Advice on Pickups for JED


Sep 14, 2002
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Modesto, CA
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When your inventory fills up and somthing godly drops pickit will just not pick it up. for this reason you need to consider very carefully what you allow pickit to pick up.

i would suggest that you not pick up grand charms or large charms. for they will fill your inventory in a matter of a couple hours sometimes. and if this happens while your asleep at night and then a wf drops. you are SOL.

also i would suggest you not pick up rare rings/amulets. i know that these could easily be godly but ive found pindle tends to drop rares alot. and which would you rather have. rare rings/ammy's or a wf or a grandfather?

try to keep pickit to only pick up things worth a minimum of 1soj. for things under an soj you can easily trade for if you want it.

also keep your inventory as empty as possible. if you can kill pindle without those poisen charms or those +skill grand charms then do it. also leave your cube/TP tomb/ID tomb/keys in your stash as well. they wont be needed on automated pindle runs.

try to get yourself and your merc to max lightning resist. and make your pindle script kill pindle even when he's lightning enchanted. at first i had my script "auto chicken" whenever he was LE. but then i realized that he is LE about 40% of the time. well thats alot of runs missed. an UM'd SS helps out alot with this. also the 35% dmg reduced help against the dmg you take when pindles minions revive.

and dont get discouraged. i got nothing but crap for 2 days straight. over 1000 runs. and then the other day schaefers hammer dropped. its all luck. when it comes down to it, if you have 100mf or 1000mf, the chances of somthing good dropping is still under a tenth of 1%. although id recommend having at least 300%mf. their is no point where mf starts to hurt you in any way, but the increasing chance for uniques to drop after 300 does start to deminish rapidly. theirs only like 100%mf difference for uniques to drop between 400% and 1000%.


Aug 2, 2002
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i do i do but im only allowed 3 stickys, even now im over the limit with JED and the other one...