Hey im going to be adding stuff for download on kazaa like brute force and pinda bot all that good stuff.... Diablo 2 files will be the ONLY stuff I share so you will probably have a fast download. My computer is almost up 24/7 and look for the name Nagol - than the file name that is how I will be putting them up. If one of the mods could make this sticky that would be great so than people dont have to keep asking. NONE OF THESE WILL CONTAIN VIRUSES/TROJANS! The mods can test first if you want or somthing the only way they could have them is if they came with one. And I got a couple from the mods so i hope not
Anyways the only time it will go down is if computer is shut down, I approach transfer limit, or it just gets shut down. It will be up ALOT though they are not up yet but will be in a couple minutes I will update if anyother files are put on.