Kulak(RP world)


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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I started this on Gaia Online forum, but i think people here are smarter and are more capable of thinking then they post (exeption=Tacitus). Just to freshen things up in here. KoE is great but its getting boring quests are all similar and so on.

This is basically a free lance RP, i want it to go on for a while.
1.No God Moding
2.No cybering
3.No spam
4.If you got any suggestions on how to make this RP better i encourage you to PM me.
5.If you want to open a store PM me
6. Don't start any major wars without me agreeing (once again PM me and ask me)

Here is my char:
Weapon(s):Glefa(stick with a blade at each side)
Class:Witch Hunter/dark mage
<-- but older
Bio:Became a witch hunter at age 19, learned the trade from the world famous adventurere, Ker Laeda. Ker also touch him the basics of dark magic, Kuzmich then evolved by himself, right now he can win a battle against most powerful mages. His weapon is made of the finest steel dwarves could find, and his fighting skills are legendary in some parts of the country. Right now he goes around the land doing his job, which is to destroy evil where ever it threatens the innocent, for a small fee of course.

Kulnak:Capitol city, kings palace is here, the richest city in the whole kingdom
Orgoth: white mage academy
Mulgoth:dark mage academy
Ogno: trading town, located near the great sea, it is said that if you can't find some item in ogno then you can't find it anythere.
Rogo:King's army is based there
Loko: A warring city, it is located on the border between the kingdom of Kulnak and Zabgo, the dark kingdom.




Let's begin:

I was journeying to the city of Loko, a man like me could always find job there. The road was empty at this time of night. People here think it is too dangerous, they were right, but i didn't care i knew how to stand up for myself. My horse was getting tired, luckely i have seen a village ahead of me and decided to spend a night there. I tied my horse to a tree near the tavern and walked in. I asked the barkeep for a room, i gave him the money he gave me the key. I also paid for having my horse put in the stables. Barkeep send a teenage kid to do the job. I ordered the dinner to my room. Half an hour later i was eating roasted pig with mushroom sause. I layed out a map on the table, and marked today's journey.
In the middle of the next day i entered the city of Loko and to a local tavern. It was all usual business for a man of my profession. Townsfolk always talk about things in taverns they not gonna talk about on the street. Most of them are just rumors, but some are real. A good which hunter can always tell a rumor apart from a real thing. It is how they say it, its what they drink when they say it, its shortness of their breath, widening of their eyeballs. I set on the counter ordered ale and started listening for any possible work i could find in here.

I heard one story that interested me. A smith was talking to his freind. He didn't touch his drink, and he spoke with true fear, one that isn't that hard to recognize. He was saying:

"A week ago i saw something i couldn't believe. I was walking home from the smith late night and i saw a dead man lying in the middle of the road. I came up to him and turned him to see his face. It was blue, and his eyes were red. He had two bite marks on his neck. I got so scared i ran home, then i was at the end of the street i heard a noise, i looked back to there the man was and he wasn't there anymore. We have a vampire on the loose, i told that to the guards but they just laughed at me. Few more people disappeared this week. I don't know what to do."

I went to him, i had to settle all the details.

"Excuse me sir, i heard what you were saying about your vampire problem."

"Yes, and?"

"I think i can help you solve it. Just show me the place."

"What, right now?"

"Yeah i would prefer it"

"Alright, lets go"

We left the tavern.

We went to the site, he told me there everything was and i started looking around for clues. I found a small peace of cloth. And a faint trail, made out of small drops of blood, probably going out of the holes in the neck. I followed the trail.[/glow]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
((I should note that your comment about me is an outrageous falacy and that some would look as it as a pathetic flame, but nevertheless. Regardless I enter Oelden, Chaos Elemental. I shall start in the war torn city of Loko.))

Name: Oelden (pronounced elden)
Race: Chaos Elemental
Class: Cleric

Appearance: His body has almost no definte form, but he can stabilize it at times. Most times he takes roughly the shape of a human male, though completely black with spots of color swirling in it. When he is not concentrating on stabilizing his body, all sorts of wierd things can happen, colors seem to shift around on him, so he looks different everytime you look at him.

Weapons/equipment: Doesn't melee too often, but when he does, he usually forms his hands into crude axe-like weapons, which are not very powerful, but are chaotic as a whorebag.

