Pindlebot error...


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Aug 17, 2002
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First run goes fine, second run says "life critical" something else in red, then shuts d2 down, opens up a command line window saying killed diablo2.exe for a second or two, that closes, then it starts doing goofy things... I thought this occured because he couldn't drink any pots (i ran out for some reason...) and so I filled the belt with juv pots and it kept happening 8\

another time i had it exit d2 and open up a find file window and just fill in "333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333" actually kinda funny if i hadn't been goofing w/ the .ini file to try and get it to work right for a few hours 8-P

hm... also...
I'm using a WW baba... anyone else using a ww baba? i'd like to get a look at your "Sequence" and "Precast" or whatnot... can't seem to get bc AND bo to work, so i just stuck w/ BO... and how do i get him to kill pindle if he's phys immune w/ berz? hmmmmmm i dunno me=stupid i suppose


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Aug 17, 2002
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ahh, I figured out what it was doing at least...

it got a "Warning: Life Critical!" error message followed by a "Warning: Life too low!" message, closed game, filled in my folder address bar with 3's, and opened the windows help menu heheh...
3's are it trying to drink a pot, help window is it trying to switch back to F1, but I cant figure out what's causing the error in the first place....... hm... more goofing with it i suppose...


Aug 15, 2002
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well, this problem is down to u not having enough life...
i think...
its called a chicken life module ...
it means that, it will initialy try to use pots... but, if they dont work, or if they dont work fast enough, it will dissconnect u from a game...
but, in some computors or versions of the game or sumthing, it doesnt dissconnect i from a game, it will 'kill' diablo
this is when an internal error causes diablo to shut down...
i cant figure out y it does this, but its is all about the chickenlife part of the bot...
there r a few ways to stop this...
well, i say a few, i mean one...
dowload the newer bot, its version 3.4...
i can give u a link... and, i asure u its trojan
it may be an exe, but its very safe, i use it myself...
i will provide a readme...
code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pindlebot 3.4 Changes

You *MUST* edit the following files after installation:

Healing works

Updated Pickit to ver 0.86. Be sure to edit pickit.ini and pickit-config.ini

Logging items fixed

If you fail to hire merc 3 times consecutively, IPB will discontinue runs

If your merc isn't detected by the time you enter the red portal, it will save and exit and attempt to start hiring your merc

Arrow/Bolt buying works

ShopbotBrowse=<1 = true | 0 = false> Enables shopbot via browse mode.
You must have shopbot configured properly in your pindleskin directory. (untested)

PlayerName=<character name> Prevents attempting to pindlebot with the wrong player
ie. PlayerName=MyChar

dPindleDead=<time in ms> Time to wait before turning on pickit after pindle is dead
ie. dPindleDead=250

Advanced Logging for chicken amount (you and merc), etc

Sequence= format has changed to <key>,<repeat>,<click>,<delay>;
key: key to press
repeat: number of time to click
click: which click to use (0=none 1=left 2=right)
delay: time in ms to wait between attacks
F5,2,2,500; This would press F5, right click, wait 500ms (1/2 sec) and do it once more.

AutoGoToAct5= now obsolete; it will now go to act5 when needed

Difficulty= select which difficulty to do runs in
1 = normal
2 = nightmare
3 = hell

SkipMalah= 0-100 0 = turn off 100 = always visit

HirelingChickenLife= 0-99 0 = turn off

ChickenLife= 0-99 0 = turn off

Known Issues
exiting due to lag may not work.
but, if its too big someone plzz tell me but u can dissable the chickenlife thingy, this will rid u of all ur problems...

and if not, im just lost for answers


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