I need some good quotes


Premium Member
Jan 23, 2003
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I need good witty stupid quotes. Something, that was just spurted out of somebodys mouth, which was really funny. BTW, I'm makin sigs so thats what I need it for. (I'll put who I got the quote from in my sig...)


BattleForums Senior Member
Nov 30, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers..
you know what made me laugh? what Tacitus posted.

"Men who pee in the wind take golden shower, so don't."

I fell off my chair after reading that one :crackin

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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"The emotions of those who were thought to be beautiful are always full of sorrow, and honored tradition always disappears in the cry of the weak. Winners of the battle will eventually decline in power and become losers and then those 'losers' will cultivate a new leader." - Treize

"I don't kill bleeding hearts or women." - Wufei

"I pity those soldiers who were killed in battle because of a miscalculation." - Noin

"There's no reason to destroy a good Gundam. I'll just use it as my backup supply." - Duo

"Why did I rescue this guy in the first place? He's anti-social, thinks he's evil kienival, and hardly speaks. You've got such a gloomy personality, why don't you stop pretending to be human." - Duo

"Well, excuse me for being a mere mortal!" - Duo

"You haven't even got the parts! The best engineers in the world couldn't fix a machine without the parts. You know, you need parts to fix a machine, not like you with your leg." - Duo

"Fighting a weak enemy leaves me feeling so empty afterward." - Wufei

"Life is cheap, especially mine." - Heero

"I may run and hide, but I never tell a lie! That's me in a nutshell." - Duo

"The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions." - Heero

"This is battle 001. Pilot's name: Trowa. For the record." - Trowa

"There is nothing more precious than life in this universe. Sandrock made that clear to me." - Quatre

"Revenge won't accomplish anything. Hatred will only bring more hatred." - Relena

"I have no name... but if you must call me something... call me Trowa, Trowa Barton." - Trowa

"You shouldn't be getting your hopes up too high, I'm not really the most devoted guy around." -Duo

"Strategically speaking, when annihilating a small number of enemies, the best plan is to cut off their retreat path and shower it with bullets." - Trowa

"Rather than a suit for battle, you could say its a suit for dueling. It takes a brave pilot to bring out its true potential...brave enough to risk death over victory." - Zechs

"Than I'll give you just one piece of advice: dying hurts like hell." - Heero

"Roses just don't look good on me either. I'd look better soaked in the blood of OZ!" - Relena

"I will correct the mistakes brought on by your weakness." - Trowa

"It is the stronger who create the weaker!" - Zechs

"Those that stand before me with the desire to fight me: those are my enemies." - Heero

"Mr. Treize fell in love with people, and he fell in love with the battle. Something about the battle excites peoples emotions, the emotions that conflict gives, denying or affirming battles. High emotions lead to extreme choices; the very act of being in battle is the demeanor of a true soldier." - Lady Une

"You're afraid to die, aren't you guys? In that case, you shouldn't be fighting at all!" - Quatre

"I know too much about you. You still gonna kill me?" - Relena

"I didn't want to die with no answers. But its different now. Now I know how you feel when you fight. And that's because, I'm on your side now." - Relena

"What am I doing? I'd be better off if she died, wouldn't I?" - Heero

"The colony doesn't need things like these at all. What the colony really needs, is a war!" - Quatre

"Assumptions lead to mistakes." - Heero

"They keep fighting. The youngsters responsible for changing the times." - Lady Une

"With a fancy gun that has long forgotten the meaning of battle, I'd feel no emotion, even if I were to shoot an enemy right through the heart. Its not that a pure person has no direction, its that their mind is free." - Treize

"You fool! If it really is a Gundam, it wouldn't be this easy." - unnamed soldier

"I really don't think anyone can stop the future: not even Mr. Treize. What I can do, though, is to try to direct the future toward Mr. Treize's ideals. I can sacrifice my life for that purpose. I will fight and try to win. For Mr. Treize's future, and also for my own future, yes." - Lady Une

"The times have entrusted the pilots with destiny itself." - Treize

"Those that fight have a sense of satisfaction, and those in actual combat are not perceived as being tainted. A life is too precious to be replaceable. Its because one faces an enemy and risks their own precious life, that amid all the sorrow, a warriors soul will shine with nobility." - Treize

"As long as mankind exists in this world, there will always be battles, and denouncing them will never lead to peace. It's natural for this world to continue fighting." - Treize

"Zechs, without you, Oz ends up allowing worthless actions, by worthless people." - Treize

"Just see for yourself how dirty and foul battles really are!" - Zechs

"Who would've guessed gundams had this much power?" - Lady Une

"Just watch me: I'll become the God of Death once again! But right now, I need some sleep." - Duo

"If everything has gone crazy, then I'll believe in myself and keep fighting." - Heero

"I've been lost ever since the day I was born." - Heero

"The road I'm taking is the right choice" - Wufei

"If your telling me I'm wrong, then use all the power you've got and try and stop me!" - Wufei

"I'll keep on fighting alone until the day I die!" - Wufei

"Anyone who sees me has a date with his maker!" - Duo

"Attention all units, destroy Libra now." - Treize

"My destiny is smeared with blood and I won't be talked out of this transgression, I'm going to finish this Heero." - Milliardo

"If you're joking, that's cruel; but if your being sarcastic, that's even worse." - Duo

"I find that I cannot quietly sleep in my grave, while Treize's spirit is still roaming among us." - Milliardo

"I've been on the battlefield ever since I can remember." - Trowa

"I've come to ask for a codename. If I may suggest, I'd like the name Wind; appropriate for one who puts out fires." - Zechs