-Chaos Hammer: a large hammer of pure chaos forms, and smites his enemies
--Storm of Chaos: A large storm gathers, striking thing erractically, hail, lighting, acid, fire, whatever is handy
---Elemental Swarm: A small portal opens, and Oelden is joined by his Chaotic Brethern (more elementals), and they swarm the enemy
----Aeon of Chaos: The area is enveloped in Pure Chaos, in such a raw form that resistances or immunities count for nothing, deals massive damage to enemies and heals Oelden

~~Start IC~~

*Oelden breathed in the chaos of war. There was nothing finer than the tumultous sounds that accompanied any fight. Though there may not be fighting right at this moment, the feel of it was in the air. He pulled his morphous shape from the wall on the local tavern as his form changed to that of a tall pink flamingo as he made his way down the main street of the city.*


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]The trail of blood lead me to the sewers entrance. I lit up a torch, told the smith to wait outside and went in. It smelled like death in there. My legs were in some kind of slime up to my knees. I heard a sound coming from somethere ahead. I carefully went to there the sound came from and saw a woman's body lying on the floor, covered in slime. I turned her to see her face, her eyes were still blue but they were beggining to turn red. I took out my glefa and cut of her head. Her corpes rotted away, and in few seconds she was no more then dust. I decided to go back to the inn for now and come back when its day time.

I left the sewerse with a heavy burden on my soul, i was going to have to destroy that vamp nest, and i knew i wouldn't be paid for it. I liked to think of myself as a professional but sometimes i went against the rules of my prefession. A good witch hunter would never do cherity by doing his work for free. But i did, it was something i couldn't resist, part of my human nature.

I came back to the tavern, and got myself a room for the rest of the week. I went to my room and slept for the rest of the night.[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Feh. People are copying my freelance RPG idea too much... I need a linear RP. Oh, and Kuzmich? Tac's been making intelligent posts. It's you that has been warping and twisting every quest into some little fight that is soon resolved by a godmodded blast of energy that assimilates all in its ways.

No, I'm not just here to flame. I'm here to join this little RPG.


Name: Maeroko Dunaedin

Race: Human, but is a Demonchild/Angelkin (Born to Half Demon Father, Mother with Angel blood)
Age: 24

Weapon: An enchanted longsword named Godsrage and a magical Katana Death Joust
Class: Fallen Paladin, Death Mage, Assassin

Appearance: Has white hair with moonlight-silver and blood-red streaks, Reddish/Blue eyes, a scar across the forehead in a diagonal between eyes. Has black leather gloves that he never removes in public. Has a black leather jacket for casual wear, but also owns a set of enchanted full plate armor that is black with red and gold runes. The plate armor itself can be used as a weapon because of the potruding spikes on the shoulders, on both ends of guantlets, on back ends of boot soles, and from the top of shin guards. When he is on a job, he trades out his full plate for leather over chain mail.


Maeroko's parents were Dunaka Tyru the Demon King and Lady Nayatyr the Arch-Angel, who gave birth to him not knowing that his father was a Demon King. He became a Paladin at the young age of 15 because of his skills with a blade and because he seemed holy, like an Angel. Later on though, his original Master found out that he was of Demon-blood and honorably discharged him from service. Crestfallen, Maeroko went into training and became a Death Mage, harnessing his Demonic powers to earn coin by working for many a desperate man looking for protection. However, when he was ordered to slaughter an entire village, his old training as a Paladin and his Angel blood caused him to rebel against his orders. Exiled from the Death Mage society, Maeroko went on to join the Thieves Guild, and finally the "legal" Assassin Guild. Maeroko now spends his time taking jobs as fully trained assassin.

Personality: Maeroko is cool and calculating, but not truly cruel or cold, as many of the Assassin Guildsmen have been considered. He likes to have a good laugh very now and then. Those that have gotten to know him well are few and far in between, but they know that under his tough exterior, he's just a guy that wants to have some friends. Maeroko is prone to having bursts of anger due to his Demon/Angel blood. He is quick to apologize for anything that he may have done wrong.

I'll begin in Mulgoth...


