Uber PS-
The recent telekenis dupe was not patched 100% by blizzard, and i have recently found a bug in it.
Its quite similar expcept for a few key point's.
I am selling this dupe for your offers of:
a: high runes
b: good runeword's (CoH, Hoto, Botd, Enigma, Cta, Exile, Beast, Doom.. ect)
This is legit, no downloadiong program's required cept the ones needed to preform the old one.
my account is Dr.Cannibal
whisper me online.
This is ONLY going out to the first 10 people that pay for it. After those 10, i am stopping to sell it.
Its quite similar expcept for a few key point's.
I am selling this dupe for your offers of:
a: high runes
b: good runeword's (CoH, Hoto, Botd, Enigma, Cta, Exile, Beast, Doom.. ect)
This is legit, no downloadiong program's required cept the ones needed to preform the old one.
my account is Dr.Cannibal
whisper me online.
This is ONLY going out to the first 10 people that pay for it. After those 10, i am stopping to sell it.