"I'm told that there is an adult world that children do not understand, so I can't begin to explain why I have come to live in this world. But accepting the facts as they are, I fully intend to carry out my fathers wishes." - Mariemeia

"As of today, you're started on the road to glory. The awakening of a new humanity will be triggered by the soldiers of Mariemeia, and we shall be the symbol of hope for the people." - Dekim

"There's nothing wrong with wishing for peace, but the question is, is humanity ready for it?" - Dekim

"Here at Colony X18999, we wish to declare our independence from the United Earth Sphere Nations. And at the same time declare war against the nations..." - Mariemeia

"I need to decide for myself whether peace at the expense of lives can truly be defined as peace. And I will become evil itself to find out!" - Wufei

"I will, never kill anyone ever again. I, I don't have to anymore." - Heero

"Names are things other people give ya. There's no point wasting our time worrying. What's important is that we have a place we can call home. Right?" - Duo

"I need to determine for myself whether or not peace at the expense of lives can really be defined as peace. AND I WILL BECOME EVIL ITSELF TO FIND OUT!" - Wufei

"How many more people must I kill... how many times must I kill that girl and her dog?" - Heero

"Anything at all for the one you love..." - Duo

"Heero, Duo, why don't you team up with us one more time?" - Noin

"Hit me, now." - Heero

"History is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever. However, history will change upon the day of my coronation. The instant this year comes to an end, I will be on the top of the Earth Sphere and the dawn of a new age will arrive. I will rule the world." - Mariemeia

"Your shelter is secure, is it?" - Heero
"Of course it is. See for yourself just how powerless you are!" - Mariemeia
"Roger that." - Heero

"I'm asking if you guys are doing the right thing!" - Wufei

"If we'd planned on retreating, we'd've been gone." - Duo

"I'd much rather be the God of Death than the hero of a massacre." - Duo

"Stop it! Don't you realize Relena Peacecraft is in here?!" - Dekim

"Battles like these are not decided by the soldiers. Thanks to these people, I can finally give up fighting. This, Treize, is my goodbye." - Wufei

"While his excellency fought losing battles, he loved people who weren't afraid to keep their stance and fight. That is why the people are so able to accept the gundams. It is not the victor that moves the heart of the people." - Lady Une

"So that's why you don't need warriors? You're just going to disregard the soldiers who lived only to fight?" - Wufei

"If you leave him alone, Quatre always takes the blame himself for everything. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he starts saying that his 'Lack of Effort' is the reason there's no air in outer-space." - Duo

"Wufei, tell me... How many more people must we destroy? How many more times must I lose that girl and her dog? Zero will not tell me anything, tell me Wufei." - Heero

"Hey, I know this. I know this style of combat. No Question now. Trowa's in that suit." - Duo

"Operation meteor. That's what they called the gundams that where sent to earth. But it was initially something completely different. The rotation of a colony is increased, and the balancing mechanism is destroyed at the Lagrange point, throwing the colony towards earth. As this causes chaos on earth, the gundams are sent to gain mastery. That's the general outline of the original operation meteor." -

Yea i know i have no life :D

Wing Zero

lol just as planned
Oct 27, 2002
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"My name is Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser the Third - Don't hesitate to call." - Vash

"Thou shalt not kill, remember? What in the hell kind of church man are you?" - Vash

"What would you do if I was Vash the Stampede?" - Vash
"Well, then I'd have it put you under arrest." - Maryanne

"And to think, I could kill every man, woman, and child here if I wanted to. The power of death is intoxicating." - Legato

"Don't be hasty, now. I intend to obliterate every last trace of mankind eventually... so why must you rush the inevitable?" - Legato

"Why do you think I killed only half of you? This way, you can see to the bodies of your friends. I'm doing this to teach you the pain of living." - Legato

"Every morning, I meditate about peace and love... for about three seconds." - Vash

"This world's ending is near, I suggest you use your time wisely." - Legato

"We're not God. Not only are our powers limited, we sometimes are driven to become the devil himself." - Wolfwood

"Now is that any way for a grown man to behave in front of innocent children?" - Knives

"First, you cry your eyes out like an abandoned baby, then you run around jumping off cliffs! What the hell's the matter with you?" - Wolfwood

"May I have another fork?" - Legato

"I've always had my suspicions you were no mere mortal, but I never imagined you were actually... A cat... Wait! What the hell am I saying?! Where is that idiot?!" - Wolfwood

"Every moment hesitated is a moment gone from life." - Chapel the Evergreen

"Even at such an impossible situation, he kept saying that no one had to die. How can he believe that?" - Wolfwood

"When this is over and I'm dead, don't ever shoot anyone again." - Vash

"No one has the right to take the life of another." - Rem

"I have a second stomach just for cake and ice cream." - Milly

"Dangerous toys are fun, but ya could get hurt!" - Vash

"It's heavy." - Vash
"That's because it's so full of mercy." - Milly

"Death and poverty like me so much that they brought friends." - Vash

"MEEOOOWWW!" (*attacks Wolfwoods' hand*) - Kuroneko (Black Cat)
"Don't you just love all of Gods' little creatures." - Wolfwood

"Repeat after me. What's this world made of?" - Vash
"What's... this... world... made... of?" - Sheriff Stan
"What's this world made of?" - Sheriff Stan
"This world is made of Love & Peace!" - Vash

goko ms

Jan 26, 2003
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NoWhere, Kansas, [No Joke]
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you have found the person thatn is full of great stupid quotes.!

duct tape


Aug 1, 2003
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best skuzzy one is

"What is a "Knowledge"? I r confused" or something someone restricted mods from archives again...