.
Cause you are staff member and have the power to enforce that? Isn't that considered abuse?
none of the special interests, game specific forums, general and clan forums have this rule. what makes chitchat so special? You are the only staffmemebr out of the entire place that deems it necissary to force people to pretend they are "polite." Face it, the new century brings along slang and swearing among youths. this is a forum for 10-14 year olds. Allowing people to swear isn't going to make us look like we are ****ing satanists.


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit
A nice speech, almost epic.

Question: Why should others be censored cause YOU don't do/like it? It is the same, only the other way round.
Cause you are staff member and have the power to enforce that? Isn't that considered abuse?

Edit: Btw you are right that swearing is considered unsocial in most of the societies but it is not censored. Why do you want to censor it here?
i do not censor out anything people say, i send a warning asking them to please not make a habit out of swearing in chit chat, and in some cases if it becomes necissary i move the thread to the asylum. no abuse of power has ever taken place.
the posters can have as much fun here as they want, i don't crack down hard on spam, or posting in the wrong forum. i just move and split things to put them in their correct places. check the warning list, how many times have i warned someone for spam or posting in the wrong forum? maybe once or twice ever, and considering i move an average of 2 threads a day into their appropriate places, i'd say i have let the general posters off pretty easy by only warning for swearing and flamming.


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit
With all respect for your age, as a worker for a truck company you should be used to swearing and know that it is not always meant to hurt. I am not saying that you failed to handle swearing against yourself in your job and therefor want to avoid it here. But you have to differentiate.
i do work for a trucking company and i spent 5 and a half years doing hard manual labour that 70% of people quit after the first day, but i worked my way up and now i am in a position where i have to deal with customers and train new employees and swearing is not found in there.
if you don't want to better yourself thats fine, but i was never content deadlifting 100 pound boxes of siding 10 hours a day so i took the initiative by not just showing up and complaining about how much my job sucked when i given the bad jobs, so i stood out, was noticed and was given more responsibilities which got me where i am today. i am always trying to become a better person, and am trying to to help others by teaching them to use their minds. what are you trying to do?

p.s. you signature is 17 lines the forum rules state that you may have no more than 10... just since i'm such a power hungry fun sucking ogre:)


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit
And what I am trying to do is simple. I have this mod position and I have been told by Cort to act and decide for the best of BF.
so the question quite simply is, is chit chat better or worse with swearing?

i'll tell you right now that the conversation we are having in here is a lot better than the one in the asylum, however check out all the posts in this thread and tell me, which do you take seriously?
i pretty much ignore the ones with swearing as they obviously have not put too much thought into their response.

as for a poll, as long as there is a minimum of 29 votes by members with over 300 posts, i would be willing to accept the outcome, however no mod/staff member/admin may talk about the poll outside of the private forum so as not to affect the outcome.
and the question will be "is swearing a necessary form of communication" that way they do not know that they are voting on the outcome of this rule.
a hoard of posters i have never seen in chit chat before will make the poll null and void. also only people who post in the thread stating their opinion get a vote(spam does not count) so that vote can be accurately counted. sound fair to you?
a neutral party will have to make the thread.


Retired Staff
Jan 21, 2003
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Kami, I understand that you are trying to do your best for Battle Forums but I dont agree with you on the swearing issue.

If you define swearing as what you will not say to your grandparents you automatically raise two questions:

a. Must Chit-Chat look like your grandparents living-room?

b. Many people's grandparents don't have a problem with most of the words that are cencored in BF.

The b. brings us to the issue of real world. Swearing is not *practically extinct* in the real world. Swearing is a reality in real word. Everybody does it. The difference is that the definition of swearing is not the same for all of us.

You can say that the general rule is the asterisks-system we use in BF. And there is a reason why we use it. Because we realize that no matter how much we wish to change the way other people behave according to what we think is right, people will always be what they are.

You have the right to believe that your age and your maturity put you in a position to say what is right and more enjoyable for people younger and less experienced than you. Or to decide whether someone is using his/her mind to it’s full potential. Everybody does it. It is called patronizing. But you dont have the right to force your opinion on others.

Personally I dont think Chit-Chat will be more enjoyable without the minor swearing, my grandparents never had a problem with words like a** and even though I am a couple (j/k:D ) of years older than you I dont think I am in a position to tell what is right and what is wrong for you or what is the best way to use your mind to it's full potential.

From what I read so far I understand that your opinion is that swearing promotes flaming. Yes. Sometimes it does. And sometimes people promote flaming without using a single swearing word.

As for the thread proposal, the issue of swearing was raised in the Arcane Sanctuary a couple of months ago, when Cobalt Wolf attempted to edit all of the offending words. We discussed it in AS and the vast majority thinks that what she did wasn't a very good idea. Since then we let people use their asterisks as long as they go on debating. We rarely see any serious flaming in AS.

