uhh... well if you create a region and call it "TP Spot" or something like that and have it center on the position of the unit that uses the scroll then it should work. Just add this to the top of tassadar920's trigger in the action spot then it would help. (centering the region would only move the region to the spot, not follow the guy around, if ya didn't know)
Actually the trigger might be better like this.
-------generic unit event - a unit uses an item
-------item type comparrison - item is equal to *scroll of TP*
-------center regoin - move region to position of triggering unit
-------Actions - Create a special effect at position of hero using item
-------trigger - turn on trigger TP to town
-------trigger - turn on trigger town to TP
trigger TP to town could be
-------time - periodic event - every .1 seconds
-------Unit - pick every unit in TP spot
-----------unit - point with offset - move picked unit to center of *town to TP region* offset by (###,###)
after that you would have to make a return trigger similar to the above trigger but it would have to have as an action after the "pick every unit" part that goes.
-------picked unit is equal to triggering unit
-------turn off thistrigger
-------turn off "TP to town"
yep, im pretty sure this should work but i haven't tested it. If it doesn't then i will test it and find out what i did wrong

for the position offset, if you want them to appear to the right of the "town to TP" region then set the x offset to about 300 if you want them on the left put -300
good luck man