I need help with the recall trigger... Here it is... I want to say... Make the recall AI always follow any observer thats on my map... Can anyone help me and tell me how to do this???
Well, if theres only one obs, just create a location, set it to center itself on the obs, then, use the ai script thing to recall at that loc
if many, just repeat the process, but then, then, depending how the recall trigger works, never used it so not familiar with it, but guessing its like bunkers, might not be able to do with many obs,
create a location and put always for current player then put move location on observer for currentplayer preser trigger
that will solve the trigger that is constently on the observer now you need to always cast recall not really sure how but yer do this n if u want it fast casting so its like constently castiing really really fast put in a boost trigger just go
wait 1 milisecond
and copy this a hell of a lot of time then click presser trigger ok hope i helped ya ; )
Trigger 1:
Condition: Always
Action: Move location labeled "Red" on Observer owned by player 1 at anywhere
Preserve Trigger
Trigger 2:
Condition: Always
"Run ai script"Cast recall at location red
Preserve trigger.
If you want fast recall just do
"Run ai script"Cast recall at location red
Wait 200 miliseconds (Optional)
"Run ai script"Cast recall at location red
Wait 200 miliseconds (Optional)
"Run ai script"Cast recall at location red
and so on as much as you want.
Don't forget that you need to have arbiters to do this, you have to enable the Techonogy "Recall" and you have to set recall to cost no energy.
If you need that even more detailed try to contact me. Romanian.@Uswest
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