It was another fine night... fine for most, but nor for me, anyways. I didn't have a job. Didn't have one since 3 months ago. Now I had to put my skills to something else... thievery. I didn't have quite the reputation. Of course, sometimes that's a good thing, especially if one was an assassin. I walked down the street, just like some casual pedestrian. I hoped that these mad Mages were rich, or had valuable items that their rivals wanted...


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]OOC: Didn't really care for your opinion, all Tac really did atleast since the time i came here was make posts that don't affect much of anything, also that free lance RP idea weren't made by you originally, so idon't see whats your problem. There are plenty linear Rps in here, Nagalisk Calling, or Gang Land for example, also all the stuff i wrote in Gang Land is pretty damn good, but anyway...
I slept through whole next morning, then i came back to the seweres. I entered with caution, it wasn't going to be easy, all signs pointed to a large vamp nest being there. In such a case rules of my profession dictated for me to have back up. Once again i disregarded the rules. I wasn't as cold blooded as i was supposed to be, every time i killed a vampire i felt a rush, fully realising that a true professional would never feel such things. I lit up a torch and went farther into the sewers, i still smelled death, and rotting of flesh. I traveled in the sewers for few hours and then i saw a dark figure ahead of me, it was jsut standing, not showing any signs of life. I readied my weapon and carefully went ahead. Right now i was a true witch hunter, my blood was cold water.[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: ... I did probably intro the first successful freelance in BF. And now...

Nagalisk is going pretty slow IMHO... especially with all the spam and 1 sentence posts.

Gangland has a few good posts, but you make too many one sentence posts.

I need you to further my story... I can't think of anything good.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]OOC:Thats gonna be a little difficult since i am in Loko and you are in Mulgoth. But if you talking about Gang Land then okay, i will, i got a few ideas.[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Eh... use some fool NPC guard. I can't think of anything... not yet...


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]OOC: You can come to Loko for revenge or something, or because you realised that your destiny is to be resolved there. I don't know... what about the stupid guard? How can i use him? Anyway i am gonna finish cleaning the vamp nest, but it would be boring and unrealistic if i did it alone, you can join that quest, don't worry no big explosions that end the whole quest.[/glow]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
((All my posts seem to have little relevance, but if you read them in deapth they all have their own hidden agendas and small twists of the plot. Either that or introductions, or randomness. And ****, i gotta get offline for a bit to do some housework before dinner.))


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red](Thats cool, i gotta get offline soon too, to get 3 hours of sleep before school)[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Damn man... how about you go on in the morning, instead of at night?!


I saw my target house... It was time. I looked around for a guard. There was none... good. I drew my hood up as far as it could go, far over my face. I went up to the window of a dark room, or rather, the ground floor below it. I flicked my wrist, and a blade swung out. A diamond-tipped Godsteel wrist dagger. Its deadly, jagged blade was made for two purposes. Death-dealing and material cutting. Thanks to the diamond edge on the VERY tip, the blade was a great window cutter... I climbed up a nearby tree and jumped. I landed on the window sill of an upstairs room. I sliced a small hole whilst pushing on the bottow of it so as to push out the glass. It fell into my hand, and I placed the circle of glass on the sill. I stuck my hand in and unlocked the window. I climbed in.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]OOC: The thing is i can't. Then its 8am there i am its 12 at night there you are, we got 8 hour time difference, and i got school, and i got life. I usually sit on the forums from 10 pm to 6 am. I am gonna wait for you to get to Loko, or atleast for Tac to join me in my quest.[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
OOC: Holy shit man... I have a life too, but I usually get on around 5 PM.


Just as I got in I heard some guard walking by down below. I was lucky... I drew my cloak around me as tight as possible, pulled my hood as far as possible. I crouched down, sneaked forward. I looked around in the room, and saw something glinting. It was like a cat's eye, but was more of a medallion, and had a an emerald embedded within the pupil. I slipped it around my neck, and then everything went white. I held my silence, but I was surprised. The brightness subsided. I looked around. Everything was perfectly clear... well, a bit darker. I could tell this medallion had a night-eye enchantment, and was made for a thief that needed to know where the deepest shadows and brightest lights were, where he could find a good spot to hide. I kept the medallion on... I knew this mage had many tools I could use.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]I came closer to the vampire standing in front of me, but he didn't seem to be paying any attention to me. I came even closer and then made a quick chop with my glefa, but half way to his neck it met a short sword that sprang out of nothere. Vampire has noticed me, we have been battling for few minutes. He was naturally stronger then me so i had to dodge most of his blows. Finally i blocked his sword to the side brought my body closer to him and made a jump kick in his face. He was thrown back and hit the wall, that was enough for me to make another spin with my glefa and i cut of his head. His body fell and in few seconds turned to dust. I didn't use magic this time, but i knew i will have to eventually. I went farther into the sewers.[/glow]

