[GLOW=seagreen]General reply:[/GLOW] LOL and thanks, all!
[GLOW=royalblue]More specific replys:[/GLOW]
To all that said welcome, thanks that's nice of you.
To Pan: Well thats ok I hope to become one
To x46: I've seen you post smart, informative replies a lot. I like you

! Also, how do you shade your text like that? there aren't enough colors to do it manually...
To TwEaK: Do you really think i'd do that? i read the small print, u know. But thanks for saying welcome
To ReiGn: Your not god, your not even a moderator:crackin ! But thanks for saying welcome (Am I getting repetitive or what?)
P.S. if u try to go to my homepage and get an error, it's because your browser sucks:crackin ! lol jk it's because i haven't even got around to registering my domain name yet! :hbut
I'm surprised so many people answered!
I'm using a whole lot of glow vB tags, why arent they working? plz tell me if u see anything...
PLAIN RED COLOR TEST I am using a normal color tag for that one. to get the glow (like The_Matrix_Reloaded uses so much) I am putting in: {GLOW=(a color)} blahblahblah {/glow} except with ]'s and ['s instead of }'s and {'s
~completley unrelated edit~
Hey tweak, hgow do you fit into a garbage can with your computer and all?