Hi guys! 
Well.... i play in a server pirate, and in last monday when i play with my zon the server drop, when the server returns i enter whti my zon in chat and try to enter/or join in a game and i recivied this message: Unable to enter,bad header.
How this can happen?(i dont use any cheats/hacks) and is CLOSED, the adim of server say to me he cant do nothing.
This is the price of legit?! damit i play legit for a month to get all my stuff and lost A L L
now i try to hack and create a new player in the server but no one hack works
if someno plz tell me a module for hackit 0.45 and plz NEED,REALLY WORKS!
sorry for my english
thx for the attention
ps.: in the server i see 2 dupers so its possiblo dupe but how?
plz tell me
Well.... i play in a server pirate, and in last monday when i play with my zon the server drop, when the server returns i enter whti my zon in chat and try to enter/or join in a game and i recivied this message: Unable to enter,bad header.
How this can happen?(i dont use any cheats/hacks) and is CLOSED, the adim of server say to me he cant do nothing.
This is the price of legit?! damit i play legit for a month to get all my stuff and lost A L L
now i try to hack and create a new player in the server but no one hack works
if someno plz tell me a module for hackit 0.45 and plz NEED,REALLY WORKS!
sorry for my english
thx for the attention
ps.: in the server i see 2 dupers so its possiblo dupe but how?
plz tell me