I will repeat what I usually say: We are not here to judge or to tell people how to live their lives. We are here to help. Teenagers like to swear. Thank you very much. What is the big deal about it? Those who break the rules get baned. Those who prefer asterisks to arguments are not taken seriously. And all of us use the occasional f*** word either for literary purposes or because we just feel like it. Real world or not.

P.S. Battle Staff looks more and more like a philosphy forum, lately:D


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by Galatia
P.S. Battle Staff looks more and more like a philosphy forum, lately:D
nice isn't it:)
btw i have never warned anyone for saying ass


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by TheSummit
Hi friends I am back :wavey

Ok enough with the swearing you can simply make a thread without a poll and the posters have to give their vote in the thread or per PM to a third party if they ph33r your wrath ROOOAR.

But 300 posts is a little high as many 100-150 posters are "permanent" Chit Chat users.

wrath? well i wont be creating the thread or posting in it.
i can live with 150 as the base post count.

if everyone was originally against this, then why did only one person stand against me in the original thread? there were about 3 others who didn't really like the idea but never really said much against it. were you afraid i was going to jump out of the screen and bitch slap you for speaking against me?:p
TheSummit, i would have never even considered what you are asking the way you were speaking in the asylum, but you actually came in here and debated against be rationally and maturely, so how could i say no to you asking for a poll?


Can you love such me?
Feb 10, 2003
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Global Pinballer
You sure you guys know the true meaning of 'LOL'?

I hear that it can also mean 'Lots Of Love'. :D

As long as you 2 handle things in a mature manner like you're doing here, the debate is still do-able.

- Amantis

Silynt Rage

Sep 15, 2002
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I'm kind of late jumping in on this, but from what I've gathered, it appears that Kami wants to instate a forumwide rule that there shouldn't be any swearing...

and thesummit... since he opposes all ideas just for the sake of having two sides to an arguement... is against it? lol...

Not that I agree with Kami, but the one thing that I do see most beneficial about this non-swearing rule... although it doesn't apply in chit chat as much as it does in other forums... but it kind of restricts the flaming....

I'd much rather see:

"you are a big fat stupidface"

Rather than.....

"your mother F**ked my dog last night, I'm jealous of that furry sh!thead, tonight was supposed to be my night w/her"

Flaming in both... however one is a but less colorfull and is succeptable more to being laughed at rather than provoking a response, if it is... then it's just as dumb as the first.

Anything that might have an effect or reduction in flaming, I'm all for it. However, Chit-chat might not be the place, the asylum would be a great place for it... some of the WC forums could use that rule actually.


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Dec 5, 2002
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North Carolina
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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
My faithul, bullshitting, backstabbing, dumbass, son of a bitch government says I have the right to say whatever I want, to whoever i want, whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want. If you are going to take away my freedom of speech, its time for a revolution. Communism anyone? Might as well take all there other rights away too. Kinda makes you a Nazi trying to make a "perfect" type of person by telling them what they can and can't say, doesnt it?


Respected Member
Oct 27, 2002
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Originally posted by Silynt Rage
I'm kind of late jumping in on this, but from what I've gathered, it appears that Kami wants to instate a forumwide rule that there shouldn't be any swearing...
no, just in chit chat.
the majority of the swearing that warranted a warning were the two words "fuck" and "shit". anyways, since this is the posters forum, maybe it is up to them to decide how they want to handle this rule that is only enforced in chit chat by one mod.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
censoring of swearing in no way infringes on your right to free speech.


Retired Staff
Feb 18, 2003
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I'm glad this is settled then. I'm only disappointed that I wasn't here during it. :D

So I take it that moderators are not allowed to give their opinion on the thread when it's made?

Also, Kami: Why do you say that you ignore someone's argument if they swear? You honestly think that it's impossible to create a valid argument if you happen to drop a curse?
Dec 23, 2002
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Honolulu, Hawaii
Originally posted by Kamikaze
TheSummit has posted 2 times in chit chat in the last week

ForGeD has posted once in chit chat in the last week

Korittke has posted 10 times in chit chat in the last week

Akule has posted once in chit chat in the last week

wow, i can see how with your constant posting in chit chat how it would be hard not to let the swearing slip out.

what were you guys(mods) thinking when you posted in this thread and criticized a forum rule that was ok'ed by the admins?

CelestialBadger may not like the rule, but he was smart for not bringing it to the general posters to criticize it.

god i hate typos
Kami if u think thats what is best i wont question you. I posted my thoughts and opinions, and im not even that big an opposition to that rule. I dont post in chit chat for the simple reason that the threads there have gone dry, and i find the asylum to be a funnier place. So if im suddenly your enemy for saying i think your rule is stupid (which i do) then you got some problems

No hard feelings