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
I raided the room... lots of pretty treasures, mostly magical. Some gold as well, but not that much. This room was probably a storage room... but I knew that the best had to be somewhere else. I found a pretty cloak, black and red. I took off my own and equipped it. I looked down at myself, just to check that I was okay. I was fine. However, when I looked in a mirror (a normal one, I had made sure), I noticed I wasn't there. A cloak of invisibility... but then again, I had to check. I noticed something in the mirror. It was me. The cloak was of camoflauge, not of invisiblity. That was even better... more of a challenge. I left the room. A guard was patrolling the hallway. I drew out a sturdy oaken club.


Nov 23, 2003
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[glow=red]I was beggining to feel like something big is going on here. I met 10 more single vampires while traveling in the sewers. Finally after getting a few wounds i decided that going ahead without back up is madness. I turned back and exited the sewers, i decided to patrol the streets to prevent any possible attacks.[/glow]


The Oldest
Aug 2, 2002
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A place where there is no dark
*Oleden stalked the streets as a rather large panther looking feline, kicking a piece of trash around with his front paws. His patterns, as they should, have no order to them, he is simply wandering. Every once in a while his form will suddenly change of ut's own accord.*

Final Warrior

BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 9, 2002
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In you, of course.
I waited, silently, unmoving, until the guard had passed by me again. I raised my hand and brought it down hard. The fool had not been wearing a helm, and so he went down easily. I caught his unconcious body and guided it down, making sure it made no noise. I looked around and saw a small door ajar. I opened it wider... it was a small closet. I hoisted up the sleeping guard and carried his body over to the closet and shut him in, sealing it with a lock spell. I stalked onwards.

A few minutes later, I came upon a guard. This corridor was going to be a bit harder to knock this man out, seeing as he was with a few companions. I looked around, hoping for something to present an opportunity... and then I noticed that a nearby door was opening. Someone dressed very differently from the guards stepped out... from the looks of this new man, he wasn't a guard, but he wasn't the wizard either. One of the guards noticed him and struck up a conversation.

Guard: "Ello there, Amanga."

Amanga: "Hello Brutanis... doing the patrols again, I see."

Brutanis: "You know it... the way your master's paying us, would we be laying off?"

Amanga: *Laughs* "No, of course not. Master Tridunt is very paranoid about his security and such... in fact, he had sent me to check on you."

Brutanis: "Heh... what can you expect from a half-senile wizened old man, even if he was once a great Mage?"

The two bantered on... I noticed that Amanga, the apprentice, still hadn't closed the door. Hoping that none of those in the hallway had a spell of seeing, I snuck past them, behind Amanga, and through the doorway. Along the way Aman ga had made a remark.

Amanga: "Hmm... do you smell that? Reminds me of the Moondark Forests."

Brutanis: "The Drow woods? You were ther?"

Amanga: "Yes. Went with Master Tridunt on some collection job... we needed more supplies."

I continued on, hoping that the smell of the Moondark wouldn't give me away. I went further on in. Inside, I waited for Amanga to close the door. When he finally did, I got to work. I looked around. A storage room. Gold, magical items, weapons... it had it all. I fell to my greed, I wouldn't be able to leave... I took gold, as much gold as I could carry. I looked around and saw something very curious... an onyx figurine of... a panther. I was curious, and took it. On the base of the figurine were some engraved words. They seemed to be Drow. I held onto the figurine, hoping that this was something good. I looked around, grabbed a few rings and amulets. I took a longsword along as well, just in case. I looked around. No window exit. I'd have to leave the same way I came in.

OOC: If there aren't Drow or places called the Moondark Forest, tell me and I'll edit.


Nov 23, 2003
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Russia, Moscow
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[glow=red]OOC: Don't worry its all there, its good to make new locations, and as i said all races allowed.[/glow]


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