About that bot in ots

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Sheer Terror

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Aug 29, 2002
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it is pissing me off . and it is violating the bnet agreement
and how valid is this vbulleting license ?
i took the libery to contact those people to see stuff in here is all payed for ..
geez i am an asshole am i not ?? yes i just don't hate spamming bots ..
and if this license is vallid .. i am still gonna make sure that drokking bot is gonna stop it spamming

<FROM: lexigirl> hey hun. You there? Check out BattleForums.com. My name there is sugarsky. I've be chatting there lately so I havent been on bnet much, it's pretty cool :)
<FROM: lexigirl> hey hun, I gotta go, i'll be on later... check out that site I gave you, www.BattleForums.com i'm usually chatting over there (if im not on bnet) ... bye :)

are you all so ****ing lame in here that you need to pull off that kinda SHIT to get some visitors ???

you are all very very very very sad people (the staff in here)

ayways it gonna be mega fun with you ppl around here .
i am so sick of that bot roaming on bnet .. that even if you paid vb money for this forum i will hunt down that bot for violating the bnet agreement
and i will read every post in here to see if i can just report you to blizzard when this website violates any blizzard rules .

i just hate spammers
and you spammed in the wrong forum

and i am the biggest ****ing dumb**** to walk the earth

Sheer Terror

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Aug 29, 2002
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ps i got no life so i have tons of time hehehe
*sings yes i am an @sshole!"

lexigirl comments ooh i am just a dumb blonde

gimme a break

now if this forum would be a contribution to the blizzard community
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