Ok first i double posted because i poseted the other yesterday(to get the thread in the list when u guys can see them).
and i mean the bugg that snarg posted like 5 weeks ago, u know when i kill a boss the first time u get better stuff. and the bugg did so it always dropped like it was the first time.
how to do this, u created a game whid a charakter that have made that quest(kill mephisto or baal) quest, then u whoud join whid the other charakter that u dont have done that quest whid. then u kill the boss, and u won't get the quest because other guy created the game that already have done that quest. so when u did this agian u don't have done the quest and it would count like it was the first time u killed him next time 2 (because u don't have done the quest).
U get me now? if not tell me whid part i should explane more. and i don't have a word in english so i can spell cheack my post, and english is't my home speek.