Retired Staff
First off, if you got a problem w/ drugs or with me or with anythign about this thread, im sorry...but dont flame me...unless u want to
, but my feeligns will be hurt.
first off if you know anything about drugs (tweak to be percise) youll understand the point of this thread (thats right im bored): ive been tweaking all night + i had 4 cups of coffe between 5:30 am and 7am, thats why this post may be long and confusing (sry if it is, im writing this from scratch, just off the top of my head)
I have had no sleep tonight...er...last night...blah its 7:28 am Saturday 07....i started tweakin at around 10, so ya.
ne ways:
A. what drugs do you do?
B. what drugs have you done?
C. what do you do to pass time after each of the following: weed. extacy. tweak. acid. coke.
D. Have you ever been bored and awake and decided to post a useless thread in the asylum?
E. whats ur favorite music(band) to listen to while your doing whatever drug u do?
my answers:
A. pot / x / tweak / perscription pills (bars, vicaden, codo, somas, etc. etc, but NOT adderal or zoloft)
B. pot / havnt done x in about a month / pills / acid / tweak / all prescription/non perscription pills
C. weed: fall asleep eventually |Extacy: go to mall / party / somewhere with neat lights |Tweak: any small pointless thing to pass time | acid: i dont even remember lol (havnt done it in a long time) | coke: dont remember cause ive only done it 2 times.
D. obviously
E. right now im listening to Hed(P.E)...they sound -really- good right now...not sure if thats because im tweaking or not but *shrugs* they are great to listen to at the moment.
once again, i appologize for making this thread because i know some people (if not most) are going to hate me and probably yell at me for it, but i really dont care at the moment.
first off if you know anything about drugs (tweak to be percise) youll understand the point of this thread (thats right im bored): ive been tweaking all night + i had 4 cups of coffe between 5:30 am and 7am, thats why this post may be long and confusing (sry if it is, im writing this from scratch, just off the top of my head)
I have had no sleep tonight...er...last night...blah its 7:28 am Saturday 07....i started tweakin at around 10, so ya.
ne ways:
A. what drugs do you do?
B. what drugs have you done?
C. what do you do to pass time after each of the following: weed. extacy. tweak. acid. coke.
D. Have you ever been bored and awake and decided to post a useless thread in the asylum?
E. whats ur favorite music(band) to listen to while your doing whatever drug u do?
my answers:
A. pot / x / tweak / perscription pills (bars, vicaden, codo, somas, etc. etc, but NOT adderal or zoloft)
B. pot / havnt done x in about a month / pills / acid / tweak / all prescription/non perscription pills
C. weed: fall asleep eventually |Extacy: go to mall / party / somewhere with neat lights |Tweak: any small pointless thing to pass time | acid: i dont even remember lol (havnt done it in a long time) | coke: dont remember cause ive only done it 2 times.
D. obviously
E. right now im listening to Hed(P.E)...they sound -really- good right now...not sure if thats because im tweaking or not but *shrugs* they are great to listen to at the moment.
once again, i appologize for making this thread because i know some people (if not most) are going to hate me and probably yell at me for it, but i really dont care at the moment.