You can find the most updated RaiBot scripts at
The latest build is 866.
+: addition, /: change, -: removal, >: bug fix
Build 866 - 3/26/04 -
+ User Monitor
+ Step-by-step configuration in the Setup window
+ <monitor:[username/#id]:[name/mutual/online/product/channel/game]> variables
+ /monitor, /monitorinterval <delay in seconds>, /extreme <on/off> commands
+ Extreme Moderation! (EM!) option in Setup (Advanced Options); quickly bans through autoban and protect
+ Font customizing for graphical buttons
+ Easy to modify multiple line scripts in the RaiBot Script Editor
/ AOL Instant Messenger messages' displaying of the usernames
- Copy, Fix Menu buttons from the Setup Server Manager
> Numbers in the Setup window would reset at inappropriate times